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OCR TF2 Server - Anyone interested in trying out TF2 should join us!

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I generally enjoy it, but it would be nice to kill some stuff that isn't robots for a change.

I got a hat from my stocking! Which was...hatless Engy. This game seems to like giving me hats which are not hats. :D


I have been playing a lot of MvM, but it has been pretty lucrative...... two australium weapons found (Wrench, Grenade Launcher), Two weapons sold. I am quite happy heading into the Steam Sale.... now i just hope there's games i like.

Mrs Bark and I are leaving tomorrow to visit her family, and likely won't be around until Thursday or Friday.


Hello, so i downloaded Steam and TF2, played for a few hours offline with some bots, read the beginner's faq written by Evertsen on the Steam forums and would really like to try this online if you guys are noob friendly/tolerant. The last fps i have played were battlefield 2 and Counter-Strike some 7-8 years ago.

I have and old pc and my frames per second are not great, average between 20-40, but nonetheless this seems really a fun game.

Hello, so i downloaded Steam and TF2, played for a few hours offline with some bots, read the beginner's faq written by Evertsen on the Steam forums and would really like to try this online if you guys are noob friendly/tolerant. The last fps i have played were battlefield 2 and Counter-Strike some 7-8 years ago.

I have and old pc and my frames per second are not great, average between 20-40, but nonetheless this seems really a fun game.

You should be fine. I'm honestly still a noob after almost a year of playing XD.

Just watch out for Gamemaster's Sentries.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I've spent a lot of time since July fixing a bunch of bugs in Prop Hunt and adding a new feature or two.

So, why am I mentioning this? Because I was talking with a few people about this on OCR and they were saying that we should have a Prop Hunt night some time.

What would be a good day/time to do something like this?

Since I develop PropHunt, I have a more-or-less permanent Prop Hunt server running at tf2.rbemrose.com:27015 (hosted in Chicago) so finding a PH server isn't an issue.

Edited by Powerlord
I've spent a lot of time since July fixing a bunch of bugs in Prop Hunt and adding a new feature or two.

So, why am I mentioning this? Because I was talking with a few people about this on OCR and they were saying that we should have a Prop Hunt night some time.

What would be a good day/time to do something like this?

Since I develop PropHunt, I have a more-or-less permanent Prop Hunt server running at tf2.rbemrose.com:27015 (hosted in Chicago) so finding a PH server isn't an issue.

I'd totally be up for it.

Just a heads up, I sent quite a few invites out the OCR TF2 Steam Group. If you didn't get an invite, be sure to join in, and invite anybody else you think may be up for some fun times. I'll try to talk to Baha about getting a few more admins in the group so we can schedule events and send out (like Prophunt)

By the way, a long time ago we used to hold pick-up games (scrims) within the OCR community, but that fell out sometime ago. If you guys would like, I could help with setting up some scrims again if any of you would like to try your hand at some friendly community competition (it would likely be 4v4 or 6v6, because HL is fun and all, but to get 18 people together is a bitch). My vote is for 4v4, it's a new format, nobody is very experienced, and is easy to get together. But I'll leave it up to all of you, if anyone is interested.

  • 3 weeks later...
We've released a mandatory TF2 update. The notes for the update are below. The new version is 2085489.



- Add quickplay option to only connect to official Valve servers

- Prevent game servers from redirecting players to alternate servers when players connect through quickplay

- Fixed the show_htmlpage command bypassing the cl_disablehtmlmotd convar on the client

- Fixed the loading screen not rendering correctly for Mac clients

- Fixed Asian fonts not rendering correctly for Linux clients

- Fixed a client crash related to Killstreak effects

- Fixed a client crash caused by trying to load an invalid URL in the MOTD

- Fixed a server crash related to screen fades

- Fixed color correction being based off the wrong player's origin in multiplayer games

- Fixed the Heavy's fists not showing the Killstreak effects

- Fixed The War on Smissmas Battle Socks hiding the Soldier's grenades

- Fixed the Meet the Medic taunt not releasing doves during the taunt

- Fixed HUD elements not drawing correctly after beginning to record a demo

- Fixed the Short Circuit particles not always being removed on player death

- Fixed an exploit where players could run the MVM_Revive_Response, MVM_Respec, and use_action_slot_item commands on behalf of other players

- Updated the Unidentified Following Object, Carrion Companion, and Chucklenuts so they can get assists in Pyrovision

- Updated the Festive Gloves of Running Urgently to include a blue material when equipped by the Blue team

- Updated The Brainiac Hairpiece so it can be equipped with items like The Grizzled Growth and added a "no helmet" style

- Updated The Map Maker's Medallion so name/description tags can be applied to it

