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Really lovin' this unique take on Dan's Theme.

SFA-series was always mixed in different ways. From tough beats, to jazzy synth.

Then again Dan felt the love of music. His stage was just vibrant, as he was goofy.

This well done mix, really incorporates a labor of love.

Never heard something like this before, especially done with an arcade character's theme.

Nice job JM & Po! We'd love to hear more from both of you!

  • 2 weeks later...

Yea I actually like to play dan rather than anyone else, simply because beating the crap out of people with him is very hillarious. This song is really well done with the stage song. It just reminded me of the old days where my friends and I would just play as Dan on SFA2. Ah, well done to both of you!


I like this. Everything about this is good and does what it's supposed to, although the piano solo can't really follow the bitchin' violin.

I don't know about anybody else but when the violin is playing, the music sounds like something you'd hear from the old SNES RPG Robotrek. I loved that game and bringing back feelings of that game only makes me like this mix more. Good job.

  • 4 weeks later...

This is a very unique and awesome mix. You've got that rhythmic fight vibe going on at the beginning and then it's onto some sweet, mellow-but-upbeat-at-the-same-time jazz. In short, it's really enjoyable throughout. You two make a good mixing pair. Keep it up!

  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...

When I found out that po! and Joshua Morse had done a remix together, I was ecstatic! I can't really find anything to complain about here. Everything just flows together so perfectly in that upbeat yet mellow jazzy way...You two make an excellent pair and I really hope you get together for another song in the future. ^^

  • 2 years later...

"Chuck Norris drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls."

I state that to say that whenever I come by this mix, I mentally mix up the mix and the preceding Chuck Norris Fact for some reason...

Bizarre, I know...

Aaannnyyway, this is very unique; this has a nice driving beat.



This mix just came very clear to me now. I can recognize both Joshua and po!'s hallmarks on this mix.

A Very Nicely Done Mix. :nicework:

Also, the world needs more jazz violinists.

  • 8 months later...

Smooth stuff, and the violin really makes it. I almost with it had a little bit of freedom with the main melody away from the piano doubling it the entire time. Generally doubling something works good with samples, where the multiple frequencies can help mask weaker sounds, but when you have something as full as life as a good live performance, it seems counter-intuitive. It sounds great by itself in a little solo.

Either way, this is funky stuff, with nice gliding synths providing counter melody in the background, and a nice soundfield encapsulating things.

  • 10 months later...

Dan's.....ice cream truck. Alright, points for the creative title. If OCR did anything for me, it's gotten me to appreciate jazz a little more. I can at least sit still and listen to it long enough to enjoy a good tune. That being said, this is a very good tune. The violin was hot and the great piano playing was the cherry on top for this one. Nice to see Dan get a little coverage.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 years later...
  • 10 months later...

This one is dangerously mellow. That distinct Morse vibe is really accentuated by that superb violin number by posu. That on top of the trademark production values we've all come to expect, this is a mix of great harmony and smooth, smooth smoothness.

While Morse's style and production would go on to get even better and more complex, this slice of jazzy-summery musak represents exactly what propelled him to those greater heights. Belongs in anyone's playlist if you've ever liked a Morse song.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01429 - Street Fighter Alpha 2 "Dan's Ice Cream Truck"

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