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RWS 1-2 - ReMixing With the Stars: Season 1 Episode 2: Origins of Home Gaming

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Why the heck not, I'll sign up as a star.

I can do quite a few things pretty well, but I prefer to do chillout stuff more than anything. Atmosphere is the name of my game. Sound design and what not are super fun part of remixing. I also do pretty clean production - I like for everything to be heard well. Also, I've been super big into drum programming lately, so that's cool.

FL Studio is pretty much all I use. I don't mind working with whatever - wav files, soundfonts, etc. As long as I technically can work with it I will.

Some songs:

https://www.box.com/s/lp9yr0fdaunyk0b4obnd (box link just because)

(This is an example of me doing something "different")

Oh yeah, and we get grouped together, try to schedule a time to work with me please. I've been super busy lately, and my schedule isn't always certain, but usually Saturday, Sunday, and Monday afternoons I'm free to get on skype or whatever.

So whats the numbers so far chaps? Yes I am aware that I could go back and check myself, but this post serves as a bump :-)
In a shocking turn of events, due in no small part to NaNoWriMo, we currently have an excess of stars!






PROTO·DOME (only if needed)


Volunteer Stars





Cash and Change





Tuberz McGee

An odd number ATM, unfortunately. If one more person signs up as a Novice, then I can shunt Dafydd, hakstock, or ectogemia to the Novice category if they're OK with that. One more Star and I can swap two of the three Star volunteers. Of course, 3 more Novices would be even better! 2 days left for signups.

Frankly, all three of those guys are awesome, but there's always more to learn, and I have to assume there's some reason they're not OCR-posted yet. And the thought of a collab between any of them and any of the posted Stars is drool-worthy.


I'm gonna go in full inverse from last time and be a star ONLY if there is a shortage of stars, and I'm NOT interested in participating as a novice this round.

By the way,

I have to assume there's some reason they're not OCR-posted yet.

I can't speak for anyone else, but as previously mentioned

I have serious and chronic difficulties with production and mastering


I totally suck at production skills [...] (I can never make anything sound as professional as I want to be).


Hey guys,

Sorry, but I don't think I'll be joining you this round :(. Don't worry though I'll join again for another episode. Have fun!

PS: I'm rooting for Tuberz and Kuolema this round :) New blood needs to win. Good luck to everyone though

Thanks, but...huh?

I say random things. Don't mind me. Just take it as "I'm interested in your music because I've never heard it before". Hence the new blood comment (Even though you have probably been around and active in forums for a lot longer than me). Also, it'd be cool if you and Tuberz got in the top three after voting ended. I enjoy Tuberz music and feel he is aptly capable of it. You are a mystery a wild card per say and I like to gamble. Hopefully you are even more confused now :)

I say random things. Don't mind me. Just take it as "I'm interested in your music because I've never heard it before". Hence the new blood comment (Even though you have probably been around and active in forums for a lot longer than me). Also, it'd be cool if you and Tuberz got in the top three after voting ended. I enjoy Tuberz music and feel he is aptly capable of it. You are a mystery a wild card per say and I like to gamble. Hopefully you are even more confused now :)

Haha, you should download the pilot episode's remixes. Tuberz and I were both in that :).

So the game has to have come out on or before October 18, 1985, not just the system it was on?
Correct. So for NES games, the only legal choices are the 20 or so launch titles. Yes, Super Mario Bros. counts. Yes, I will think less of anyone who chooses it. :-P

What's the rule, if any, if two pairs pick the same song? If that's a concern, it might be a good idea to post sources here as soon as we choose one.

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