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OCR TF2 Server - Anyone interested in trying out TF2 should join us!

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Oh, I guess I wasn't paying much attention to the conversation because I didn't realize a MvM was happening. I haven't even actually played that game type yet! It'd be cool to try it out with you guys.

The hardware is now in the process of being moved to its new location. We are expecting up to 24 hours of downtime as we pack up and move the hardware to the new location. We do expect that some services will start to come online Tuesday evening as things are racked and powered up, but please be prepared for a longer downtime, as it will simply depend on how things progress on site.

Another update will be provided once work is complete.

I somehow missed the mod message from GS from two weeks ago telling us about the upcoming downtime, so I checked the website when I saw the server was down today.

GameServers is currently relocating their Chicago datacenter, so we're to expect up to 24 hours of downtime. Personally, I think the server will be up again by tonight, but I don't really have any basis for that guess.

Just so you guys know! Please don't spam Bahamut that the server is down.


lol I never know when this server is open... I joined once and there was server maintenance / restart going on, This was like a month ago though.

I added this server to my favorites though, but I have password protected checked so idk if this server still shows up or changed there address or not lol.

does this server do MVM? or is it just PvP?

lol I never know when this server is open... I joined once and there was server maintenance / restart going on, This was like a month ago though.

I added this server to my favorites though, but I have password protected checked so idk if this server still shows up or changed there address or not lol.

does this server do MVM? or is it just PvP?

The server itself doesn't do any MvM, but many members of the community will occasionally do a round or two on a randomly selected server through the quickplay.

The server is never (read:extremely rarely) password protected, and has practically zero downtime. I recommend double-checking the IP address you have listed, or just re-adding the IP address ( to your favorites list. The server is almost always active between 10pm to 12am nightly, so feel free to hop in anytime! If you intend to play regularly, make sure to hit up an admin with your SteamID number, and you'll be added to the reserved slot list.


Wow inactive hours hate to say, (I play during mid-day, and usually do MvM).

Hmm perhaps I have "has users playing" checked.

Yup.. I have that checked maybe that's why.

Weird I didn't have that address. Well I re-added it, it should have gone through because I joined it awhile ago *shrugs*

Posted (edited)

I already mentioned this to GM, but the BuiltinVotes SourceMod extension is dead with no future development being done on it...

...because I rewrote it as a plugin called NativeVotes.

As far as I'm aware of, NativeVotes 0.7.4 has finally ironed the major bugs out, caught up to all of BuiltinVotes's features, and has a few more features planned for future development.

If you're still using MapChooser Extended, you need version 1.9.6 (which is technically a Test release).

I would have long since initiated vote crits if there were a viable method to do so. As I've said before, the only way to initiate a votecrits is through an exploitable plugin. The plugin was poorly coded and when exploited, effectively gives all players full admin access, which I refuse to implement. If a different plugin existed, I would initiate it to make use of votecrits no problem.

Assuming you're referring to the CustomVotes or PlayerVotes plugins, I may be working on something like this at some point in the future. After work on NativeVotes is complete. Unfortunately, I have no idea when that will be because I'm missing a lot of data related to how L4D and L4D2 reject the callvote command and what values the vote_controller entity uses for different vote types (in case it turns out that's actually important).

I somehow missed the mod message from GS from two weeks ago telling us about the upcoming downtime, so I checked the website when I saw the server was down today.

GameServers is currently relocating their Chicago datacenter, so we're to expect up to 24 hours of downtime. Personally, I think the server will be up again by tonight, but I don't really have any basis for that guess.

Just so you guys know! Please don't spam Bahamut that the server is down.

I was wondering why 2 of the servers in my Favorites list were down yesterday. I've noticed they're both up now, though.

Seems weird that Reddit's "Dirty South" (the other server in my list) would be hosted in Chicago, though...

Edited by Powerlord
Guys. Guys.

We need to do a Karaoke night.




Guys listen

I have the best idea ever


I'll put singing



I'll put SINGING

guys listen here

I'll put SINGING... on the TF2 server.


New patch.

It contains:

Crate 50, 56, 57

Promo items for Don't Starve (Some bitchin hair, and a ham melee weapon)

They unlocked the Portal 2 Soundtrack box (best sapper ever)

Possible promo items for a game called "pn2" which most people think is Poker Night at the Inventory 2. Given that the items reference Borderlands 2, Venture Bros, Evil Dead 3, Portal 2, and Sam & Max, it's a good guess!

