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Honestly, I'm sick of advancing by default, winning really doesn't matter to me. :< I'm more motivated to give it my all when I know I'm competing against someone.

Honestly, I'm sick of advancing by default, winning really doesn't matter to me. :< I'm more motivated to give it my all when I know I'm competing against someone.

Well, I hope you haven't been assumin this whole time that you would win by default. That statement really didn't make any sense as you can't know for sure if a person is gonna turn in a mix unless they tell you otherwise or you find out when it comes listening time =P.

And PH, I will only drop out if the circumstances that prevent me from submitting a track are out of my control ;).

Well, I hope you haven't been assumin this whole time that you would win by default. That statement really didn't make any sense as you can't know for sure if a person is gonna turn in a mix unless they tell you otherwise or you find out when it comes listening time =P.

Jakesnke17 indicated that he probably wouldn't be able to put together a mix early on in the week. When Neblix said he didn't put anything together, there was still a couple days left for mixing. At which point I wasn't finished, I didn't put as many finishing touches on as I otherwise would. In this context, my statement made sense.

I didn't have to assume anything, I already knew ahead of time.

I'm not really happy with my theme choice either, so that took away even more motivation. It was still fun though.

Jakesnke17 indicated that he probably wouldn't be able to put together a mix early on in the week. When Neblix said he didn't put anything together, there was still a couple days left for mixing. At which point I wasn't finished, I didn't put as many finishing touches on as I otherwise would. In this context, my statement made sense.

I didn't have to assume anything, I already knew ahead of time.

I'm not really happy with my theme choice either, so that took away even more motivation. It was still fun though.

Ah. Yes, I do remember that. Very unfortunate. I'll be looking forward to hear what everyone has that's all I can say =D.


Source breakdown for my entry:

0:00 - 0:35: Chill Penguin's intro. There's a nod to Wire Sponge with the last sample.

0:35 - 0:49: Wire Sponge's "B theme" chord progression.

0:50 - 1:17: Chill Penguin's "A theme" over the same chord progression from Wire Sponge's theme.

1:18 - 1:47: The main synth plays a mix of Chill Penguin's "B theme" and Wire Sponge's "B theme".

1:48 - 2:31: Repeat of the 0:35 - 1:17 section.

2:32 - 2:47: Sponge's intro chord progression with variations over Chill Penguin's intro on the synth.

2:48 - 3:01: Piano plays melody from Chill Penguin (from the intro) and the icy sample plays a melody from Wire Sponge (A theme).

3:01 - 3:45: Synth plays a mix of Chill Penguin's "B theme" and Wire Sponge's "B theme". Icy samples repeat the melodies from 2:48-3:01.

3:46 - 4:14: Synth mixes Chill Penguin's "A theme" and Wire Sponge's "B theme".

4:14 - 4:53: Piano plays Chill Penguin's "B theme".

I'm just waiting for you to win the final via dropout and all the other matches too :P

That would be anticlimactic, to win a competition without really competing. :mrgreen:

Posted (edited)

I'm gonna go the aggressive route this time, just to spite Shielder's rather happy-go-lucky tone haha xD. Also gonna check out the zeros tracks when I stuff myself with the poison that is Mickey D's.

Edit: Just listened to the mixes. I will generally say how I enjoyed all of the mixes! Win or lose(there are no prizes anyway) you all win, I rather enjoyed the different styles across the board. There's a lot of musicianship your music, much more than I can say about my stuff. So those who don't win, don't feel bad because the result is that you made some cool and interesting stuff to listen to and I say kudos! =D

If anyone wants any critical feedback I'll be more than happy to give my thoughts though.

Edited by BlackPanther

Random comments from moi:

Theory of N - Stealth Chameleon (Sting Chameleon vs. Blaze Heatnix)

Nice funky approach - the mid-low sample could use some work, it's too low in volume I think.

Gario - Unfazed (Blaze Heatnix vs. Sting Chameleon)

I'm under the impression that Gario picked Blaze Heatnix partly to confound people :lol: .

This is interesting, quite creative. Like this quite a lot!

Ivan Hakštok - I Am Terror (Storm Owl vs. Flame Mammoth)

This is a nice entry - the dub elements could be a little more louder I think. Of course I wish the song was longer too, but good stuff here!

