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I leave you guys to do what your doing when i hear via twitter that rexy has resigned from this compo, to be fair i did try sharing this compo to the sonic community but i never told them how to vote, just to enjoy them.

Thats what this competition is all about, making good musical tributes to a series many of us love. Personally rexy i would love a rematch between you and amphibious, your both great musicians.

Dont let this discourage you guys from doing what you do.

Love what your all doing

good luck to you all.


So I was away for a couple days and missed all of this drama... As SuperiorX stated, it's all about the music. I don't know how things got out of control...

But even if rivalry's develop throughout the competition it should all be in good fun - my favourite from Pixel Panic "Looks like you'll be turning into Phonetic ZERO!" haha.

This competition for me was honestly one of the best things that's happened to me musically - I've tried new techniques, learned a few things in the process, made more finished songs than I even have before in such a short amount of time, and above all, had FUN!!!

And about the voting, i agree that ballot stuffing or whatever you called it is wrong. I had friends and family asking about this comp saying "oh yeah where do I go so I can vote for you" and I was like "uhhh, I appreciate it, but that wouldn't be fair to my competitor. If you want to vote listen to both tracks and and see which one you actually like more, also you need to vote for everyone elses song in the bracket considering production quality, how well it's arrang....." and then they were like "oh ok too much work then nevermind."

Moving back to all those Radio Sega votes for Rexy, people shouldn't jump to conclusions - I'm sure Rexy would have let them know that if they are voting they have to follow the rules and consider both mixes, etc. etc.... It also sucks that it came to her resigning and I don't think she should have, but hey, live and learn I guess? Or something? (Rexy plz don't quit comps I like your music)

Uhhh yeah this is definitely in the TL:DR category - anyway just sharing some thoughts I guess.

So to end on a high note (or chord... C5, E5, G5), I want to say that this competition has been a freaking blast - my first experience in this compo listening to the first round of mixes I had a huge smile on my face it was all so awesome, and a big thanks goes to SuperiorX for hosting this ..... now, can we all just get back to enjoying teh musiks please? :)

<3 from Syllix


The only new compo rule should be that nobody is allowed to do anything while I'm sleeping.

Rexy, it's unfortunate that you lost by 1 vote. Don't be discouraged by it, as it was just ONE vote.

If Rexy needs to resign due to being played on RadioSEGA then I do too. I know for a fact they've played many of my entries, and even liked a couple of them enough to let me know. They played entries by a lot of people, it wasn't limited to Rexy.

Could it just be possible that there's finally a group of people out there, in the wild, who appreciates her music and wants to vote for it? I've heard of so-called "fans" before that are irrationally interested in someone's music.

The level of butthurt in these compo make them intolerable at times. And almost always ruins them.

The more disturbing thing is the flood of Amphibious votes at the end from people who probably thought Rexy was stuffing, she most-likely wasn't. The concept of voting for the better song is lost on some people. :tomatoface:


Ok without going into a bunch of details that would not be favorable for anyone involved, I'm just going to say that there was more going on than just these new forum accounts & Radio Sega voters. So that is why what happened, happened.

So everyone can stop with the conspiracy theories, because without knowledge of all the details, none of the conclusions will make sense. Discussing a bunch of "what-if's" will only exacerbate the situation. Trust me. So let's just please get on with the competition.


The more disturbing thing is the flood of Amphibious votes at the end from people who probably thought Rexy was stuffing, she most-likely wasn't. The concept of voting for the better song is lost on some people. :tomatoface:

I wasn't voting for Amphibious to punish Rexy. I much preferred Amphibious's entry. I wasn't paying very close attention to what was going on in the forums.

I wasn't voting for Amphibious to punish Rexy. I much preferred Amphibious's entry. I wasn't paying very close attention to what was going on in the forums.

Yeah, same here. I'll admit to some personal bias towards the slower, more relaxing type of music, so I will definitely be listening to Amphibious's entry much more often than Rexy's, but both were well done.

There still may have been some influence from some of the voters at the end when all of this stuff was going down, but it probably worked out for the best that it ended the way that it did. Could have gotten a lot messier.


I recorded with too much latency apparently so a lot of my recorded audio has little dropouts in it. I'm trying to go repair them all by hand, which will probably take forever. -_- One thing I've learned from this round, it's better to have a less noticeable lower pop than a high end digital click in an acoustic guitar solo. :-x

Now that I've mentioned it you're all suddenly aware that there are clicks throughout my song.


I wound up voting on Brandon for this one ...but Gario. Gario, let me talk to you a second, if i may.

It might be a little known fact (or perhaps not) that i'm somewhat of an Amy Rose fan and you have no idea how much i loved the direction you took that song. I just wish it could have been a little clearer. I want to hear this song given the full treatment, spend more time on it. More than a weeks work, i imagine this "Rose, Amy" tune sung by a good male vocalist to hit some fantastic notes, maybe even writing out a second verse to add a bit of variety to the vocals and flesh out more of the story of the song.

I truly loved the direction you took it in, i loved the lyrics ...i just wish you had a bit more time crafting it. It would have got my vote. In fact, even now i'm kinda in two minds about changing my vote ...hmm ...argh ...i know can't though, it wouldn't be fair.

