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@zircon: Good work again on that bench.  You went from 185x2 to 215x1? Was the 185x2 just where you felt comfortable stopping at that point?


Also, your incline bench is that much higher than your flat? I generally find the incline a lot harder than flat, even if it is on a machine.


Meanwhile, I got squashed hardcore on my squat max last month, and hard on my push press 5's this month, but man it has felt good to be a gangster this week.  Did my squat 1rm weight for 2 reps on Sunday (possibly could have done 3 but didn't want to overwork myself,) and got my push press 3's and 1rm over the last week.  Persistance pays off, my friends.  It's tough on those squash days, but man it feels good when you make it.  Totally worth it.


I'm going to max out my barbell soon, I'll be deadlifting 170 lbs next week and I think the max weight is only 180 cuz it's not an olympic barbell.  Don't think I have room in my apt for a larger barbell, though.  I know 170 lbs isn't very much but I didn't think I would even get here cuz of my recurring back problems.  I thought for awhile I would have to give up deadlifts because they kept making my back sore, and even threw it out once, and that was only like 100 pounds.  And that made me really sad, cuz due to space constraints deadlifts are the only "big" lift I can do, unless I got a gym membership.  But I think my form has gotten better.  I feel there's more room for improvement, though.


Also, I've been doing FULL range of motion pullups rather than like 80% range that I normally do, and boy does that last 20% down to a straight arm hang focus on the lats.  Which is what I'm aiming for... I've got pretty decent shoulder and arm development but would like more of that V shape.

@zircon: Good work again on that bench.  You went from 185x2 to 215x1? Was the 185x2 just where you felt comfortable stopping at that point?


Also, your incline bench is that much higher than your flat? I generally find the incline a lot harder than flat, even if it is on a machine.


185x2 felt really really heavy, and I failed at 195. Tomorrow I am going to try 2 plates (225) for 1rm.


Yeah, my incline is solid. But again that's on a machine and spotted...

Anyway, here's a video of my last hack squat from wednesday. Have to say this really didn't feel great afterward on my back.. you can see the pain during the set. Plus I wasn't quite going deep enough. But damn if that isn't a lot of weight, lol.


I'm going to max out my barbell soon, I'll be deadlifting 170 lbs next week and I think the max weight is only 180 cuz it's not an olympic barbell.  Don't think I have room in my apt for a larger barbell, though.  I know 170 lbs isn't very much but I didn't think I would even get here cuz of my recurring back problems.  I thought for awhile I would have to give up deadlifts because they kept making my back sore, and even threw it out once, and that was only like 100 pounds.  And that made me really sad, cuz due to space constraints deadlifts are the only "big" lift I can do, unless I got a gym membership.  But I think my form has gotten better.  I feel there's more room for improvement, though.


Also, I've been doing FULL range of motion pullups rather than like 80% range that I normally do, and boy does that last 20% down to a straight arm hang focus on the lats.  Which is what I'm aiming for... I've got pretty decent shoulder and arm development but would like more of that V shape.


Nice progress! :)


Have you got any sort of yard or outdoor space? That's might be good for weight space if you have to.  Also, if you have space for deads (granted with a non-Olympic bar,) it would seem you have room for bench and press, though you might have to get creative on how to rack your weight.  I would suggest maybe some cinder blocks.  At the weight you can put on your bar right now, you should have room for that I would think.  It's kind of hard to visualize.


@zircon: Hell man, nice work.  :nicework: Those hacks looked nasty to me.  The first two or three might have been a little high, but the end seemed pretty legit.  Also, as you say, that's a lot of weight.  Leave some plates for the rest of us!


185x2 felt really really heavy, and I failed at 195. Tomorrow I am going to try 2 plates (225) for 1rm.


Yeah, my incline is solid. But again that's on a machine and spotted...

Anyway, here's a video of my last hack squat from wednesday. Have to say this really didn't feel great afterward on my back.. you can see the pain during the set. Plus I wasn't quite going deep enough. But damn if that isn't a lot of weight, lol.

He just had to throw in video proof, lest any of us newbs doubt his godly leg strength. ;-)

  • 2 weeks later...

While we're being sill but honest.


