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MAGFest 11 OCR Community Info - Rooms/People/Rides/GroupReg (Partially Updated 12/26/12)

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I love burgers. That'll be my magfest diet.

Elevation Burger is often quite crowded, though, and it takes a while to get your food. That's the only downer to going there. It's also not that big inside. So, it gets really cramped when their busy.

What's the most economic place to eat in the area? I was about to pack mountains of ramen but...

Last year, I went to the CVS drug store up the street from the hotel and loaded up on canned soup, pretzels and Gatorade. Not the healthiest of eats, but it was sustainable for a few days, and much cheaper than eating out.

There's also a bit of discussion going on at another forum about the hotel not wanting any cooking going on in their rooms, so be weary of that when trying to bring in any cooking gear.


Two things. One, I did a rewrite of the Guide to the National Harbor from last year, updated for 2013.

Two, I just realized that Random/Mega Ran is on Thursday night (same night as The Megas later on). Even more excited now than ever. I think I'll be listening to Mega Ran 9 and History Repeating on a loop throughout Wednesday to get more in the mood. KF


I'm definitely going to try to go, coming in from Boston. I'm probably going to be there only for Friday. I'm not sure just yet about the timing, but I should know in a few hours. For now, I'm just trying to get my name on the list.

I may need to catch a ride to and/or from the airport at some point. It's less likely I'd be staying the night, but if I am, you can add me to the list of people looking for a roommate. Again, I'll know more later today. Regardless, you can add me to the pre-reg group.

I dunno if they are gonna do this with the supporter badge or not, but if they allow temp badges I will once again offer mine to whomever wants them.

Is that a badge to get in? We have someone coming who didn't pre-register on time and we're praying they have badges at the door.


Just FYI, I'm probably going to bring my battery powered PA. The Jamspace setup was a little weird last year and I never got a chance to mix it up with you folks. So, I'll be bringing this, a bass guitar and probably a mic incase anyone feels the need to step up.


I figured out my stuff. So I'm going there Friday morning and coming back to Boston on Saturday. That means I'm looking for somebody to share a room with on Friday night. Is there anybody who happens to be looking for a roommate for Friday night? I'd happily crash with someone (and of course split the night's cost of the room)

I figured out my stuff. So I'm going there Friday morning and coming back to Boston on Saturday. That means I'm looking for somebody to share a room with on Friday night. Is there anybody who happens to be looking for a roommate for Friday night? I'd happily crash with someone (and of course split the night's cost of the room)

I've got space. And I'm in the OCR block. :)

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