But seriously, dude. Honestly. The idea you have for that song and the road you were taking it down is awesome. Please do more for it!


I want to brag on Brandon's song really quick because I absolutely love it.

Everything sounds clear and spread out at first, which is good for acoustic guitars. Sounds very pleasant to my ears.

When the vocals come in, the background singing kind of crowds thing out. But at this point I'm more focused on the absolutely beautiful guitar arp you have going on there.

Then the drums and bass come in, and I start to fall in love with this song. The contermelodies you wrote, the vocal melody, even the vocals them self are gorgeous. At 2:25 there's a little weird glitch going on there at least that what it sounds like to me. The wild west whistle coming in at 3:20 is good. Fits in well. Then the guitar and drum hits that come in after with the acoustic guitar solo hovering over the song is perfect.

All coming back to the concluding chorus.

I can't remember anything else though. It's not exactly professional sounding, but that's exactly why it's so good. The song just sounds real. It sounds.. natural. Beautiful : D. The use of good stereo panning and the right amount of reverb helps this out a lot. The clicking during the guitar solo in both ears especially sounds good. Like someones plucking at my ears. It's entrancing.

It sounds like at any moment the song could just go out of control (I feel like I'm quoting someone there). Maybe others won't feel the same way I do about the song, or be as fanatic as I am.

I've never really cared about production in terms of if it's studio quality and absolutely clear of mistakes - I just want it to sound good. And that's exactly what this does.

In fact, to be completely honest, this is one of the two or three songs I've voted on because of the production. Both arrangements were good this round.

I want to brag on Brandon's song really quick because I absolutely love it.

Everything sounds clear and spread out at first, which is good for acoustic guitars. Sounds very pleasant to my ears.

When the vocals come in, the background singing kind of crowds thing out. But at this point I'm more focused on the absolutely beautiful guitar arp you have going on there.

Then the drums and bass come in, and I start to fall in love with this song. The contermelodies you wrote, the vocal melody, even the vocals them self are gorgeous. At 2:25 there's a little weird glitch going on there at least that what it sounds like to me. The wild west whistle coming in at 3:20 is good. Fits in well. Then the guitar and drum hits that come in after with the acoustic guitar solo hovering over the song is perfect.

All coming back to the concluding chorus.

I can't remember anything else though. It's not exactly professional sounding, but that's exactly why it's so good. The song just sounds real. It sounds.. natural. Beautiful : D. The use of good stereo panning and the right amount of reverb helps this out a lot. The clicking during the guitar solo in both ears especially sounds good. Like someones plucking at my ears. It's entrancing.

It sounds like at any moment the song could just go out of control (I feel like I'm quoting someone there). Maybe others won't feel the same way I do about the song, or be as fanatic as I am.

I've never really cared about production in terms of if it's studio quality and absolutely clear of mistakes - I just want it to sound good. And that's exactly what this does.

In fact, to be completely honest, this is one of the two or three songs I've voted on because of the production. Both arrangements were good this round.

Wow thank you so much urdailywater, this post really surprised me, I didn't expect to get this kind of reaction from anyone. :-D I listened to it in the car and the bass guitar seems to be too loud and I still need to keep fixing the drop outs!

That was a theremin btw, not a western whistler :-D That section was supposed to sound psychedelic but I'm not good at it I guess.

The clicks at 2:25 are really bad. I might have to delete that recording. :cry:

Wow thank you so much urdailywater, this post really surprised me, I didn't expect to get this kind of reaction from anyone. :-D I listened to it in the car and the bass guitar seems to be too loud and I still need to keep fixing the drop outs!

That was a theremin btw, not a western whistler :-D That section was supposed to sound psychedelic but I'm not good at it I guess.

The clicks at 2:25 are really bad. I might have to delete that recording. :cry:

Can't say much about the sub frequencies, but the bass sounded fine to me. It didn't necessarily stick out to me, but I've listened to a folk artist who applies bass just like this, so that my be why.

I'll be honest, if the 2:25 clicks weren't so loud and upfront, I think that they would have sounded cool. Maybe

That mistake obviously wasn't your intention but I've always loved little things like that where there's that sense of realness and atmosphere to a song. The aforementioned folk artist (Joseph Arthur is his name) also makes stuff very similar sounding to this. A lot of time there will be small mistakes in his song that he'll just leave in the final recording because well, it's atmosphere. Not like "Oh hey I played the wrong note" but more like "I plucked this note way to loud and it stood out". His music is a lot more oddball in the way it's produced, though. But it sounds good.. and that's all that really matters in the end.

I honestly don't know if realness and atmosphere is what you go for in your songs, but I definitely like this one because of stuff like that.

I know it's weird, but I've always hated how my music (at least now) sounds clear and clean. I'm really hoping to find a way to add rawness and oddball production choices into my music while still making it sound good.

Don't want to make it sound like you made a lot of mistakes or anything; if good, clean production was what you're going for, you obviously did that. Or else it wouldn't have sounded good.

It's just that I found myself hearing this sense of rawness in the song, too. Maybe it's just me, though.