I was playing Infinity Blade 3 after leg day and an unexpected enemy swing scared the crap out of me. I jerked my right calf and felt a weird pain like something popped. It sucked so bad and I couldn't play through it.


Just kind of tender today. Will sue.


While we're being sill but honest.


I was playing Infinity Blade 3 after leg day and an unexpected enemy swing scared the crap out of me. I jerked my right calf and felt a weird pain like something popped. It sucked so bad and I couldn't play through it.


Just kind of tender today. Will sue.


man, pulling your calf is a BITCH.


i pulled my calf fairly bad a little over a year ago playing football and, in typical me fashion, didn't let it rest up and went out to play basketball a week later and really tore that sucker up within minutes; couldn't walk right for a month and was unable to run for well over half a year after that. now whenever i am on leg day or gonna do somethin remotely physical (even sex), i have to wear a compression sleeve on my calf.


groin pulls and calf pulls are the bane to my existence

(ps ok i was kidding, i don't wear the calf sleeve during sex. but i do feel it try to pop and it's like "HOLD ON GURL, LET'S DO IT LIKE THIS INSTEAD.")

  • 2 weeks later...

Alright - after bulking for 3 months I've gone from 162 to about 180 on the scale. Granted at least 5 lbs of that is water weight I'm sure. My lifts all went up and I'm pleased with my visual progress, namely on my arms and pecs. But now it's time for a cut again, since I only gain fat in my abdomen and nowhere else. Thankfully since I was eating ~3k a day for awhile I should be able to start the cut at a gentle 2100 a day ( + 20 min of cardio minimum) and then reduce from there.

  • 2 weeks later...

I landed on a bar of sorts while dropping from my pull ups and rolled my ankle a little.  But that's not important.


I just got a call from my gym saying that they have been charging me a month's membership everyday and they owe me $540.  Now that's an idea that I could get behind.  A gym that pays you to go there.


Well how nice that they caught the error themselves and notified you.


Fellow deadlifters might have some feedback/advice here: I'm considering waving goodbye to conventional style and solely pulling in sumo stance. For whatever reason, the MCL in my left knee is just not tolerating conventional style very well anymore when I approach my three-rep max. I've had people watch to critique my form, and no one can spot anything that explains why this is happening.


The clincher: I REALLY don't care for sumo stance deadlifts, I usually just do them as an accessory after conventional-style. But, this week and next week I'll be deadlifting around my five-rep max, so if I've got pain the next day after doing so, I might just be SOL.


Good work again, zircon! I'm sure there will be more hairy man pics to come. ;)


Soul Splint: how's Romanian deadlift for you? That's what I've been doing, and it seems like at least there's less action on the knees, if not necessarily less stress.


I've been busy as hell so I haven't had much chance to log in here or Fitocracy even.  I need to get on it, I suppose.  My cut has been going okay, if slow.  It's hard for me to really keep to IF and my calorie count given two jobs, a four year old, and a 21 year old girlfriend who is not bound by the same dietary and time restrictions.  Less qq, though, more pew pew.  I know.  My lifts have mostly gone okay considering that I am usually working around 2000, 2100 calories a day (at least a few hundred under what I figure I should be at.)  It's hard to know, really.  My activity level is all over the place from day to day.  Like I've said before, my life's a mess right now.  Still though, I made all my new 1rms: 225 bench, 285 squat, 165 push press, 345 deadlift.  I got squashed a lot though, on my 5's and 3's.  That was mostly on my upper body stuff, so next mesocycle I'm going to keep the same targets for bench and push press.  I probably will make my goals for push press and squat for the year, but I'm really not too worried about it for bench and haven't set one for the deadlift.  405 lol? No idea there.


Soul Splint: how's Romanian deadlift for you? That's what I've been doing, and it seems like at least there's less action on the knees, if not necessarily less stress.


Still though, I made all my new 1rms: 225 bench, 285 squat, 165 push press, 345 deadlift.  I got squashed a lot though, on my 5's and 3's.  That was mostly on my upper body stuff, so next mesocycle I'm going to keep the same targets for bench and push press.  I probably will make my goals for push press and squat for the year, but I'm really not too worried about it for bench and haven't set one for the deadlift.  405 lol? No idea there.

