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Yeah, but knowing him he might sleep through his alarm. And I've been responsible for many a twitter alarm clock episode before - apparently, he rests his mobile phone on a snare drum, and refuses to move it off even with all the times he gets tweeted while he's sleeping. :lol:


I set my alarm for 10am, got up at 8:30am. :/

Then napped until 9:55am when I had a sudden feeling of "Dang, I hate Alarm Clock Extreme and I don't want to do math problems to disable it. I better get up."

Don't count me out just yet, rendering takes a long time and I had to make a couple levels tweaks, but I should be in before noon.

Don't count me out just yet, rendering takes a long time and I had to make a couple levels tweaks, but I should be in before noon.

And if it's a matter of waiting for your song to render, I'm not going to disqualify you if you're a few minutes late. Darke's done similar stuff in the past while waiting for people to turn their songs in. I think everyone would agree they'd rather have a song from you then disqualify you over something silly like waiting for your song to render. That's plenty fair, in my opinion!

EDIT: And my gosh, you voters like keeping the suspense up don't you? All of this last minute voting :)

Hey, could've been worse - he might've been a no-show like Sir Nuts. :razz:


Ok I've gotten Brandon's song now, so we're all set. I'll begin to prep these for upload. Sonic Round 3 voting ends in just under a half an hour! Woooo!


So, looks as if the Sonic bracket is LITERALLY stacked with lizards. Those pancakes better watch out for whatever cold blooded antics either of us have in the grand final! :razz:

Good luck, Amph. Looks as if both of us are going to need it. O_o

Voting's not done, but you seem to have creamed me Amph :mrgreen:

Nice work man, may we meet again on the field of battle in days soon to come

It was pretty damn close :P I was convinced you'd beat me earlier in the week. It was an astounding battle, sir.

Jordan yes please. Here is your opportunity :mrgreen:

We'll see what I can cook up :<

So, looks as if the Sonic bracket is LITERALLY stacked with lizards. Those pancakes better watch out for whatever cold blooded antics either of us have in the grand final! :razz:

Good luck, Amph. Looks as if both of us are going to need it. O_o

Good luck to you as well. It shall be an interesting one.

this was Rexy at the beginning of the compo:


but after learning to man the heck up and making it this far she is now destined to end up like this:


Haha right on man <3

At first Rexy was all like


Now she's all like


But now I am all like


Check the voting!

Then you won't think so :-o

Though that would be AMAZING if it happened

Well it's still super early obviously to make any predictions. All 4 songs this round are absolutely amazing. I love all of them. They are each very distinctly different songs too, so voting will probably come down to genre/mood preferences. It should be very interesting!


I don't know, Amphibious is one SLIPPERY lizard, and I know that it's going to be a tough match.

But if there's anything I've learnt, it's that I just got to sit back and have as much fun as I can. And that's exactly what I'm going to do in round 4, in spite of the trickiness of Rusty Ruin xD

I'll get onto the pancake tasting after Saturday Night SEGA is over. But for now, it's been a good serving in spite of fewer competitors :)

I seriously think it's going to be Rexy Vs Strader in the final round.

O rly? It looks like Brandon is having a tough time with Wildfire this round, and if I get through this time around I've got some pretty epic ideas that I'm going to be employing against my opposition, too. On the other side, Amphibious has been consistently awesome throughout the compo, so it's entirely possible for Rexy to be knocked out, as well.

I'm honestly confused by your statement, there - no one at this point has been lagging enough in this compo for anyone to make any sort of prediction.

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