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  • 5 weeks later...
SwiftKey 4 just got released, so they've got a sale on it. Just $2 to pick it up. Worth every penny and more--it's a massive improvement over the stock keyboard on my GS3!

openend this thread on a whim after getting a GS3 last weekend. This app is the SHIT compared to swipe.

Super Hexagon just got released for Android. I haven't tried the PC version, but it's REALLY hard with this control scheme...still haven't made it to level 2. ;_;

still fun as shit though

I've almost beaten Hexagoner, but I'm not really holding out hope on being able to complete any of the hyper stages

Posted (edited)
still fun as shit though

I've almost beaten Hexagoner, but I'm not really holding out hope on being able to complete any of the hyper stages

Yeah Super Hexagon is fantastic. So happy it finally came out for Android.

Speaking of Android ports of amazing games, any fans of FTL? http://www.reddit.com/r/ftlgame/comments/18rfnu/i_think_there_should_be_an_ios_and_android/c8hhd8b


A fun game that's sort of a free-form RPG is Knights of Pen & Paper and I definitely recommend checking it out. It really is inspired by tabletop games, to the point where you can add "tabletop items" that give you exp/gold boosts and everything you do including travel includes a dice roll for success. You actually see everyone chilling at the table roleplaying as their characters on the bottom half of the screen, with the dungeon master adding some really amusing commentary for everything that happens in the game. Then on the top screen you see the backdrops and enemies and stuff. It's really unique. Check it out!

Another to check out is this fantastic little rogue-like that's currently in development called Pixel Dungeon. It's not finished, but I think the thing that's made it stand out for me is the amount of polish it has, even for a game that's still being actively developed. I've also heard good things about Legends of Yore but I haven't played much of it yet.


As for apps, I highly recommend Llama. It lets you set profiles for your phone and determines your location based on cell towers in the area. If I'm at home or out with friends, I can have my volume maxed out. If I'm at work or school, I can have it set to automatically go on vibrate.

AnkiDroid, an Android version of the popular flashcard software. It's especially useful for people learning languages as Anki has historically had a really large community of language-learners. A lot of decks from biology terms to historical names have already been pre-made by users of the community. You just have to simply download them in-app.

Edited by Necrotic
Posted (edited)
openend this thread on a whim after getting a GS3 last weekend. This app is the SHIT compared to swipe.

I had used Swiftkey for a long time. Then I tried the Flow beta, which I thought was great because I could get my one-hand typing back plus Swiftkey has great auto–correct, right? Later on I tried the latest version of Swype and realized just how far behind Swiftkey was.

Flow is good step in the right direction but Swiftkey has some major issues that have plagued it since the beginning—how slow it is, the lack of customization, and that correcting sentences and adding punctuation is still a major pain in the ass.

Edited by Necrotic
I had used Swiftkey for a long time. Then I tried the Flow beta, which I thought was great because I could get my one-hand typing back plus Swiftkey has great auto–correct, right? Later on I tried the latest version of Swype and realized just how far behind Swiftkey was.

Flow is good step in the right direction but Swiftkey has some major issues that have plagued it since the beginning—how slow it is, the lack of customization, and that correcting sentences and adding punctuation is still a major pain in the ass.

huh. i don't have any of those problems with this version of SK

Posted (edited)
huh. i don't have any of those problems with this version of SK

Haha, I thought you were saying it was shit and I was agreeing with you, then I realized you said it's THE shit. :(

I'll give Swiftkey props b/c they ninja–fixed a few things with SK4. Like, until the release of SK4 you couldn't just point in the middle of the word to get a list of corrections for it. But now what it does, is it forces the pointer at the end of the word. This already adds on to the fact that adding punctuation or making changes in the middle of a word in Swiftkey is already notorious for being a chore, which you sometimes have to do if you want to add that version of the word in its dictionary. That's fine for texting but if you want to try and type anything with proper sentences and punctuation, good luck.

It's also still major slow. Given that I only have an S2 though, I'd imagine newer phones handle the prediction engine a lot better.

BTW I've heard the Swype betas which you can download off the official Swype site is actually better than the stable release that Samsung includes in their phone. So, if you're feeling adventurous check it out.

Edited by Necrotic
  • 2 months later...

Someone needs to come up with a list of actually good Android games.

I've found exactly one android game that I actually enjoy (Super Hexagon) and everything else has been terrible, not fun, not interesting, buggy as hell, or some combination thereof. My anecdotal experience has not matched up to zircon's insistence that there are loads of good games on Android, and it's kind of pissing me off that I'm not stumbling across them everywhere.

I want to like something on Android, I really do, but I'm having difficulty finding anything. Help me.

Someone needs to come up with a list of actually good Android games.

I've found exactly one android game that I actually enjoy (Super Hexagon) and everything else has been terrible, not fun, not interesting, buggy as hell, or some combination thereof. My anecdotal experience has not matched up to zircon's insistence that there are loads of good games on Android, and it's kind of pissing me off that I'm not stumbling across them everywhere.

I want to like something on Android, I really do, but I'm having difficulty finding anything. Help me.

Game Dev Story


Superbrothers Swords & Sworcery

World of Goo

GTAIII if you're into that kind of thing.

I've been enjoying NBA Jam, but it's better on XBOX.

  • 11 months later...

This is why I love nerds:

Droidsound has been unofficially spunoff by a fan of the app and it now plays much more varied game files, including usf, dsf, 2sf, and brstm... which means if you want the SSBM/SSBB soundtrack on your Android or if you've looped Sixto & zircon's Subterranean Kamikaze into a brstm like I have, you can listen to it fo'evah.


Go to the "prebuilt" folder and download "droidsound-debug.apk"

Droidsound with added features and stuff.

Added features compared to Google Play version:

New Plugins:

•Sega Saturn plugin (SSF/MiniSSF)

•DreamCast plugin (DSF/MiniDSF)

•Capcom Qsound plugin (QSF/MiniQSF)

•Nintendo DS Plugin (2SF/Mini2SF)

•PSF Plugin changed (PSF/MiniPSF, PSF2/MiniPSF2)

•Plays packed .GYM files

•VGMStream plugin (too many formats to include)

•Latest version of SC68 Plugin

•VGMPlay by Valley Bell

•Sidplay2/VICE plugins have been replaced by Sidplay2fp

•LazyUSF plugin (USF/MiniUSF) ◦Optimized for ARM NEON by droidmjt

•S98 plugin

•MDX plugin

•Adlib plugin

•PMD plugin

Other changes:

•Option to change File-Cache size (16MB - 4096MB and unlimited)

•Option to clean directory list cache

•FTP Client. Allows you to download tunes from FTP sites. Included few pre-defined sites.

•Added ARMv7 support.

•Added FileBrowser. ◦Now you can mount any path and copy your music there. Not limited to internal phone memory.

•ModLand Offline Database

•Fade support (will improve later)

•Generic looping

•shoutCAST streaming works now also with Samsung devices

P.S. Shnabubula's Zelda 2 "Temple" from NES JAMS makes an awesome brstm also. I ain't tellin' you what I heard, I'm tellin' you what I know!

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