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Further clarification and reasoning:

But probably one of the biggest things was the secret ff6 invite only project. Massive bullshit and total bad form at the highest level in the community. That was probably one of the breaking points. While ill still do musical things from time to time as i have time/motivation, it wont be for ocr.

:cry: I was pretty outraged about that too. *shrug*

But knowing your reasons for going gives some credibility to your words so I guess I will formally say farewell, dear Frog of the Neko variety. I hope the path you take is one of success and good health etc. Adios :sleepdepriv:

Further clarification and reasoning:


Not to mention getting older and more fed up with the retarded "nerd" scene


It only really gets that retarded when the "nerd" scene takes itself as seriously as it has been as of late.

Really going to miss your stuff. I've been listening to OC Remixes for over ten years now, and I've enjoyed your stuff for almost that long. Best of luck to you in the future.

But probably one of the biggest things was the secret ff6 invite only project. Massive bullshit and total bad form at the highest level in the community. That was probably one of the breaking points. While ill still do musical things from time to time as i have time/motivation, it wont be for ocr.

Well, the FF7 project was also run the same way, plus an open call later, and turned out great. If you get value from being on sekretprojedtz, but butthurt if you're not on it, that's alright. But don't whine like your Zangief against my T. Hawk. :lol: Project directors should be able to develop something behind the scenes if they want.

Looking forward to your future muzak though, as you'll be making some anyway. Don't whine again if you're not on the seekritz Dudebro 3: Revenge of the Revenge soundtrack either. :lol:


If you've got a problem with a so called "Nerd scene" and you aren't even comfortable admitting to what you like ,and don't give a fuck what it's labeled. Then good riddance.

(it's one thing to be upset, or disgruntled about something you disagree with , but this is another whole story)

We need less people like you around. Honestly, i'm glad really. I can't stand people like you. And there are relatively few people who irk me enough to dislike them.

Paying tribute to something we love in a way everyone can be proud of is serious business.(Though that doesn't mean we can't have fun while doing it or anything else related to it)

Video Game Music ;so called "Nerd music"; is 90% (other 5% being John Williams, and the other 5% Various bands I heard growing up)of the reason why I became interested in music like I am today. And it means a lot to me. Without it, I have no idea who I would be right now.

So , see ya!


PS. I'm probably completely mis-understanding this whole thread. Some stuff seems like /Troll.

PS. I'm probably completely mis-understanding this whole thread. Some stuff seems like /Troll.

You are.

A lot of the guys here are friends of neko, and he was an awesome musician. I don't really care why he's leaving, I'm just kinda sad that he is.

You are.

A lot of the guys here are friends of neko, and he was an awesome musician. I don't really care why he's leaving, I'm just kinda sad that he is.


But in the end, it's probably for the best. Everyone needs time to think about stuff, and I'm sure that leaving is probably the best thing for Neko right now; should give him a lot more time to focus on more important things.

Okay, maybe not that much more time, but eh.

Further clarification and reasoning:

Life situations and other things have occupied so much of my time that my ability to sit down and do anything music related has impacted this decision. Not to mention getting older and more fed up with the retarded "nerd" scene

But probably one of the biggest things was the secret ff6 invite only project. Massive bullshit and total bad form at the highest level in the community. That was probably one of the breaking points. While ill still do musical things from time to time as i have time/motivation, it wont be for ocr.

i love how he's leaving but he keeps coming back. i also like how he's getting more mature and therefore has to leave ocr behind. butthurt much?

for laughs, i read this out loud with a snooty british accent and it's absolutely perfect. so classy.

i love how he's leaving but he keeps coming back. i also like how he's getting more mature and therefore has to leave ocr behind. butthurt much?

I was waiting for someone to say it. I was afraid to say it myself and risk taking shit for being an aspie like he used to give me, but this is a better segue.

I wanted to issue a more good-natured farewell myself, but this whole thing screams of bad-attitude and butthurt. How much of a prima donna do you have to be to pretend you're Larry Oji-important to the site and announce you're leaving/retiring and then come back with a bunch of attitude like that when most people are wishing you well on your way out? And then still not leave?

See ya later Justin. May your days be filled with aspies, Penelope Pitstop, Danish auto parts, hugs from foreigners and the loudest remixes in the history of OCR. Goodnight you Princes of Egypt... you merry men of Scotland... you white Black Dynamite...


at the risk of minimodding, the guy made his announcement, he's leaving, let him leave.

this thread really doesn't need to keep dragging on, and its obnoxious to have this be front page every time i show up to the site so some dude who doesn't want to be here can continue to rub it in everyone's face how 'over it' he is. it's some junior year, high school girl bullshit and whatever goodwill was being attempted in this thread is officially feeding the flames at this point.

i like enjoying OCR and this thread is actively keeping me from doing so. make it stop please.


Don't take it too seriously, Derr. :lol: Most of the sarcastic or trolling goodbyes are from folks just busting his chops, because it's just Nekofrog, a fellow busterchopbusterchopchop.

As far as anyone legit annoyed at Neko's comment about the "nerd scene" or "geek poop" or "loser farm" or whatever, it's just our homey trying to keep his NeoGAF cred (very important) before droppin' the mic.

Key Takeaways

1) He'll be back.

2) At least it's not Unmod Nekofrog.

3) He'll be back.

So (seriously), no hate, we'll see you around, and whatever rare music you put out, we'll keep an eye out for it, because it'll probably be pretty badass.

And yeah, the name of the topic looks pretty dumb with no capitalization or punctuation, so I'm also sick of seeing it on the front page, and it's run its course. We hardly knew ye.

im retiring thread bye :lol:

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