- Updated the Short Circuit to use the Engineer's melee taunt

- Updated The Scotsman's Skullcutter to use the Demoman's secondary taunt

- Updated The TF2VRH and The Virtual Viewfinder so they can be equipped with hats

- Added UGC Highlander Season 11 and 6vs6 Season 13 medals

- Updated the localization files

- Updated pl_upward

- Fixed being able to construct buildings in the skybox

- Updated Mann vs. Machine

- Fixed the bots not being able to equip multiple cosmetic items

- Fixed Scout bots not playing the correct animation when stunned with the Sandman

- Fixed not being able to reset the countdown timer if a player disconnects while Ready

- Updated the countdown logic to un-Ready a team if someone quits during the final 10 seconds or disconnects while everyone else is Ready

- Updated MvM to un-ready a team if everyone but the disconnecting player was ready

- Updated mvm_rottenburg

- Improved collision near barricade to reduce players getting stuck

- Fixed credits not always being collected when they fall into the barricade

- Updated mvm_mannhattan

- Fixed being able to construct buildings inside the respawn room

- Fixed a material problem near the hatch


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
We've released a mandatory TF2 update. The notes for the update are below. The new version is 2108330.



Weapon Updates

- The Shortstop

- Reduced extra knockback penalty from 80% to 40%

- The Short Circuit

- Added Penalty - No longer gain metal from dispensers when active

- The Cleaner's Carbine

- Changed OnKill effect from gain crits for 3 seconds to gain mini-crits for 8 seconds

- Natascha

- Added Positive Attribute +50% extra ammo

- The Reserve Shooter

- Increased clip size from 3 to 4

- Time to mini-crit airborne targets changed from 3 to 5

- The Beggar's Bazooka

- Changed penalty No primary ammo from dispensers to no primary ammo from dispensers when active

- The Quick Fix

- Fixed the Medic not gaining the proper speed boost when a Demoman uses the Chargin' Targe or Splendid Screen

Weapon Fixes

- Fixed deflected projectiles not affecting Strange and Killstreak counts

- Fixed the Mini-Sentry range-sphere not accurately displaying the range for the sentry when it is being placed

- Fixed the Spy's revolver using the incorrect reload sound

- Fixed third-person Medi Gun beams appearing jittery

- Fixed the Heavy not playing his response rules lines after eating a Sandvich' date=' Buffalo Steak Sandvich, etc.

- Fixed The Half-Zatoichi using the wrong animations for the Loadout screen and the HUD 3D Character

Community Updates

- Added the Strongbox Key to the Mann Co. Store

- Added 43 community-contributed items to the Strongbox Crate

- Added the Tumblr Vs Reddit Participation Medal

Mann vs. Machine

- Added Killstreak Fabricators for the following weapons to the Two Cities Tour reward list:

- The Lugermorph, The Big Kill, The Iron Curtain, The Frying Pan, The Black Rose, The AWPer Hand, Chargin' Targe, Splendid Screen, and The Mantreads

- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to purchase/sell the Canteen Specialist upgrade to get more money than they originally spent

- Fixed an exploit where players could stand on a robot's head to block their movement for an easy kill

- Fixed players not being able to earn the Frags to Riches achievement if there is money in the world when the mission is completed

- Fixed a bug that caused players to not receive an Upgrade Refund Credit when they should have

- Fixed the UI not updating properly if an Upgrade Refund Credit is earned after the wave has ended


- Added advanced options page, which allows you to search for a few commonly-requested non-vanilla options: 32-player servers, nocrits, and instant/modified respawn times

- Added "Show Servers" button to quickplay. This will run the normal quickplay search, but instead of joining the "best" server, it will present a list of about 20 servers and let you pick.

Other Changes

- Improved loading of item information panels to prevent hitches when cycling through backpack pages.

- Use the convar tf_time_loading_item_panels to control how much time is spent per frame loading item panel data.

- Fixed Australium items not using the correct images in the Steam Community Market

- Added missing payload audio for the Medic, Soldier, Demoman, and Spy

- Added the server command "sv_setsteamaccount" for logging in with a persistent game server account using a login token. Login tokens may be acquired via the IGameServersService/CreateAccount web API. Using a login token is not required to run a game server, but allows Steam users to continue to access your game server from their favorites list if your game server changes IP in the future.