Jeeeze that was a whole lot.

tl;dr i love yo face BS


Omg <3 <3 <3 <3 yea thanks :-D

I always try to make songs that sound real, mostly because they.. are real! :-D I don't like the idea of overproducing things. At least when it comes to organic music.

After some thought I'm gonna share the lyrics even though I am very uncomfortable sharing dem, people want to know them. -_-

Everything we are, all we can become - the potential of our race

Everything we are, all that we were - just a disgrace -- Gone

There's no way out, you can't abandon the crowd!

Oh, everything's changing now

(All that we know, all that we are)

Oh, everything's changing now

(All that we know, all that we are)

(All that we know, all that we are)

Oh, it's not worth anything

(All that we know, all that we are)

Oh, it's not worth anything

(nothing) I set my sail (nothing) fly the wind it will take me (nothing) back to my home (nothing) sweet home (nothing) lie on my back (nothing) clouds are making way for me (nothing) i'm coming home (nothing) sweet home

I blame you, I blame you

(All that we know, all that we are)

There's nothing left for us, we better just go away

I blame you, I blame you

(All that we know, all that we are)

There's nothing left for us, we better just go away now (now repeats until end of song)

I blame you, I blame you, I blame you, I blame you -- Gone

Omg <3 <3 <3 <3 yea thanks :-D

I always try to make songs that sound real, mostly because they.. are real! :-D I don't like the idea of overproducing things. At least when it comes to organic music.

After some thought I'm gonna share the lyrics even though I am very uncomfortable sharing dem, people want to know them. -_-

Everything we are, all we can become - the potential of our race

Everything we are, all that we were - just a disgrace -- Gone

There's no way out, you can't abandon the crowd!

Oh, everything's changing now

(All that we know, all that we are)

Oh, everything's changing now

(All that we know, all that we are)

(All that we know, all that we are)

Oh, it's not worth anything

(All that we know, all that we are)

Oh, it's not worth anything

(nothing) I set my sail (nothing) fly the wind it will take me (nothing) back to my home (nothing) sweet home (nothing) lie on my back (nothing) clouds are making way for me (nothing) i'm coming home (nothing) sweet home

I blame you, I blame you

(All that we know, all that we are)

There's nothing left for us, we better just go away

I blame you, I blame you

(All that we know, all that we are)

There's nothing left for us, we better just go away now (now repeats until end of song)

I blame you, I blame you, I blame you, I blame you -- Gone

Quoting this so he can't erase this post and get rid of the evidence.




Some quick reviews:

Brandon Strader: Wow what a beautiful and emotionally-charged song you created Brandon! I absolutely love the acoustic guitar in the intro (and throughout) and the vocal layering creates a great atmosphere. The drum entrance right before the 1:00 mark is a perfect transition to the 'proper' song, and really sets the stage for the rest of the track, in my opinion. The back-and-forth between the acoustic guitar and your vocals is a really nice touch. I don't know exactly what it is, but I feel like this is one of the best vocal performances I've heard from you. Your voice just fits this genre/style perfectly. Like urdailywater mentioned, that theramin is just brilliant as well. It definitely has more of a western/folky feeling than psychedelic, to me, but I think it fits perfectly. I do like how the song as a whole has that really live & raw feel to it. It makes me envision a traveler walking down an abandoned, dusty road, reminiscing of times of old. Amazing.

Gario: I love the panning synths in the intro there and then the pad entrance with your vocals has a really neat effect. This song as a whole really reminds me of something, but I just can't place it and it's frustrating me. Did anything in particular inspire you when you made it? I do really like the vocoded effects on your vocals. I think the chorus could've been a bit clearer cause the vocals are a bit harder to understand there without the lyrics in front me of, but I think the sound of the vocals fits the overall soundscape quite well. The verses though are perfect in my opinion. I love the overall vibe and flow. The 2:10 mark with the vocal layering was also really cool. The little break at 2:47 was neat too! Overall like DiGi mentioned earlier, I love what you were going for here, the direction of this song was really neat and completely took me by surprise. I know you made this in very little time and were dealing with some personal issues last week, so I really hope you come back to it and expand/polish it some more. I'd love to hear the vocal performance expanded. You told me you originally were going to have Starla do some vocals for you, I think creating some back-and-forth duet verses would be really cool. Like Starla's verses could be from Amy Rose's pont-of-view to build off what you already have. Regardless, I've really been getting into electronica/trance-y vocal tracks like this recently, so I really enjoyed this one!

Great job both of you, I really really enjoyed both songs! Two great vocal tracks that went in completely different directions!

FYI - I updated the ZIP file with Brandon's lyrics in the text file (Gario's were already in there) since he posted them below.


If it reminds you of some familiar poetry, that's because I unabashedly ripped off Edgar Allen Poe's "Annabelle Lee" and moved a couple of words around to make it take place at a 'Floating Sanctuary' and be about the (not mutual) interest of 'Rose, Amy'.

I'm not nearly clever enough to make lyrics of that caliber, but I am clever enough to, in the middle of the night, take someone else's work and fudge it a bit to fit my needs. It's public domain, so there shouldn't be a problem with it, lol.

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