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Fitocracy is the coolest workout tracking/social group thing I've found, and our friendly neighbors, TheShizz have a group that works really well, and getting the fitness minded OCR peeps together so we can see what we are all doing and have fun with the site.

There are challenges we can set up, and it's good for tracking your own individual progress!


Looks we got some people on and starting to track, which is sweet!

I am thinking of doing a fun and inclusive challenge for The rest of the month that is something that anyone, even those without access to a gym can rock out.

It's the pushup challenge!

Starting tomorrow and going until the end of the month, every pushup you enter into Fitocracy will be tracked, and the top 3 finishers get to be cool for a little while. 8-)

Just make sure you log into Fitocracy and join the challenge, so your pushups are counted!


Looking forward to the challenge, though the first few days may not be pretty. My triceps took a beating this weekend, and they may not be up to the task even with a lot of foam rolling. We'll see.

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