Romanians are better as far as I can tell, but still pose the same problem to some degree. I'm going to go pure sumo for a month or two and see what happens.


Nice progress on those PRs! I'm gonna have to up my game, you're catching up to me (especially on squats and deads). This week is all PR attempts for me on my main lifts (except deadlift day). Will be attempting 3-rep maxes: 255 on bench (without resorting to powerlifting technique), 275 on squat (want to go a bit deeper than I did last time, as I just went a hair below parallel), wide-grip pullups at +70 pounds, and Arnold Press with 75 pound dummies.


My tendinitis is finally getting better. So I've been doing some light lifting dumbbell stuff, and cardio!


Today though, not sure if it happened at work, or what, my left forearm has a constant ache where my right doesn't. Might not be fully ready yet. :/


I finally tried out that sriracha sauce though, and I now eat it with everything. I guess it really does make more boring meals not as boring.


But yay! happy to actually be back in the gym. 

  • 3 weeks later...

well, i wrapped up my fourth mesocycle on the 5/3/1 this past week and I'm really happy with how well my body responded; new 1RM's across the board and i haven't gained a pound on the scale (comfortably sitting at 197)

Squat: 325

Bench: 210

Deadlift: 300

Military Press: 110 (*i will forever have weak shoulders as both rotator cuffs are torn to shreds; I'm actually shocked that I didn't hurt myself further... so there may be hope for more serious gains down the line)

today marks the start of my cut; i'm gonna go for three cycles aiming to be done with it by labor day/burfday weekend. target: 180ish lbs and some modest shreddage.

let's go!


well, i wrapped up my fourth mesocycle on the 5/3/1 this past week and I'm really happy with how well my body responded; new 1RM's across the board and i haven't gained a pound on the scale (comfortably sitting at 197)

Squat: 325

Bench: 210

Deadlift: 300

Military Press: 110




Geez, that squat. Something tells me you actually enjoy leg day.


Nice lifts! 

I finally saw a specialist about my back... turns out I have something called facet joint arthritis, otherwise known as facet syndrome. No bueno. My discs are fine but the joints in my lower back are inflamed. It explains a LOT about so many things, and I'm really happy we figured it out. Currently taking some very strong anti-inflammatories, after which I'll be on slightly weaker (but still prescription) stuff to get the inflammation under control, and then it's back to physical therapy. Definitely disruptive to my workouts too, but I'd rather heal up than be at 80% capacity for years.


I finally saw a specialist about my back... turns out I have something called facet joint arthritis, otherwise known as facet syndrome. No bueno. My discs are fine but the joints in my lower back are inflamed. It explains a LOT about so many things, and I'm really happy we figured it out. Currently taking some very strong anti-inflammatories, after which I'll be on slightly weaker (but still prescription) stuff to get the inflammation under control, and then it's back to physical therapy. Definitely disruptive to my workouts too, but I'd rather heal up than be at 80% capacity for years.

Glad you have an answer. Here's to getting well then getting swell (ed)!


Geez, that squat. Something tells me you actually enjoy leg day.


i do. i've had oversized, precocious legs since the day i was born; my life fitness goal has always been to get other things to match lol so getting so much progress on my other lifts makes me really happy (though i'm still unhappy about my tore up shoulders and the weaksauce that is my press). the one exercise i used to absolutely love above all others prior to my litany of shoulder injuries was the pull up which i can't do more than a couple of (any and all of the grip positions) before crumpling into a pile of agony. and i don't know how to use those assisted machines, neither lol i just want to be able to lift my body weight a dozen times daily, is that so much to ask for?


Nice lifts! 

I finally saw a specialist about my back... turns out I have something called facet joint arthritis, otherwise known as facet syndrome. No bueno. My discs are fine but the joints in my lower back are inflamed. It explains a LOT about so many things, and I'm really happy we figured it out. Currently taking some very strong anti-inflammatories, after which I'll be on slightly weaker (but still prescription) stuff to get the inflammation under control, and then it's back to physical therapy. Definitely disruptive to my workouts too, but I'd rather heal up than be at 80% capacity for years.


eeeek. i just googled this and just recognized about 3/4 of the symptoms immediately. haven't been to a doctor more than maybe twice in the past dozen years but...

what do they have you taking? 

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