Sinewav Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 Hey, um... it says on the main page that Monobrow has Tail Cave... did I get bumped out of the project, or did you just forget to add my name? I PM'd him earlier about collaborating. Also, assuming that I'm still in, when you say that you want the songs to be "moody", are you looking for a darker sound or a more peaceful sound?
Aetherius Posted November 9, 2005 Author Posted November 9, 2005 Rev, go back a page or two. I made a hugetacular post. Edit: Rev. Bryant, 'Mood' should be more melancholic than dark, but preferably dark, as opposed to say...uplifting and euphoric. The kind of mood I'm looking for is like the kind of feeling that comes from altruism, which is like 'Holy crap, the main character died....but it's for a good cause!' kind of deal. I'm looking for something gloomy. Not so much peaceful as nostalgic, and Not so much dark as melancholy. Y'dig? (end edit.) Also, yeah, you haven't been bumped out of the project, but I decided that having heard monobrow's pre-existing wip, it was just the sort of thing I was looking for, and I think I'd like her to do it. Feel free to collaborate on it, by all means. I haven't bumped you out of the project. If you decide not to collab, there is still turtle rock (sort of), the last battle, inside the egg, and key cavern to be had, as well as possible collaborations with any of the other remixers. I suggest you contact them, if you're interested. (the last track isn't going to be looked at until all the other songs have been assigned, and we know everyone's workload.) We had some issues with turtle rock, which resulted in me making the decision that since monobrow can no longer do Turtle Rock (for some reason) She can do tailcave. Though, normally I would have made the track fair game for anyone, having heard Monobrow's wip, I feel she would produce the remix I want for that song. That is not to say that you (Rev. bryant) would/will not have done a good job, but politics and obligations... *Slaps forehead* Anyway, that's why Tailcave is weird. Now, Why is turtle Rock weird? We had an issue (again) in which Monobrow felt she could no longer continue with that track, and enlisted Usa (without my prior knowledge) to do the track for her. As it turned out, his wip was cool, but I had issues with the sound of his drums, and his use of one of the nastiest rhodes-y bell things I've ever heard (seriously, right out of a phil collins song, or something) Anyway, he was not pleased by my dislike of his sounds, and got in a little tizzy about it. So... Long story less long, I've decided that no one will do turtle Rock unless they show a genuine interest in the song, and are able to show me that they can produce something reasonable. I made my stance on any issues of any kind with the wips a few posts back (read it.) So, as things stand, Turtle Rock is off limits unless someone can get excited about it, and be willing to produce something that follows my terms. If no one comes forward, I will be doing the track myself, I suppose....which, due to my laziness will slow down the progress of the project like...8 fold (doesn't make sense). That said, I don't imagine there's a lot I can do with the track, so it is my hope that someone will present me with a reasonable wip (not an audition, a wip.) which would exemplify the qualities I just mentioned like 3 times. that is all. Love from starky, but not his pants, starky doesn't love his own pants enough for them to love you.
Escariot Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 Damn, didn't see this thread in time! I did a remix of Ballad of the Windfish a long time ago which everybody seemed to love, and I had been thinking about revisiting it (from scratch) now that I have so much more experience, could have been in this project, heh, nevermind, I'll still make the song. =) Did you do the awesome one with the birds in the intro and the deathly heavy kick?
Monobrow Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 Also, yeah, you haven't been bumped out of the project, but I decided that having heard monobrow's pre-existing wip, it was just the sort of thing I was looking for, and I think I'd like her to do it. Feel free to collaborate on it, by all means. I haven't bumped you out of the project. If you decide not to collab, there is still turtle rock (sort of), the last battle, inside the egg, and key cavern to be had, as well as possible collaborations with any of the other remixers. I suggest you contact them, if you're interested. (the last track isn't going to be looked at until all the other songs have been assigned, and we know everyone's workload.) We had some issues with turtle rock, which resulted in me making the decision that since monobrow can no longer do Turtle Rock (for some reason) She can do tailcave. Though, normally I would have made the track fair game for anyone, having heard Monobrow's wip, I feel she would produce the remix I want for that song. That is not to say that you (Rev. bryant) would/will not have done a good job, but politics and obligations... *Slaps forehead* Anyway, that's why Tailcave is weird. Now, Why is turtle Rock weird? We had an issue (again) in which Monobrow felt she could no longer continue with that track, and enlisted Usa (without my prior knowledge) to do the track for her. As it turned out, his wip was cool, but I had issues with the sound of his drums, and his use of one of the nastiest rhodes-y bell things I've ever heard (seriously, right out of a phil collins song, or something) Anyway, he was not pleased by my dislike of his sounds, and got in a little tizzy about it. So... Long story less long, I've decided that no one will do turtle Rock unless they show a genuine interest in the song, and are able to show me that they can produce something reasonable. I made my stance on any issues of any kind with the wips a few posts back (read it.) To clarify a bit: I think I most certainly *could* have produced a Turtle Rock track, but given that I'm 4 months from graduating, and pretty much swamped at school, I didn't feel as if I had enough time to really put the song together, the way I had imagined. Nothing I did was worthy of it. I didn't like where I was taking it at all. I have all these "parts" done, but I couldn't tie them together properly, the way I wanted to. Tail Cave has been much easier. Also, I remember having a talk about this with Starky, telling him I was having some trouble with the track, and he said, for the most part that I could pick something else that wasn't taken. So around the time you posted, Rev., I had started working on my version of Tail Cave, not knowing it had been taken (and not sure if I was going to attempt it either) Fast forward to a couple days later, I am please with my version of Tail Cave, so I post about it, and Starky isn't around for a couple days. Then I showed it to my friend Usa, and he wondered what I had done it for, and I told him about the project. He showed some interest in it, and since Turtle Rock was now open, he volunteered to give it a try. I basically told him I wasn't sure what would happen, and that Starky wasn't around, but he decided to make an "audition" track to try it out. No harm done. *No where did I say that I gave Usa permission to do the track, though I did feel bad about it, but I was thankful for him volunteering to help. He knew that whatever he did wasn't part of the project yet until he got some okay, but no one thought it would hurt to start working on it anyway. Why waste time waiting for an okay when you can get your ideas down "now"? Basically, we didn't think it was a big deal. The next day, there was a lot of miscommunication, and drama, and here we are. Anyway, I pmed you, Rev, about what we can do, if anything. All this mess was just bad timing. But that's how it goes I guess.
