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I will not be here for the beginning of the week

But I assure my entry will not come in meek

My anger and passion will prove triumphant, I'm sure

I don't think I can do this rhyme thing anymore.


MUCH EXCITE to get this thing going. I feel like everyone's excitement is going to make for some awesome remixes.

so I just checked the dates... and... I get to start tomorrow?? and the robotnik bracket starts on my birthday??? HOW CAN I BE MORE EXCITED


Coincidentally it so happens that my birthday is during Robotnik mixing too. Which means....


so I just checked the dates... and... I get to start tomorrow?? and the robotnik bracket starts on my birthday??? HOW CAN I BE MORE EXCITED


Funnily enough, the Sonic bracket starts on my birthday. :P

Cake everywhere. : D

This really is an exciting month. I can't wait for this to start.

funnily enough, the sonic bracket starts on my birthday. :P

cake everywhere. : D

this really is an exciting month. I can't wait for this to start.


seriously though happy early birthday and good luck to all!


Greetings everyone! It is almost time! You can expect the Sonic Bracket - Round 1 match-ups to be announced right around, if not shortly before, 12PM (Noon) Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) tomorrow (Saturday, May 5th). So if you're mixing make sure to keep an eye on the first post around that time!

All the submission rules and deadlines have been posted back in the first post for awhile now, so make sure to check those out if you haven't. The Social Group, which you'll need to join to vote (when the time comes), has also been setup too.

I know I can't wait to get started, and it sounds like everyone else can't either! :-)


THE TIME IS NOW!!! The time you’ve all been waiting for. Round 1 match-ups of the Sonic Bracket are now live! Check the bracket image in the first post to see who will face-off. Thus, mixing for Round 1 has now begun. Mixes will be due next Saturday, May 12th at 12pm (noon) EDT. Please read the first post for all the necessary information on submissions and file naming.

A note to ReMixers... the bracket image and the Roster Spreadsheet have each mixer’s full assigned Zone themes listed. If you are unsure of what source to use, please look at the spreadsheet, as it has all the correct source links. If you use the wrong source in your mix, you will be disqualified! Pay special attention to:

  • TheRexAsaurous has Casino Night (2-PLAYER)
  • Rexy has Emerald Hill (2-PLAYER)
  • Amphibious has Rusty Ruin (GENESIS)
  • AkumajoBelmont has Tidal Tempest (JP/EU soundtrack)
  • Mr. L has Quartz Quadrant (JP/EU soundtrack)

Now let’s get it on! Good luck and Godspeed lizards! :mrgreen:

EDIT: Match-ups were figured out using an online list randomizer.

EDIT EDIT: Darke's website appears to be restored. Re-uploaded bracket image there. Everything should be fine now.



SuperiorX, prepare yourself!

Seriously, best of luck to you, man, and it's an honor competing against you!

Edit: By the way, that bracket art is awesome! Great job on that!

Seriously, best of luck to you, man, and it's an honor competing against you!

Edit: By the way, that bracket art is awesome! Great job on that!

Thanks, you too! This'll be fun! As I was creating the bracket image, I was thinking our themes should complement each others quite well. Glad you like the bracket art, I think it turned out great, wait till you see it combined with the Robotnik bracket!

Phonetic Hero, prepare to become a Phonetic ZERO!

hahaha that is too funny...

If Dusk wants to send me on the road to twilight, so be it. I'm going to find the road to dawn. Good luck! x)

I am extremely excited for this match-up. You two have very different styles so it should be very interesting to see what each of you comes up with. Plus, it's the battle of the first two First Zones! :-)

And actually I'm extremely excited for all of these match-ups! Can't wait!

Phonetic Hero, prepare to become a Phonetic ZERO!

Lol PixelPanic who is this guy lol

Excellent attitude though, hit me with all you got! Shame you won't be around much longer to keep talking trash >:D

I usually wait till the last possible second to start, but I'm too damn excited

EDIT: and oh god I just listened to your theme, PP. This is gonna be a fun round

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