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Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History


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it's time for album evals once we get the last track in. After that, we'll see what judges and mods say about it all. I suspect a number of tracks will need some refinement, and I fear a track or two might not meet the standards at all, but if they can't be fixed, they'll be bonus tracks. No more delays, if it can be helped.

Also, this album is going to be spectacularly awesome. You guys have no idea how much awesome we've kept secret from you all. :D

Bring on the awesome! :)

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  • 1 month later...
so if i gave a remix for that last song really quick, would you guys still accept it at this point?

i'm starting to get ideas, and i might do something anyways but lemme know if you guys want it.

We don't have any content refusal policy that I know of, so if it was good and fit into the guidelines of the project, we would take it, but I'd be very hesitant to take it as a replacement for Usa's just to get the project done. That comes off as a real dick move on our part and Usa's still a larger player on this project than others.

Long story short, you can do one and send it to us, but I'd still hold out for Usa's, and yours may be a duplicate project track or a bonus one or something. We'll see what Rozovian.

I'm not sure how I feel about the title Songs of Light and Darkness now

Is there a chance we could maybe change it to Music With Dynamic Timbre or something?

No. :)

Not really fond of the project title myself, but we have too much material with that name on it to change it now.

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We don't have any content refusal policy that I know of, so if it was good and fit into the guidelines of the project, we would take it, but I'd be very hesitant to take it as a replacement for Usa's just to get the project done. That comes off as a real dick move on our part and Usa's still a larger player on this project than others.

I was talking about Pihyara Flute, actually.

I'll let you know if I come up with anything, though.

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But seeing as how that's not an essential track, we may not wait for it if the project gets essentially finished by the time you complete it.

Precisely. Knock yourself out, and we'll take it if it fits, and if it's done in time. :D

And I doubt we're changing the name. It's a good name, references the day-night cycle of the game as well as the thematic good vs. evil thing it and most jrpgs have. I'm open to suggestions, I'd be a fool to ignore a better idea. Assuming anyone has an actually better idea.

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Precisely. Knock yourself out, and we'll take it if it fits, and if it's done in time. :D

And I doubt we're changing the name. It's a good name, references the day-night cycle of the game as well as the thematic good vs. evil thing it and most jrpgs have. I'm open to suggestions, I'd be a fool to ignore a better idea. Assuming anyone has an actually better idea.

I like the name too :<

I think it's perfect as is personally.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i sent a demo of my thingy to rozovian.. i didn't know if the song would even meet the criteria so i sent it just in case. i can probably finish it before this weekend is up anyways, but didn't want to rush it if it couldn't make it to the project anyways. (im gonna finish it regardless though.. as a OCR track)

i might just be overthinking things. i'm gonna try to get a little more done tonight and beat USA to the punch so it doesn't end up all by itself

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Yes you should. I completely forgot about it. If you don't, we'll just use my version of it, so it's not something you _MUST_ do. It's just that what you've done with it has made it so much better, and I've really like to have your version on the album instead of just my own.

For anyone wondering what we're talking about, I handed mak one of my remixes for this, and he's been improving it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Usa will have the track to me at the later part of this week. Good anyway since I was sick all weekend anyway.

Good news on that, Mak. Thanks much. :)

When this finishes up, I'm going to request some time to build up a proper plan for exposure and PR from the bigwigs. My plan to ask for contributions for others pittered out (which is fair), but I've got some alternatives and other help for that as well.

Has a crawl to the finish line ever been so protracted in all of history? Maybe not, but we'll get there, trust me. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Usa will have the track to me at the later part of this week. Good anyway since I was sick all weekend anyway.

Good news on that, Mak. Thanks much. :)

When this finishes up, I'm going to request some time to build up a proper plan for exposure and PR from the bigwigs. My plan to ask for contributions for others pittered out (which is fair), but I've got some alternatives and other help for that as well.

Has a crawl to the finish line ever been so protracted in all of history? Maybe not, but we'll get there, trust me. :)

And I'm still excited! Let's do this!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's done! It's actually fucking done!

Usa turned in a final .WAV today and no more changes are needed on it - meaning the project is now 100% complete in terms of tracks!

We still need to get our shit together for everything else, and now I can start building an additional PR plan (which I will still bother some for help with, whether you like it or not, :P) but the main point of the project is finally over!

I'm actually so excited I want to post this on the main Community page. Do you think they would let me? I want to start building some buzz and hype for it. :D :D :D

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