Sir_NutS - Knowledge Representation (Chill Penguin vs. Wire Sponge)

The song takes too long to develop IMO. Hit us with the meat earlier!

jnWake - Superconductivity (Wire Sponge vs. Chill Penguin)

Oh man, the mixing sounds nasty with the guitar synth & Chill Penguin lead synth, and not in a good way. Interesting idea though. The lead synth also sounds a bit rigid at times, moreso in the second half of the song.

TheRexAsaurous - Seahorses, FOREVAH (Storm Eagle vs. Toxic Seahorse)

Curious take on the themes here...not sure what else to really say. The song is incomplete, and has some mixing issues.

ProjectSpam - Drifter (Toxic Seahorse vs. Storm Eagle)

Interesting orchestral take here.

Overall, quite unorthodox takes this round - thanks for the efforts everyone!

Sorry for not having more productive comments to add here.

Random comments from moi:

jnWake - Superconductivity (Wire Sponge vs. Chill Penguin)

Oh man, the mixing sounds nasty with the guitar synth & Chill Penguin lead synth, and not in a good way. Interesting idea though. The lead synth also sounds a bit rigid at times, moreso in the second half of the song.

Yeah, the mixing is pretty bad in that section. I would have fixed it if I had more time. I did that like at 4 am lol. Maybe I should raise the guitar one octave (or get a real guitar!).

What do you mean by rigid? Everything is played live, but when I recorded the last sections I was a bit tired, so that may be it.

Thanks for the comment by the way!

Posted (edited)

Small stream of consciousness comments from myself:

Stealth Chameleon - Theory of N - Nice, everything starts out groovy, almost a Mega Man 8 kinda feel to it in some parts. Sting Chameleon gets some nice solo-ish action, but I wish it was integrated a little better with Blaze Heatnix, but that's just a small nitpick for an overall well produced mix.

Unfazed - Gario - a little on the high end for my tastes with most of the leads throughout here. Pretty good arrangement for the most part - things were starting to get a LITTLE repetitive by the end, but it wasn't too much and this is an excellent mix.

Knowledge Representation - Sir_NutS - piano transitions quite nicely into the main part of the mix - good integration of synths and piano, although as the synths start to layer the piano sounds more and more out of place - nothing terrible, mainly around the beginning. Lotta layers to this soundscape, things sound quite nice. Hate fadeouts though, but thats a personal thing I guess. Nice work!

Superconductivity - jnWake - also some good piano, interesting that you two started off so similarly. I'll echo Baha's comments on the guitar and on some of the rigidity - I mainly noticed it on the piano chords whenever they were the only sounds happening for the most part. Some of the sounds got cluttered as things progress. Definitely dig that sound around 2:33. Some of the cymbals sound too wet in the mix (namely when there's a lot of crashes happening). Piano near the ends sounds nice, watch those chords from being too strong. All in all there's good stuff happening - Nice Mix!

I am Terror - Hakstock - Sweet bell sounds in the beginning, watch the volume on em though. Synth soundscape sounds interesting but cluttered. I'm not really digging the echoed synth. Cool drop transition into some more harsh sounds, I would back those off as the lead comes in. Dig the synth-guitar soloish part. Arrangement wise this is a nice incorporation of the themes. Nice!

Drifter - ProjectSpam - Interesting take on this. Right off the bat the bass sounds a little too bass heavy. Cowbell is irking me being hard-panned to the right like that - same goes for the most of the drums. Leads are being buried - lower other stuff to bring em out. Arrangement is pretty nice - i dig the orchestral-y almost tribal-y feel this has, although some times i feel the mix meanders a bit with no solid melody. Overall this is sweet, and a good opponent mix!

Seahorses, FOREVEH - TheRexAsaurous - I tried to go for a lo-fi retro feel here. Felt like there could be a bit more variation with the bassline, and that it as well as the drums were overpowering. Not too fond of my leads in the first section. Tempo push was executed all right. Liked the feel I set up in the second section, but, alas, time got the best of me and I couldn't flesh out my ideas as much as I wanted. Also what a st00pid title.

Edited by Ethan Rex

Lovin' the mixes!

And the comments! No matter the result of this week, I plan on posting my track in the WIP forum at some point in the next month because this week's mix is probably better than any remix I've made before. Definitely could use some polish, but for what it's worth I liked my idea. Love how this competition just forces you to dwell on the mixes and do something creative.