Contents of the Crates:

Crate #50:

(It is Salvaged, because Robin is a cruel and merciless god)

Strange Bacon Grease (can turn Frying Pan into Strange Frying Pan)

Strange Build Tool (Tracks ???)

Strange The Original

Strange Invisibility Watch (tracks time cloaked)

Strange Splendid Screen

Crate #56:

Strange Fire Ax

Strange Flying Guillotine

Strange The Beggar's Bazooka

Strange Part: Medics Killed

Strange Part: Tanks Destroyed

Strange Part: Long-Distance Kills

Western Wear

Modest Pile of Hat

Crate #57:

Strange Fists of Steel

Strange The Neon Annhilator

Strange Jarate

Random Droppable Paints Package (Use it to get 3 random paints)

Tam O'Shanter

Detective Noir

Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Released

March 19, 2013 - TF2 Team

Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)

Disabled Java for the in-game web browser

Team Fortress 2

Added support for running VR mode on the Oculus Rift

Fixed a server crash related to game stats

Fixed custom paint not showing in the tool tip when you mouse-over an item in your backpack

Fixed the Spy not holding sappers correctly in third person

Fixed a bug where sentries would not rotate to face their target under some circumstances

Fixed a scoreboard bug where domination count was reduced by 2 when a dominated player left the server

Fixed the Fists of Steel not reducing damage from ranged weapons that use energy rings

Fixed the death notice icon for the Eureka Effect

Fixed the Neon Annihilator sometimes floating in the world after death

Fixes for strange parts:

The Big Earner can no longer accept Long-Distance Kills strange parts

The Festive Grenade Launcher can now accept Critical Kills strange parts

The Neon Annihilator can now accept Sappers Destroyed strange parts

Removed some description text from the Manmelter that incorrectly stated its projectiles could not be deflected

Updated the Blind Justice so it can be equipped with other misc-slot items on the Demoman's face

Updated the backpack image for the Upgrade to Premium Gift item

Updated Mann Vs. Machine

Fixed the boss health bar sometimes disappearing

Fixed the uber Medics in Wave 4 of the Broken Parts mission charging at the incorrect rate

Updated the localization files

Server updated and bounced. It seems like most of the addons and plugins are working, but I didn't do much testing.

  • 2 weeks later...




I have a Bubbling Vintage Merryweather up for sale for...not sure yet. A friend wanted some metal, so I gave them 100 Refined for it. I'd like to turn it into keys, but that's best case scenario.


I can't tell if Valve is just trolling us like usual, or elaborately double-trolling us with an April 1st misdirection disguised as a joke.

Or, they could even be triple-juking us by pretending it's a double-juke, then making it a troll anyway right from the start.

I unboxed an unusual Conquistator last night with the blizzardy storm effect - I'm happy!


Hat is kind of okay, but it's a class you play and the effect is good! Could be worse. A N&B Nanobaclava, for instance.

The battle that will pierce the heavens is here! Community vs Pro’s is back on it's 5th battle Man vs Machine! On May 4th, 9 community members will battle it out against the AG invite team! With the help of Dranearian, Twitch TV,Teamfortress.tv and End of Reality this promises to be the best show yet! Please enjoy the promo video by ikpure and the famous posters by Goldenhearted! You can also help spread the word with our custom CvP TF2 sprays!

The Rabbit Hole Community (TRH) has donated a prize for the event as well as the traditional AG prize of $60 to a lucky player on each team. If you would like to donate a prize to the event please contact me via steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/nahanni/

I want to give a huge thanks to the TF2 community members who have helped train up the community team with practice. If you would like to help and lend a hand to this momentous event we practice every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30PST/7:30MST/8:30CST/9:30 EST.

Promotional Video:

Poster: http://www.abload.de/img/manvsmachineposteraksdh.jpg

Community vs Pro’s Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/cvsp

TF2 Spray: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?zi19ajrbkzm9nu9#

See you all there!


If you guys check out the video or poster, you may see an unusually familiar name playing Engineer...