prophetik music Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 so...someone want to send me the midi and mp3 of turtle rock, so i can take a shot at it?
Arek the Absolute Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 What bitterness? As you might have noticed already, I'm not down or something now just because you don't want me on the project. There's always VGMix! There is no such thing as Vgmix, it is a fiction, created by virt to let angry people think they have talent, to the sane population, it's a horror story. It's OK to give hints what you like and what not, but it's not OK to take away artistic freedom from remixers by telling them what to do and what not in such a nitpicky way. Unless you want them to be remixing slaves, instead of remixers. But then, wouldn't it be best if you took over all of the tracks to ensure they are exactly the way you like them to be? Yes, this is the truth. Face it, man! It is entirely okay for me to tell you what you can and can't do on this project. It's my project. read the first page. And talking about flammatory or unfriendly manners, there are more friendly ways to say you don't like a mix to be on the project, for example "Sorry, but this is not exactly the sound I was looking for, I don't think it fits the planned project's mood" or something like that. We could have talked about everything, I might even have changed the sounds you didn't like that much - but the way you talked with/about me didn't make me feel like I was accepted and respected as a human being in the first place. And that is the main reason why I don't feel like participating anymore. The song was the type of song I was looking for. The sounds you used in the song were not. It is not in my nature to say something other than what I think, the way I think it. I didn't talk about you. You weren't participating, originally. Furthermore, I hereby declare that should anyone even THINK of making a post in this thread, they must read the first post, and click any links therein. As the person running the project, it is at my discretion which songs are given to whom, who may be given a song, and what kind of song I want to be given, in which way. Whether I limit your creative freedom is not at question. I most certainly will limit your creative freedom, for the good of the project, and for the good of my sanity. I stated from the beginning that I view all of the songs on this soundtrack with reverence, and I feel that for my own sake, the songs should be remixed, and remixed how I see fit. I see no reason in starting a project, and allowing it to have songs I dislike on it. That's ridiculous. The wips I have from the people already on the project are exemplary of the way I would like this project to sound, and they do a very good job. I haven't had to limit anyone's 'creative freedom' as yet, beyond the original stipulations regarding genre and mood. I imagine this is because I would not allow there to be someone on my project who would not be able to meet the requirements I've laid out. If you don't like the way I do things, tough, go remix on your own, or join another project with a nicer producer. Or suck it up. I do things my way, and I'm open to change and suggestion, but I have no sympathy for those who refuse to accept my terms. I'm in charge. Tough titty. Now, I will have no more posts in this thread that are in any way argumentative. As of now, this thread is, and should be for the recruitment of remixers, and assignment of tracks. When all the tracks are assigned, and everyone has a wip ready, I will release the wips, and we can all start discussing the wips, but until then, this thread is strictly business. I love you all, but not nearly as I love myself and raspberry pie, Starky edit: Shinny, I'll get to you tomorrow, no worries. lol internet = serious business
Usa Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 [...] Anyway, he was not pleased by my dislike of his sounds, and got in a little tizzy about it. [...] That is just not true. When I went to #laproject together with Monobrow to explain the situation, I showed the WIP to Aetherius to know if he wants to take the mix on the project or if I can release it on VGMix, in case he doesn't like it. Turned out that he didn't like it, but that's not a big deal, since I was already prepared for that outcome. So, no drama involved. The only thing I found a bit unfriendly was the way he talked about my mix, but that's none of my business anymore since I am not taking part in anything depicted in this thread here.
Aetherius Posted November 9, 2005 Author Posted November 9, 2005 I didn't dislike it. I liked it. You were adverse to changing the things about it that I didn't like so much.
