swansdown Posted October 23, 2016 Posted October 23, 2016 It's going to be a BIG album, too! I haven't been this excited since Mavericks Rising or Balance and Ruin!
Meteo Xavier Posted November 3, 2016 Posted November 3, 2016 On 10/23/2016 at 2:37 PM, Yosh1PrisMa said: This is the longest project I've seen in my life ... i know someday will be released, I still have a little hope You should have more hope than that - it's in the process of being mastered on a $150,000 mastering console by someone who's basically volunteering professional grade skill and equipment for the project (as in for free). So, like everything else in this project, it's taking some time, but that time will be worth it. I'll check on the goings on for that here soon. Everyone's been busy for the last 6 weeks. I myself have been battling a relapse into clinical depressiveness and that's been gumming up my schedule (which is already at 56 work hours a week to help pay the $4,000 I lost in car damages and more over the summer) and frequently annoying me with existential confusion and distraction. I've had to take whatever breaks I can to ease down on stress while the meds do their job, otherwise it gets worse, but with Halloween over and my personal surroundings improving, I'm getting back into a functional state where I can devote more direct effort to this project again. Such is life, but the bottom line is that things are still moving forward, nothing's stopped, just slow goings. swansdown and Chromarin 2
Yosh1PrisMa Posted November 3, 2016 Posted November 3, 2016 don't worry I'm not rush to release the album, i'm a person who has lots of patience slow but safe
Rozovian Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 Progress is being made. I had my own unrealistic expectations on the pace of the mastering, but we're well on our way with that. It's one of the last things left to do. That excitement I had earlier this fall has subsided, but I have a feeling it's on its way back. djpretzel, HoboKa, swansdown and 1 other 4
Meteo Xavier Posted January 17, 2017 Posted January 17, 2017 Only one track away from the mastering being done! The last track is going to be tricky, I'm told, but the rest of it is done. OCR brass will want to discuss artwork next. Rozo, PM time!
Mak Eightman Posted May 16, 2017 Posted May 16, 2017 Hello. Is there any news about this project? Kinda sad.. This was my first OC project. I've rise as musician at OCR, get in few project releases and even died to OCR forever(i guess). Damn, my son is almost one year old, I had no girlfriend when i joined it! But this thing still somewhere - nowhere? Anyway. Thank you Rozo for made my music sounds like music!
Meteo Xavier Posted May 16, 2017 Posted May 16, 2017 We're still moving forward. There were some problems along the way on the mastering table and naturally using a real commercial studio with a $150,000 mastering setup for free is going to sacrifice something in the way of time, but nothing's cancelled or stalled, just eternally moving a lot slower than we expected due to real life always getting in the way. I myself broke one of my vertebrae last month.
Meteo Xavier Posted May 19, 2017 Posted May 19, 2017 I contemplate now the plausibility of just saying "YES WE CANCELLED IT IT'S DEAD NOW YOU HAPPY?" so that y'all'd shut up and we can continue working on it in peace. >:D I'm just kidding. We're still trying to work on it as we can, I'm just trying to make light of the infinite delays and help keep the mood comical instead of tense as the universe makes us earn every inch we crawl towards completion. It's coming, we promise. If it dies or gets cancelled for whatever reason, we'll tell you so. If you're not sure, assume we're working on it (because we are).
Rozovian Posted May 19, 2017 Posted May 19, 2017 We're finishing up the mastering. There were some unexpected hurdles to overcome, but almost all of the mastering work is done, we're going to set up a control listen so the artists can verify that we haven't destroyed their mixes in the mastering process. We'll try to speed up these last stages of the project, so if you've got a track on the album, stick around, be available for this. I think I'll update the first post with the tracklist and metadata soon, so we can all verify that track and artist names and capitalization and everything is in order. And it's a nice reveal for everyone looking forward to the album too.
Meteo Xavier Posted June 25, 2017 Posted June 25, 2017 BIG NEWS! The mastered tracks are finished and have been delivered to Ocremix staff! Now the staff, who as we've seen with this week's release of the 62nd OCR project album are extremely efficient about releases and have it down to a science by now, have all the finished and mastered audio! At this moment I'm unsure if we still lack enough artwork, but I don't think that should be a huge hurdle to complete. Any other hurdles from here should be minor. I know I've said that before, but now that the top brass has the full mastered content, it's extraordinarily unlikely anything should mess it up now. Thank you for your patience and hanging on with us (or at least restraining yourselves from REALLY dramatic acting out on it). We hit a MAJOR finish line FINALLY and things should go quite good from here to release. Look forward to it! It may come up sooner than you think (a first for this project!) thorlius and Black_Doom 2
Rozovian Posted June 25, 2017 Posted June 25, 2017 Ayup. We still need to make sure the artists are cool with the mastered versions, so we'll get them uploaded somewhere for artists to check. That's, I think, the most time-consuming thing left to do. But that means there's not much left that's delaying this thing. I've been waiting for this for a long time. No more unexpected delays pls.
