Calebyte Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Here it is guys! This is the concept for the album cover. It's done all in water color. I'm going for murky, moody, and melancholy, in keeping with the overall theme of the project. It's also done mostly in blues, since deep blues tend to be associated with a feeling of sadness and brooding. I chose Mt. Tamaranch as the subject, since it's probably the most recognizable image from Link's Awakening. Lurking in the background, hidden behind the type, is the Hylian crest, to further associate the image with Zelda. It's near-invisibility testifies to Link's separation from Hyrule on Koholint. I'll probably end up painting more of these. This was a fairly quick exercise. I may also try to make the title look more Zelda-ish. The Zelda font isn't very good for long titles, so for now Garamound will do.
Level 99 Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 a) Love the art Prophet, if you need any more stuff from me for my mix, let me know cause crunch-time for all my mixes is coming up and I dunno how much time I can put back into this one. It's so far back for me musically that I'm beginning to relate less and less to that WIP. Yes, that is now the difference that a few months makes Edit: also, you suck because according to OP our song is apparently WIP'd but I'm not part of the project? Breaking laws of logic and quantum mechanics, you are! And 8 weeks til MAG.
prophetik music Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 stevo, you're totally fine. i fixed the first post - does it work now?
Level 99 Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 stevo, you're totally fine. i fixed the first post - does it work now? tl;dr Haha no seriously, we're all good. Was looking out for consistency, bro! And "you're totally fine"? If you want to make a pass at me, just go ahead and do it, buddy. I take it back, the font wasn't big enough in first post. THANK YOU Brad.
Theophany Posted November 10, 2009 Posted November 10, 2009 That's looking damncredible. Fantastic work, my friend... and it's only your first go? I may audition for another extra track just to be more a part of a project with album art this awesome. Actually I think I will. And in return I want this... in poster size...
Dafydd Posted November 11, 2009 Posted November 11, 2009 Since Tail Cave still wasn't claimed according to the first post, I made a wip and uploaded it to the ftp. Please tell me what you think! Personally, I think the bass is ugly and the vox should probably be run through autotune after I rerecord it for better timing - then I'll raise the volume on them, too. Lead guitar is a little sloppy. Drums loop. Other than that, I think it's pretty cool so far. I should probably throw a wurlitzer in there too for good measure. About the title, it sounds like spy music, and "Tail Cave" can only mean one thing to a perv like myself. I guess there's a better phrasing for what I'm trying to say though. Try to squeeze in something about the prophet of muh-fisto if you can.
prophetik music Posted November 12, 2009 Posted November 12, 2009 actually, dafydd, tail cave has three suitors currently who've been sending me project tracks. one of them will be chosen, since they've been in contact with me for over a month =) theophany, sound test, and a new guy (obtuse) have been working on wips. one'll be the 'official' track, and the other two will be bonus releases on the album. i didn't write it in as claimed because no one's really nailed it down yet, and i only got actual wips over the weekend from them. profit from mah fist, yo!
Dafydd Posted November 12, 2009 Posted November 12, 2009 Oh. Ok. Well, in case the others give up, do you want me to keep this wip away from public until they're done, or can I consider it a non-project wip and post it in the wip forum right away? Glad I didn't ask you first though, if I'd known I wouldn't have made it, and I learned a lot in the process and bumped my self-confidence while I was at it. profit from mah fist, yo! Sounds a little violent, not to mention it loses the "spy" feel. But nicely done!
prophetik music Posted November 12, 2009 Posted November 12, 2009 that was my rank on the pkmn project way back when. if you don't want it on the project, you can publick it up if you'd like (obviously). if you'd like it as a bonus track, i'd prefer to keep it quiet.
Dafydd Posted November 12, 2009 Posted November 12, 2009 OK. I'll keep it quiet until further notice, then.
Obtuse Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 Oh. Ok. Well, in case the others give up, do you want me to keep this wip away from public until they're done, or can I consider it a non-project wip and post it in the wip forum right away? Obutse does not give up.
prophetik music Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 obtuse, theophany, and sound test are all vying for that track on the project. i'll only take one in the end, but i'm going to wait until all of them are finished to 'pick'. the others will be bonus tracks - i'm not turning away new mixers just because they're new.
Pachi Risu Posted November 20, 2009 Posted November 20, 2009 What kind of deadline or ~time are you working with right now? This project is very interesting and might want to contribute if the time constraints are reasonable. Thanks.
prophetik music Posted November 20, 2009 Posted November 20, 2009 there aren't any, really. if you want to contribute then just shoot me a pm saying what you'd like to try remixing.
Platinum Azure Posted November 20, 2009 Posted November 20, 2009 there aren't any, really. if you wantto contribute then just shoot me a pm saying what you'd like to try remixing. Along those lines, do you think you could further qualify the list on the first page to show how many of the "open" tracks have nobody interested in them (or having sent small WIPs or whatnot)? It says Tail Cave is open, but a few posts ago you showed that like four people are aiming for it and three have even sent in WIPs, so for a newbie like me or the other guy you were just responding to there'd be no reason to try to join the fray there necessarily. Yes, I'm aware there's a newbie who's aiming for it, but he's put his money where his mouth is by submitting a WIP, right?
Pachi Risu Posted November 20, 2009 Posted November 20, 2009 there aren't any, really. if you wantto contribute then just shoot me a pm saying what you'd like to try remixing. The PM will be sent in the next couple of days. Very confident the track on watch will still be available by then. Thanks for the speedy reply.
Gollgagh Posted November 20, 2009 Posted November 20, 2009 there aren't any, really. if you wantto contribute then just shoot me a pm saying what you'd like to try remixing. just posting to say that I love this response, and even better how the guy didn't pick up on it
prophetik music Posted November 20, 2009 Posted November 20, 2009 it's my own damn thread and i can dp if i want. i updated the first post to reflect the mass of tails that are in this here cave. calebyte and i have been working on some new concepts for this release that are going to be pretty cool. i'll let you know more soon enough.
Dj Mokram Posted November 20, 2009 Posted November 20, 2009 update 11/19/09: so, calebyte and company (i think we're up to three artists now) are doing individual artwork for each track. it'll be released in an artbook-style format along with the music. pretty awesome. Awesome indeed. Really looking forward to that.
prophetik music Posted November 20, 2009 Posted November 20, 2009 yeah, the stuff i've seen so far is pretty cool.
Lemonectric Posted November 20, 2009 Posted November 20, 2009 update 11/19/09: so, calebyte and company (i think we're up to three artists now) are doing individual artwork for each track. it'll be released in an artbook-style format along with the music. pretty awesome. what what what holy crap Looking forward to seeing all that artwork. Are they all going to have the watercolory goodness of Calebyte's cover, or will they show moody somewhat melancholy peaceful reflective nostalgia in different ways? That cover's pretty great. I had a similar idea for Essence of Lime, but didn't think anyone would be willing to do that much work. Then again, this project has fewer tracks.
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