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How about "$50 and all I got was a fucking Super Shotgun"

Scott for the win :)

Also, I have my next WIP ready. It'll show the compositional structure; still some things I need to sort out concerning the little drones and the dodgy mastering, but I'm sure it'll fit.


I'll be placing a new WIP list in the first post shortly.

Many of you still have to get your pieces in to me. You're already past the deadline. This wasn't a "week to get it to me" deadline, it was an "I want this to all be well on it's way within a week" deadline. I thank the people who have emailed/contacted me about their pieces so far.

That Romero sample is in the archive on the front page, which I used wintex to extract from the game.

I still listen to your Hells Marshal remix every now and then. Works well in there. :)

Man, it took me forever to figure out how to beat that level. Tried shooting that guy's brain for fun but kept missing; never thought of using rockets.


I might consider doing that last open track if you're interested in it... I made a short thingy. It's just something i fiddled.

I'm actually thinking about making a hardstyle track from it. :P

Well, it's your call.


Today is the deadline to get your pieces in, I'm still waiting on several people, so I'm assuming that some tracks will be freed up for others to take. A couple of people have asked for a small extension for various reasons, they have an extra week to get their pieces in to me. The rest of you have today to either get your piece in, or at least let me know what's going on.

I'll update the first post today, and send out confirmations for those who've submitted their WIP's.


Front Page updated. People with extentions have a week to get their pieces to me or they're off the project.

I've started responding to a few people. Some of you will find that I've been rather harsh in my emails. I've noticed from a few of the WIP's that there's a rather large gap between the professional mixers of this project and those who mix as a hobby or are new to mixing. Please note I'm trying to be fair about this and give you all a fair go. But those of you whose tracks are less than professional will have to get them up to par or I'll be cutting you from the project from the next WIP date. Most of you have solid ideas in your mixes, you're just either missing the samples or techniques necessary to pull them off.

Last thing is, I hope those of you who receive one of these direct emails are mature enough to handle it responsibly. Like I said, my goal here is to both make sure this project is of the highest quality, and also to give everyone on the project a fair go. So please take the emails at face value, rather than personally.


Okay, my first ordeal i'll be working towards is replacing all synth leads in my mix yet again and i'll just post a general request for anyone willing to help me out some with it since synth stuff is most certainly not my forte. I would need to come up with a kind of deeper (not lower in pitch) kind of "smokey" type sound for one I suppose and then a clearer up-front and interesting synth lead without having it stray into being piercing. Neither part would work well with traditional instruments. Thanks

Otherwise i'll be checking around for specific parts of my song that I think a particular remixer might have good advice on.


I have a revision of my last project name idea which may be catchy [i think it is]: The $50 Super Shotgun Project or maybe The $50 Shotgun Project.

It's a good name, imo. Hardly a serious one, though, so maybe we think of a good "serious" project name also.


Well, looking at that open track at the moment and I'm just testing around with it. I'll see if I come up with anything, and btw, I'm not very good at remixing but maybe someone can get any idea of it or sumthing. I'm checking here on OCR from time to time but write all too little IMO but perhaps I can start some day :P

Will be back if I come up with anything, but well, this track seems to be very freely to do stuff with since it's so minimalistic.


analoq's taken the open track 25.

The extended deadline has passed. I'm still waiting on pieces by Sir Nuts, RoeTaKa, Prophecy and Hemophiliac.

Prophecy has spoken to me about his pieces, so I'm just waiting on him to send it to me.

Sir Nuts has been having PC problems, so send your piece to me as soon as you get yourself settled.

RoeTaKa has been having IP problems with OCR for some time. So I need to contact him, however Roe has mentioned that he doesn't think he can work with Evilhorde, being banned and all. So I need to contact Evilhorde about that (or Evilhorde can contact me and let me know what he thinks.)

Hemo, I need you to grab me on IRC when you're next on to let me know what's going on with your piece.

Everyone else, I'll get comments to you about your WIP's in short time.


Hehe, ok. Good to hear it still is progressing. Will be interesting to hear wath analoq does with that track :>

Mine is kinda chaotic so far xD

Lucks pals. Hope this will end up well, as well as all other present projects and the upcoming.


I've commented on all the tracks I've received so far. Most of them have received some heavy suggestions.

Also as an announcement, Doulifee is now the co-organiser of the project. Since he's as into Doom 2 and it's music as much as I am. He'll be helping run the project as well as discuss ideas and comment on mixes.

We've opened up a mixers-only section on Doulifee's forum, where you all can and should register. I'll send out more details in a mass-email.

Those who haven't sent their tracks to me have roughly 30 hours from now to get their tracks in to me or they're off the project, no questions asked. I'm done chasing people down.

Last bit of business. Some tracks will be opening up in the near future. If you're interested in the track, please PM me about it rather than posting in this thread. Send me a sample of your music as well.

  • 2 weeks later...

Next deadline is set as May 1st. That gives people exactly two weeks. A few tracks have been completed. And a couple are very close to completion. Those of you that I've sent critique emails to, I expect you guys to submit your tracks to me by May 1st. I'll be doing a cull of the project at that point, based on whether I think your tracks will meet the project's expectations.

I remind people that I'd like you all to register on Doulifee's forum and PM douli with your name.


I see the deadline. :) However, I do have problems; one of those weeks is spent away for Easter, and another is spent for exams upon return. If I don't get a WIP in time, odds are I'd request for a time extension.

Same here. I'll try to get something turned in before May 1st but a couple of my classes are cramming in extra tests before finals on that same week.

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