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Seriously though, what did you guys think? I thought it was a wonderfully conclusive end to the series, although it had a rough start, and

I'm not sure how I felt about them leaving it open for a robin/nightwing series. Called the talia bit right after he slept with her though.

Well, unfortunately, you know the media is going to want to blame someone or something.

How soon can we start hearing that Video Games are the culprit? Or comic books?

Hopefully the media will blame it on the fact that america allows any old fucktard the ability to buy a gun....


....Why do i live on this planet anymore?

Yay - blaming media for violence and gun control bullshit in a Batman topic not 6 posts in. Awesome.

We need to be more respectful than that right now.

...but that's what these sorts of events are for! Scoring political points and furthering agendas! I mean, ABC is already trying to implicate the Tea Party:

"Stephanolpoulos: I'm going to go to Brian Ross. You've been investigating the background of Jim Holmes here. You found something that might be significant.

Ross: There's a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea Party site as well, talking about him joining the Tea Party last year. Now, we don't know if this is the same Jim Holmes. But it's Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado.

Stephanolpoulos: Okay, we'll keep looking at that. Brian Ross, thanks very much."

You see, that's what these sorts of incidences are for. The left will use this incident to blame the Tea Party, "violent rhetoric" from the right, and use it fuel their push for stricter gun control, while the right will blame violent movies and video games, the "left-wing hate machine" and whatever other bull-crap Bill O'Reilly and friends can manage to pull out their a-holes, because politicizing the hell out of these sorts of incidents is the American Way.

Yay - blaming media for violence and gun control bullshit in a Batman topic not 6 posts in. Awesome.

We need to be more respectful than that right now.

Hmm, I never said anything about blaming the media on this. The only thing that I suggested was how soon, IF, is when the media will blame video games or other media forms for this. Sorry if I derailed the discussion by even talking about it.

I won't discuss gun control, that's not something that I feel qualified to discuss and this isn't the thread for it.

What is there truly for me to say on the issue that needs more respect? I feel awful for the movie fans that were there that either died or are suffering right now because of some lunatic with a weapon.


I lolled at how the distant shots of Gotham look like a photoshopped mashup of Manhattan and Chicago. Also I like how Catwoman's cat-ears rotate down to become goggles.

Storywise, I thought the film brought together the elements of the previous films rather well. The only problem with doing this is that it also brought back the layers-upon-layers-of-deception style of plotting that I didn't much like from Batman Begins.

Woah this is not what I meant to say earlier in the thread.

I meant I could only hope none of my friends were killed in the attack. :oops:

i understood what you meant.

my friends live in colorado aurora, its the local cinema for them, luckly they weren't there.


My prayers go out for the families and individuals affected in Aurora.

I loved the movie for a lot of reasons. I found a lot of symbolism and lessons that can relate to the real world (and by this I do NOT mean that I think Baine should be likened unto a political candidate or one side or the other, rediculous).


My favorite message had to do with the prison, the whole concept of Bruce rising, even though he had tried before and fallen. Kind of like the quote from Russel Crow's role in Robin Hood (2010) - "Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions."

And there were some powerful images, with the American flag ripped and tattered, hung above the streets of a Gotham "returned to the people," and unjust sentencing trials. I hope we never have to see days like those.


I have something I wish to express on the Colorado Tragedy.

I joked, as far back as 2 years ago, facetiously off and on that the only way the Dark Knight Rises could top the emotionally heavy and bittersweet experience that surrounded The Dark Knight was if The Joker returned after all - with Heath Ledger reprising his role and his death being a major hoax to build an epic twist no one could see coming.

Then I read about the Colorado Tragedy, and the minute I heard the gunman was calling himself "The Joker", there was a very pitch-black irony to my joke that reared itself like an angry horse out of the stable - The Joker DID show up for The Dark Knight Rises... and his presence was something no one saw coming.

The reality, of course, is that my joke had nothing to do with it and I shouldn't feel guilty for saying it years before it even happened, but that unique irony remains, and one with my emotional makeup can't help but feel even the slightest bit responsible for it, as irrational as that is.

It actually reminds me of the guilt I felt for my paternal grandfather. On two separate occasions, when I was younger, and we visited them in the summer, I wished on the first occasion that we could spend one more day with them out in Branson... and that wish came true when he fell down, broke his hip, and badly injured himself. We stayed another day alright. Then next summer I wanted to see them again instead of go to Atlanta for our summer trip - we did end up flying out there the next day... for his funeral. He died before we even left the city.

Today's been a really, really bad day for me for a number of reasons, so I'm not representing myself with a rational mind, but I can't help but feel guilt for this bizarre talent I have for having innocent comments turn into real-life nightmares thousands of miles away.

I don't really have a point here, I'm just kinda pouring myself out.


One of my best friends was roommates with the shooter a few years ago when they were doing undergraduate studies at UC Riverside.

Today he woke up to seeing his ex-roommate on every news station / news article. Totally freaked him out.

One of my best friends was roommates with the shooter a few years ago when they were doing undergraduate studies at UC Riverside.

Today he woke up to seeing his ex-roommate on every news station / news article. Totally freaked him out.

Did he have anything to say about the guy? Was he off? Living with someone is pretty much the best way to know them.

Can't help my curiosity.

Did he have anything to say about the guy? Was he off? Living with someone is pretty much the best way to know them.

Can't help my curiosity.

He told me that while they were living together, the guy was kind of quiet but there weren't any red flag warnings about him. No violent streaks or outbursts or anything. Then again it's always the quiet ones, right?

I guess something in him just snapped.


Not sure how I feel about the movie yet. I do know that I would love to see it with subtitles. Am I the only one that couldn't understand half of what Bane said? I haven't heard this mentioned since that original teaser was aired, but I thought it was going to be cleaned up more.

He told me that while they were living together, the guy was kind of quiet but there weren't any red flag warnings about him. No violent streaks or outbursts or anything. Then again it's always the quiet ones, right?

I guess something in him just snapped.

As a quiet one myself, it's hard to hear that but maybe it has some truth to it. I heard he dropped out though.. maybe he failed his classes and pretty much felt like it was the end of his life.

Regardless, I just looked at few photos of the sufferers and can't even stand to think of the guy right now. Feels like the death penalty is way too kind for this guy. I really feel that.

Sigh.. k. Let's talk about the movie.

Not sure how I feel about the movie yet. I do know that I would love to see it with subtitles. Am I the only one that couldn't understand half of what Bane said? I haven't heard this mentioned since that original teaser was aired, but I thought it was going to be cleaned up more.

See I thought Sean Connery had retired from acting. :P

I have difficulty at times. I don't think it was the audio that was the problem with not understanding bane. It was his mask and how it covered his mouth, most people use mouth movement to help understand spoken word,

so covering his mouth up, you lose half the ease of understanding and you really have to concentrate on what he is saying. which, in turn, takes you out of the movie a little bit.

this is what my understanding of the Bane voice issue was.

so covering his mouth up, you lose half the ease of understanding and you really have to concentrate on what he is saying. which, in turn, takes you out of the movie a little bit.

Having to focus on what a character in the movie was saying took you out of the movie?

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