Meteo Xavier Posted June 26, 2017 Posted June 26, 2017 I don't know if we'll be able to guarantee putting them up for artists to listen to and approve - for reasons which should be obvious (if not obvious: the difficulty of trying to get so many artists to sign off on them, a number of which don't come here anymore and we don't have contact with, when we've already arrived past the final, honest-to-God finished phase of the music). At this point I think they'd be more interested to see it release already than tie it up in something like that.
Rozovian Posted June 26, 2017 Posted June 26, 2017 We're not doing this for every artist's approval. We're just doing this for the ones who're concerned and available. PMs to everyone here, emails if we have them. And they have whatever time it takes to get the other things in order, minus whatever Usa needs for any revisions. thorlius, Pavos and Mak Eightman 3
Meteo Xavier Posted August 28, 2017 Posted August 28, 2017 Just a small update that things behind the scenes are still running smoothly. Someone had an idea for the album that helps give it some conceptual "shine" of sorts and it was actually relayed to me through DJP. Won't say what it is yet and needs Rozovian's approval, but with some work it could be a nice little thing to help make this album project feel special. So that's just a mini-update while I'm thinking on it. We be moving forward little by little.
Meteo Xavier Posted September 14, 2017 Posted September 14, 2017 Right now I'm the one holding up the works and I apologize for that. Hurricanes battering the East Coast doesn't stop my work week, it just makes it more difficult on top of my usual double-full time work schedule. When I'm not utterly exhausted and better caught up with my own work shit here in the next I hope week or two, I'll get back into this. Sorry again!
Meteo Xavier Posted October 11, 2017 Posted October 11, 2017 I thought I made another update here but it's not there. Maybe I dreamed it. Anyway, I've been back trying to work on this this week. Now I just wait for some others to get me some necessary text. Every step a mile, right? But at least the steps get fewer and fewer.
Meteo Xavier Posted October 15, 2017 Posted October 15, 2017 Interview is retranslated and in OCR brass hands. More progress to come soon!
Meteo Xavier Posted October 19, 2017 Posted October 19, 2017 Making some more progress, but I need Rozovian to contact me up as I'm stuck at a place and need his help. Hint, hint, Roz. Check yo email and PMs, chubs.
Rozovian Posted October 20, 2017 Posted October 20, 2017 Meteo's talking about my remix writeups. I'm in the process of editing/rewriting them to be... well, better. I have the benefit of sitting in ocr staff chat and seeing progress being made on a lot of projects, ours included. We're so close. I wish I could share that stuff with the rest of you.
Meteo Xavier Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 Sorry folks, couldn't get much done this week. Been a pretty shitty set of 7 days. Water main blew up for the second time this month on Monday, wife's been sick all week and so have I for trace bits of it, had to get transmission work done on my car and it's still acting up and today my grandma died; among other things. So I'll see what the Thanksgiving weekend can give me in terms of availability and continue on from there.
Meteo Xavier Posted November 30, 2017 Posted November 30, 2017 I personally think it's VERY appropriate that the Secret of Mana project will be released before this one - even with all that implies on the development speed here. Surely the game that precedes this one should come out before this one, yes? I've not had a ***damn moment to breathe since my last post. I am in OCR Discord a lot but I'm always working in addition to that too (the chat function is to allow me some mental stimulation as I multi-task to keep going. I want to compare it to an engine of some kind, but I don't know much about engines). I have some new work that came in right as I need to help cover the cost of my new car, but I think this weekend will give me the opportunity I seek for the work I need to do here. Thank you for your continued patience with me. I'm sorry I still have to ask for patience as I'm having yet another one of the most punishing holiday seasons I've ever experienced, but I'll be dead before I give up! And even then, I'll try to pull some strings behind the mortal veil to keep pushing along as well. swansdown and Jorito 2
Rozovian Posted December 7, 2017 Posted December 7, 2017 Good advice for project directors: consolidate your data early and often. I've been trying to find all the bios and track notes our remixers have sent us. I've got a good bunch of them, and I've yet to dig through ocr PMs and facebook messages. But if you're an artist on the project and you know you haven't sent us a bio and some thoughts on your track, please do so. Otherwise I have to make stuff up. For example: HoboKa: "Malevolent Intent was written as a symphonic poem for three kazoos and a florist, with a solo originally intended for an actual elephant. It contrasts and compares Finnish grammar with the gradual day-night cycle implementation in the game. The remix has a very personal meaning for me, as it reflects my feelings about the number of syllables in my name. I think it's my best work from back then, that particular week when I finished it. I hope you enjoy it." I hope no track notes or bios are in my aim convo history. I'd hate to have to go through all that as well. Also: the Secret of Mana album is out! Go grab it now! Jorito 1
Meteo Xavier Posted December 7, 2017 Posted December 7, 2017 I want to make a Peter Gabriel joke here (actually I kinda did already), but I'm probably the only one who'd understand it.
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