- Added the game server's SteamID to the output of the status command

- Fixed the Killstreak counts not being accurately portrayed in the scoreboard

- Fixed seeing the incorrect LOD settings for models when they are being previewed during submission to the Steam Workshop

- Fixed a UV/skinning problem on the level 1 sentry

- Fixed a problem where "activate virtual reality" doesn't work if you have 2 monitors + headset

- Fixed a client crash caused by trying to load an invalid URL

- Fixed achievements getting stuck in a completed state and not being awarded to the player

- Fixed not hearing hit sounds after a level change when using tf_dingalingaling_repeat_delay

- Fixed the "equipped" label being displayed on incorrect backpack panels when equipping items

- Fixed the upper-left backpack panel always being highlighted when equipping items

- Fixed player names being clipped by item images in the Freeze Cam and Inspect panels

- Updated the equip_region for The Extra Layer

- Updated the Blue team material for the Ambassador to be less red

- Updated ctf_2fort

- Fixed a rendering bug on a silo prop in the skybox area for the Blue base[/quote']

If you're using a custom HUD, you will see crashes when you click the Multiplayer button. Temporary solution is to uninstall the HUD and wait for an update.

Thanks for the heads up. (haw haw get it)

Here is a list of the strongbox items, thanks to /u/TheAnthal of reddit.

Here's what the new items a look a like.

Edited by Super-Duper Sombrero

I should point out that the new QuickPlay rules went into effect today.

This includes kicking players for reserved slots, so if OCR is still in the QuickPlay rotation and reserved slots are still on, the server is violating the rules and needs the following cvar set:

tf_server_identity_disable_quickplay 1

Incidentally, I wrote a quick web page to allow server owners to register server accounts since Valve hasn't made one yet (it just sends a POST request to their WebAPI). the steamid it gives you back needs to be put in the server's autoexec.cfg using the sv_setsteamaccount command.

I should point out that the new QuickPlay rules went into effect today.

This includes kicking players for reserved slots, so if OCR is still in the QuickPlay rotation and reserved slots are still on, the server is violating the rules and needs the following cvar set:

tf_server_identity_disable_quickplay 1

Oh hell, thanks for the alert. I'll add it now. I skimmed through the rules from the earlier email, but I didn't catch that part of it.

Oh hell, thanks for the alert. I'll add it now. I skimmed through the rules from the earlier email, but I didn't catch that part of it.

I alerted Bahamut and GameMaster about this already on Steam... I figured they'd do something about it, but when it wasn't mentioned in this thread, I figured I'd better mention it here too...


Incidentally, you should really install the latest MapChooser Extended tf.txt on OCR's server in the addons/sourcemod/configs/mapchooser_extended/maps/ folder so it stops considering maps added in the past year or so to be custom maps.

Oh, and I recently updated MapChooser Extended to fix a double nomination bug (also present in the SourceMod MapChooser) and a potential off-by-one error in the nominations count when using NativeVotes.

We've released a mandatory TF2 update. The notes for the update are below. The new version is 2112877.



- Fixed an infinite ÜberCharge exploit related to loadout presets

- Fixed a case where players that are the target of a vote kick would not be banned from the server

- Fixed a Quickplay crash for Linux clients

- Fixed Linux servers getting disconnected from Steam when multiple servers are run from the same IP

- Fixed taunts not previewing in the character loadout screen after being equipped

- Fixed the High-Five! taunt not hiding the Engineer's weapon

- Fixed some missing knobs on the level 2 dispenser

- Fixed being able to jarate invulnerable targets with the Sydney Sleeper

- Lugermorph Killstreakifier can now be applied to all Lugermorph guns

- Updated several cosmetic items that were missing an item_type description

- Updated several cosmetic items to count as assisters in Pyrovision

- Updated the Medi-Mask to use equip_region beard instead of face

- Quickplay: Added option to search for "nodmgspread" servers

- Quickplay: Removed disabling of non-vanilla option radio buttons when official servers are selected

Server updated.

We've released a mandatory TF2 update. The notes for the update are below. The new version is 2123087.



- Added new promo items

- Fixed a client crash caused by trying to load an invalid URL

- Fixed Medigun particle beams not always appearing while healing players in DirectX 8

- Fixed a case where clients would hear/see crit effects when their attack was not a crit

- Fixed the Carbonado Botkiller Minigun using the incorrect material for the Minigun

- Fixed a Mann vs. Machine bug related to upgrades after a retry/reconnect

- Updated the Unarmed Combat to add the item_type description

- Updated sv_pure so client will detect corrupt or modified VPK files

- Use Steam to verify local cache to fix corrupt files

- Use the custom folder to customize the game

- Item server stability:

- Improved performance when manipulating multiple items at the same time (claiming multiple item drops' date=' etc.)

- Improved performance fetching persona names for item descriptions (gifted by, etc.)

- Improved performance generating Steam Community Market data for item tooltips



New items as per /u/TheAnthal. Looks like promo items for the upcoming Thief title.

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