Posted (edited)

Once again, things to trade

Vintage Hats

  • --- Scout ---
  • Vintage Ye Olde Baker Boy
    --- Demoman ---
  • Vintage Demoman's Fro (Pink - 216)
    --- Engineer ---
  • Vintage Engineer's Cap

Normal Hats

  • --- Scout ---
  • Baseball Bill's Sports Shine
  • Bonk Helm
  • Hero's Tail
  • Robot Running Man
  • Haunted Spooky Shoes
  • Troublemaker's Tossle Cap
  • Void Monk Hair
  • Whoopee Cap (Pink - 216)
    --- Soldier ---
  • Dr's Dapper Topper
  • Honcho's Headgear
  • Salty Dog
  • Tyrant's Helm (Pink - Hell)
  • Haunted Zipperface
    --- Pyro ---
  • Birdcage
  • Blazing Bull
  • Coffin Kit (Uncraftable)
  • Head Warmer
  • Old Guadalajara
  • Haunted Plutonidome
  • Pyro's Beanie
  • Pyrobotics Pack x 2
  • Tribal Bones
  • Winter Wonderland Wrap
  • Haunted Wraith Wrap
    --- Demoman ---
  • Battery Bandolier
  • Grenadier Helm
  • Hustler's Hallmark
  • Rimmed Raincatcher
  • Sober Stuntman x 2
  • Tavish DeGroot Experience
    --- Heavy ---
  • Cadaver's Cranium
  • Hard Counter
  • U-clank-a
    --- Engineer ---
  • Big Country
  • Engineer's Cap
  • Industrial Festivizer
  • Haunted Master Mind
  • Mining Light x 2
  • Texas Ten Gallon (Uncraftable)
  • Virtual Reality Headset
    --- Medic ---
  • Berliner's Bucket Helm
  • Doc's Holiday
  • Gentleman's Ushanka
  • Medic Mech-bag
  • Otolaryngologist's Mirror
  • Prussian Pickelhaube
  • Ze Goggles
    --- Sniper ---
  • Bolted Bushman x 2
  • Cold Killer
  • Liquidator's Lid
  • Master's Yellow Belt
  • Villain's Veil
  • Haunted Voodoo-Cursed Sniper Soul
    --- Spy ---
  • Haunted Exorcizor x 2
  • Familiar Fez
  • Magistrate's Mullet
  • Ninja Cowl
  • Haunted Scarecrow
  • Stealth Steeler x 2
    --- Multiple ---
  • A Rather Festive Tree x 2
  • Haunted Bonedolier x 2
  • Haunted Boo Balloon
  • Haunted Crone's Dome x 4
  • Haunted Dead Little Buddy
  • Dr. Grordbort's Crest (Uncraftable)
  • Ghastlierest Gibus x 2
  • Ghastlierest Gibus (Purple)
  • Teufort Tooth Kicker (Uncraftable)
  • Warsworn Helmet

Promo Hats

  • --- Scout ---
  • The Essential Accessories x 2
  • The Superfan x 3
    --- Soldier ---
  • Lumbricus Lid
    --- Multiple ---
  • Demoman Mask x 4
  • Ellis' Cap
  • Engineer Mask
  • Heavy Mask
  • Medic Mask
  • Resurrection Associate Pin
  • Scout Mask
  • Sniper Mask
  • Spy Mask x 2
  • The Athletic Supporter x 3

Strange Weapons

  • --- Scout ---
  • Strange Baby Face's Blaster
  • Strange Force-A-Nature
  • Strange Wrap Assassin
    --- Soldier ---
  • Strange Equalizer
    --- Pyro ---
  • Strange Flame Thrower x 3
  • Strange Homewrecker
  • Strange Neon Annihilator
    --- Heavy ---
  • Strange Tomislav x 3
    --- Sniper ---
  • Strange Sniper Rifle x 2
    --- Multiple ---
  • Strange Pistol

Vintage Weapons

  • --- Engineer ---
  • Vintage Southern Hospitality

Normal Weapons

  • --- Heavy ---
  • Sandvich
    --- Sniper ---
  • Sydney Sleeper
    --- Multiple ---
  • Conscientious Objector


  • Description Tag


  • Series 2 Crate
  • Series 3 Crate x 3
  • Series 4 Crate x 2
  • Series 5 Crate x 4
  • Series 7 Crate x 6
  • Series 8 Crate x 4
  • Series 9 Crate x 3
  • Series 10 Crate
  • Series 11 Crate x 2
  • Series 14 Crate x 3
  • Series 15 Crate x 3
  • Series 16 Crate x 4
  • Series 17 Crate x 2
  • Series 18 Crate x 2
  • Series 19 Crate x 2
  • Series 20 Crate
  • Series 23 Crate x 2
  • Series 24 Crate
  • Series 25 Crate x 2


  • Reclaimed Metal x 2
  • Refined Metal x 111
  • Scrap Metal x 2

Steam Community URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/L3DivineBuster

TF2B: http://tf2b.com/tf2/L3DivineBuster

Edited by Lyrai

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