Slothboy Posted November 9, 2005 Posted November 9, 2005 Aeth, I can totally do slow and melancholic I don't really have anything to show you, however... So I can understand you wouldn't be willing to hand over something to someone whom you're not sure is going to produce the right thing. So, if I may be so bold as to make a suggestion, could I possibly work on a song *unofficially* and show you a WIP by the end of the weekend? If so, which song would you like me to do? I've listened to all the "free" ones and feel I could do any of them, so it's up to you. If not, that's totally cool. I understand
Aetherius Posted November 9, 2005 Author Posted November 9, 2005 Slothboy, you may do what you've asked, but for the sake of the project, I'm asking that rather than do one of the tracks in my tracklisting, you do the following: As of now, anybody who is accepted to the project, but hasn't got a track, is allowed to go through the .gbs themselves, and select a track that sounds sufficiently different from the tracks I have already selected to do. They can unofficially work on those songs, and post their wips here, and if there is room, and if the product is good enough, I will include it in the project. Please do not do this unless I have okay'd you as an artist for the project. Also, these tracks must be in the same style as I have set out for all other tracks. Again, please try to pick songs which are different from the other tracks, yet melodic enough to actually base a song on. That said, remixes of the 'piece of power song' are unacceptable, as there is not enough material to produce something worthwhile that can still be considered a remix. y'dig? If I get enough songs of this type, I may be able to extend the album to two discs, which would be convenient. Slothboy, you are officially an unofficial member of the project Good luck.
prophetik music Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 so...someone want to send me the midi and mp3 of turtle rock, so i can take a shot at it?
ShinnyMetal Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 so...someone want to send me the midi and mp3 of turtle rock, so i can take a shot at it? go to VGMUSIC.COM the ultimate data base for midi's
Eposhark Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 so...someone want to send me the midi and mp3 of turtle rock, so i can take a shot at it? You can also get the original .gbs file from this site, and then look at the right number of the song in the first post of this thread.
prophetik music Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 for some reason, i can't get gbs files to play, no matter what player i got and no matter where i put it. thats why i requested an mp3 of the file - i know we had them on that aborted site that this project was using, but i don't have the url anymore.
ShinnyMetal Posted November 10, 2005 Posted November 10, 2005 for some reason, i can't get gbs files to play, no matter what player i got and no matter where i put it. thats why i requested an mp3 of the file - i know we had them on that aborted site that this project was using, but i don't have the url anymore. if you didn't know, you play the .gbs files on a gameboy emulator
Rexy Posted November 11, 2005 Posted November 11, 2005 Still making headway on my track, although IT essays have been bringing me down a lil bit more than the usual. I will have a finished product before I leave campus, I assure you. I see that there are only two tracks on the main album remaining. I've PM'd Gray while thinking our styles would fit better on Inside the Egg more so than the Final Battle theme (it screams prog rock, I'm telling you ). I'll be back in contact as soon as I get a response.
KyleJCrb Posted November 11, 2005 Posted November 11, 2005 the Final Battle theme (it screams prog rock, I'm telling you ). Did someone say prog rock? Well then, that someone better call Christian Pacaud or PriZm for this thing!
prophetik music Posted November 11, 2005 Posted November 11, 2005 the Final Battle theme (it screams prog rock, I'm telling you ). Did someone say prog rock? Well then, that someone better call Christian Pacaud or PriZm for this thing! i like PriZm. he's good. wait, what happened to the whole ambient or orchestral thing? i'm done with a chill classical track, so someone better not tell me i coulda tranced this and been done like two weeks earlier.
Aetherius Posted November 11, 2005 Author Posted November 11, 2005 they're not in charge. Though, slow/moody prog rock is basically the only kind of rock that IS acceptable for this.
Aetherius Posted November 13, 2005 Author Posted November 13, 2005 Double Post/bump! for the record, Hemophiliac has withdrawn his 'services' from this production, as he feels that he and I will 'clash' too much. I agree. He and I hold some very different views about music. Because I think it will be beneficial to the project members, allow me to elaborate on my particular view. Music is instinctual. The only kind of 'real' music is the kind that is made through intuition, instinct, and personal preference. Music theory is a theory of structure, which dismisses the emotional and personal qualities of a song in favour of the structure of that song. So, when listening to music, it is important to appreciate the song for what it is. A song, not what makes it a song. Musical structure is a coincidence, not an inevitability. Refuse to be told how to write music. Write music how it comes out. Write music like an uncontrollable liquid bowel movement. Music isn't a lego tower, it's a waterfall. Music just is. Now, go write music. Don't make it. Yeah, it's 5 in the flippin' morning. Let me wax poetic while I'm still awake.
Hemophiliac Posted November 13, 2005 Posted November 13, 2005 you shouldn't have asked me to elaborate on the one thing...and all would be good wouldn't it?
Aetherius Posted November 13, 2005 Author Posted November 13, 2005 you shouldn't have asked me to elaborate on the one thing...and all would be good wouldn't it? I really don't care that you're gone. All is, and always was good.
Tyler Heath Posted November 13, 2005 Posted November 13, 2005 is there any particular reason you're being such an ass to hemo aside from some dissenting opinions, or is it just an everyday thing for you? edit: ah, ok. from what I've gathered from reading this thread, it's an everyday thing. sorry to have disturbed, keep up the assery.
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