Bahamut Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 Click the link and if you haven't already, hit that 'Like' button and spread the word! You know you wanna!
DrewGourley Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 Oh it's all in good fun, plus OCR's Facebook page is the rare case that it is actually useful to listen in on the feed. The more people get involved with it the greater the community benefits.
omnipotentBagel Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 Man, I bet this thing is gonna get to, like, 26,900-something quick, then sit there for days.
Bahamut Posted March 12, 2012 Author Posted March 12, 2012 That would be quite a tease - but it's all up to everyone if they want to see it!
TheNESimplicity Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 I would like this... if I liked facebook.
WillRock Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 not liking facebook or megaman is the same as not liking air or breathing. GET OUT FOOLS.
Bahamut Posted March 13, 2012 Author Posted March 13, 2012 In other news, WillRock wants some likes:
FenixDown Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 I just posted a link to the OCR Sigma page on the 100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3's page on Facebook a few minutes ago. They are the largest collected group of Mega Man fans I can think of, aside from maybe posting on Capcom's wall as well. I wasn't the only person to post there, which is good, since it improves the chances more people will see the link. Hopefully that helps.
Brandon Strader Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 This is a bit off topic but is there a limit to the number of videos you can upload to Facebook? Might not hurt to start putting the vids on there too.
firedude750 Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 I just posted a link to the OCR Sigma page on the 100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3's page on Facebook a few minutes ago. They are the largest collected group of Mega Man fans I can think of, aside from maybe posting on Capcom's wall as well. I wasn't the only person to post there, which is good, since it improves the chances more people will see the link. Hopefully that helps. Yeah that was me actually lol. You recommended it earlier so I did it but yeah! Tell everyone! I even emailed The Mega Man Network and asked if they could post it on their site to draw attention. wewt gingrich up in heer
Brandon Strader Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 I never use reddit but i've heard it can be useful for this kind of thing
DarkeSword Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 The remixes are posted to youtube, there's probably a more direct way to get fans on Youtube than going through facebook Youtube's a pretty powerful and easy to use tool Facebook is really just a glorified funnel, half the time I don't even see the OCR updates on my feed unless nothing else is going on.. I usually see it because friends like and comment on it rather than actually just seeing the original post. Facebook works for us. We get a lot of eyes on our stuff through Facebook. The more people that like our page, the more we can promote everyone's hard work.
Frederic Petitpas Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 The remixes are posted to youtube What about the album tunes?
agentgerbil Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 i'm prolly gonna get banned over there for this but every like counts at this point i guess
WillRock Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 In other news, WillRock wants some likes: <3 u baha My stance on this is that its a good idea, but execution is poor. Facebook is a powerful tool, but 3000 likes before release is too much imo. I'd have drawn the line at 25000 likes overall myself. I just feel like this is going to unnecessarily push back release by quite a margin, maybe 2-3 weeks perhaps. Still, I haven't seen how many people are liking the page since it went up, I hear its more than usual, but i'd say its the same sort of idea as a youtube video... at first you'll get alot of likes, but then they'll slow down... to a crawl. Not optimistic about you guys hitting the 27000 before too long, but good luck regardless.
agentgerbil Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 yeah i tried spreading the word around... still haven't broke 25k yet... though it looks like it went up a couple hundred in the past day. so going by that... we should get the album by the end of march or early april at best i'm thinking.
KyleJCrb Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 For folks who think their posts are getting deleted, they aren't. They have been consolidated over in another, single thread. If you wish to continue discussing the supposed negative aspects of a Facebook Like campaign, please do it over there.
Korak the Mad Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Finally reached 25,000 likes. Just 2,000 more to go.
DrewGourley Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 That recent blast of 300 or so likes happened REALLY QUICKLY. I had originally thought 27000 may have been a little lofty, but I have an immense respect for Liontamer because he runs the social media like he knows his shit, so I didn't say anything. It is becoming evident that Larry's vision for this sort of thing is spot on - It'll be there sooner than you thought guys! GET EXCITED!
Brandon Strader Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 If Notch tweeted it, OCR would hit 30k in about 10 minutes. The Capcom push was good. But another push of that nature will be needed!
Draconiator Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 I reposted it to a Mega Man facebook community with 91k likes.
Brandon Strader Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 It occurred to me that I had been updating this in a thread that was moved to site issues & feedback. I think it's more fitting to have here... 3/12 11:10pm - 24,365 3/13 12:35am - 24,407 - 42 increase 3/13 8:47am - 24,595 - 188 increase 3/13 9:32am - 24,614 - 19 increase 3/13 11:08am - 24,654 - 40 increase 3/13 12:08am - 24,680 - 26 increase 3/13 1:20pm - 24,785 - 108 increase (thanks mixpost! 3/13 1:54pm - 24,978 - 193 increase (thanks Capcom!) 3/13 2:35pm - 25,090 - 112 increase 3/13 3:35pm - 25,195 - 105 increase 3/13 5:02pm - 25,307 - 112 increase (slowing down) 3/13 7:23pm - 25,529 - 222 increase 3/14 9:04am - 26,137 - 608 increase
Knightofthecolossus Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Well I have a suggestion to help the goal and all. Could make a short video on youtube or something with the Sigma message. Could use Powerpoint or something to have a MMX Sigma message mockup with the original Sigma 4 song and have an annotation with a link to the FB page and I think then the goal would be reached a little faster. Or atleast a message about it on the Youtube page. Since people like me tend to get our site updates from YT, I think it'd help alot
Bahamut Posted March 13, 2012 Author Posted March 13, 2012 We have more ideas up our sleeves! Help keep the likes coming!
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