TheRexAsaurous, you are a most worthy opponent! Really enjoyed your song, especially in the last 60 seconds, and I wish I could offer constructive criticism as you did on mine but I really don't know how to comment in that regard -- I feel underqualified!

I'm having the toughest time deciding who to vote for. Looks like I'll be listening to the mixes several times before voting ends. Everyone made awesome music and it's looking like there will be close battles this week, so these are exciting times.

Yeah, the mixing is pretty bad in that section. I would have fixed it if I had more time. I did that like at 4 am lol. Maybe I should raise the guitar one octave (or get a real guitar!).

What do you mean by rigid? Everything is played live, but when I recorded the last sections I was a bit tired, so that may be it.

Thanks for the comment by the way!

Yeah, I didn't mean sequenced necessarily. Notes ended up sounding too discrete at times, a quality not found earlier in the song.


Some comments to help me square my own thoughts:

- Stealth Chameleon: It's interesting to hear a piece I would characterize as jazz that lacks a single jazz instrument. Smooth and cool. T of N tackled Heatnix and beat it into the ground. Gently.

- Unfazed: Hard as hell to integrate these two themes, but this does an excellent job. As much as I admire T of N's approach, and as much as I want Heatnix to get knocked out of the compo, I think I have to hand it to Gario for mainly this reason. I caught myself on multiple occasions, in both mixes, going, "Hey, this part is really good!... oh, that's because it's a Sting Chameleon bit." It's a difficult challenge to give credit to Gario for integration without giving him bonus points for using the better theme more.

- Knowledge Representation: This is Sir_NutS? Really? Amazing to hear him branch out a little. But it is repetitious and has no ending. Definitely feels unfinished, which of course it is.

- Superconductivity: Oh, I'm torn. The good parts are really good--there's some great arrangement--but that dissonance hurts and the production needs a lot of work, that synth just sounds so tinny. My knee-jerk reaction was to vote against this for those reasons, but now I'm reconsidering, forcing myself to focus on the good parts too.

- Seahorses, FOREVAH: Similar to Superconductivity, some really good ideas, some really bad production. It's also pretty unfinished, though. Rexasaurous is definitely someone I have an eye on as his skills pick up.

- Drifter: It's a little rambling--I think if this were more cohesive, and flowed better from the first 0:50 or so, it would be a really strong entry. Good idea that just doesn't go where I was hoping.

Posted (edited)

Unfazed - Very fluid melding of sources. Great song. A complaint might be that some of the instruments appear shrill to my ears... Maybe time was running out and it needed to be submitted before the deadline. Softening the sound a bit might make this mix that much more awesome.

Stealth Chameleon - Love the vibe and the overall sound. Doesn't seem quite as well integrated as Unfazed but wonderfully written nonetheless. Love your groovy solos :)

I Am Terror - Digging the song. Much better than your last submission. The dubstep section around 1:00 was well done. Are you going to work on this any more outside the competition?

Knowledge Representation - Like how you slowed chill's beat and had a nice pianoey beginning. The trancey middle is smooth and has a nice upbeat. The fade out at the end is... meh. Not feeling the end but enjoyed the song a lot.

Superconductivity - The fast chill section at the beginning does not mesh with the other instruments played slowly. The guitar starting at 0:33 is overpowering other instruments. Chiseling out its frequency would help IMO. Also changing its notes more frequently would help breath a bit more life into the bass of your song. 1:16 starts sounding better. 2:38 is nice as well. Good song still. 5 minute song would be impossible for me to do in a week...

Seahorses FOREVAH - Intro drags on and is way too long / repetitive. At 0:58 your song actually starts. I like everything after 0:58. The song ends too soon after everything just gets started grooving. I'm guessing you ran out of time :(.

Drifter - Drum beat gets stale by the time it gets to 0:35. Variation / change ups would help. 0:32 to 0:55 the high pitched percussion strikes are louder and overpower the other instruments. A mid instrument with some counter melody would help throughout most of the song. That frequency range seems a bit barren. At 1:12 you do this and it helps tremendously. Still a nice song even with the faults.

Personally enjoyed Stealth Chameleon more but think the overall design and execution of Unfazed beats it out.

Edited by shadow24

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