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Pokémon X/Y and OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire (Gen6) (3DS)

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Posting the leaks on a personal account with pictures of himself and information about where he lives was pretty fuckin' stupid.

Why? Are the Nintendo Police going to send him to a Wii U Gulag? What laws did this guy violate? I'm sure the store is in trouble, but I don't get what Nintendo can do to this guy besides offer him enough money to make him sell his copy back to make him stop leaking things.

Posted (edited)

From what I read he gave it back "voluntarily"

Nintendo flew a representative out this afternoon and went to the local game shop where I picked up X. The Nintendo rep had said heads were rolling at Nintendo because of the leaks. I gave up my copy of the game to try and help keep the local game shop out of trouble and to keep my friend from losing his job.

There isn't anything they could do to him personally (nothing illegal about buying a game early on the customer side of things), but looks like they were definitely upset at the location that he got the game from.

Edited by Crowbar Man

So, Aegislash, the evo of Honedge and Doublade, has this cool trick to it. Check out its ability stats:


But then check out its stats here:


See how the Defense and Special Defense stats switched with the Attack and Special Attack ones?

According to one of the leakers from 4chan:

Aegislash starts the battle in Shield Forme. It seems he changes to Blade Forme when you use an attack that deals damage, and back to Blade Forme when you use something like King's Shield. Here's what I've observed:

Battle start, Aegislash in Shield Forme.

I select King's Shield.

Aegislash uses King's Shield, stays in Shield Forme.

Enemy attacks. The damage is prevented, and the enemy's Attack harshly falls.

Turn two, Aegislash in Shield Forme.

I select Iron Head.

Enemy attacks, Aegislash takes damage normally.

Aegislash turns to Blade Forme and uses Iron Head.

Turn three, Aegislash in Blade Forme.

I select Swords Dance.

Enemy attacks, Aegislash takes damage normally.

Aegislash stays in Blade Forme and uses Swords Dance.

Turn four, Aegislash in Blade Forme.

I select King's Shield.

Aegislash turns to Shield Forme, uses King's Shield.

Enemy attacks. The damage is prevented, and the enemy's Attack harshly falls.

That is awesome. You can not deny it.

I'm trying to work out the puns in their names but I can't seem to discern some of them. Olympia definitely takes fashion tips from the White Witch though.

Grant = Granite... but other than that, I don't really see any, either.


The oft rumored "Z" pokémon is... real. And it's actually kind of cool looking. Legendary, of course so it has high stats and a rather mysterious ability.




And that seems to be it. The majority of the three pokédexes are filled out and we seem to have found out about most of the new ones. Anything else past this is really obscure and/or hard to find.

The oft rumored "Z" pokémon is... real. And it's actually kind of cool looking. Legendary, of course so it has high stats and a rather mysterious ability.




And that seems to be it. The majority of the three pokédexes are filled out and we seem to have found out about most of the new ones. Anything else past this is really obscure and/or hard to find.

huh. I would expect the Z pokemon to look more like a Z in shape, like X and Y do. I dont think this is it honestly.

Also, I looked at my hands today, and they were empty. They weren't holding a copy of Pokemon Y. I am Disappoint.


So (spoilers)Skrelp apparently evolves when it knows the move Camouflage. Into our first ever Poison/Dragon(/spoilers)

Also upon seeing a complete list of new Pokemon listed by National Pokedex number with Mega Evolutions as well, I returned to making my list of unused type combinations as up-to-date as I could.

Really happy with this generation's offerings. even if there's only 69 new Pokemon


i know this is an internet forum so this is what people post these days but wouldn't you have more fun discovering this all for yourself in game?

it's still nearly a week until the game comes out and you guys seem to know everything there is to know.


Not really. We haven't seem much of the overworld, what each town, city and point of interest offers, not have we seen the vast majority of NPC trainers and their teams.

We also don't have a final list of the dex, TMs, HMs and items. We're missing info on any outstanding legendary pokémon that haven't been shown yet, and we still need to know who this one random mysterious guy named Az is and what he does. The plot has hardly been discussed and we don't know anything about the bad guys this time.

All we do know is the majority of the new pokémon, and that's what everyone is really after.

As for the game itself... we're happy to play it regardless of what we know already. If anything, it's made some of us even more excited for it.

i know this is an internet forum so this is what people post these days but wouldn't you have more fun discovering this all for yourself in game?

it's still nearly a week until the game comes out and you guys seem to know everything there is to know.

Can't control the hype.

If anything, it's made some of us even more excited for it.

I'm one of these people. Yeah, so the new Pokemon won't surprise me, but I'm still excited to catch them. Plus, we don't know their movesets or how their stats will grow yet. Also Kalos is massive, and just because we're aware of the gym order and some town names, there's still a crapton of things about it we don't know.

And we have no idea what most of the music is, aside from how it's apparently really really good.

There's plenty more to see and experience; the spoilers haven't taken that away from me.

also i need a fuckin' skrelp.

and a goomy

I'm one of these people. Yeah, so the new Pokemon won't surprise me, but I'm still excited to catch them. Plus, we don't know their movesets or how their stats will grow yet. Also Kalos is massive, and just because we're aware of the gym order and some town names, there's still a crapton of things about it we don't know.

And we have no idea what most of the music is, aside from how it's apparently really really good.

There's plenty more to see and experience; the spoilers haven't taken that away from me.

also i need a fuckin' skrelp.

and a goomy

I need them ALL.


Anyone here have any experience with buying digital copies for 3DS games? Do they release early, on time, late? Issues with new games not downloading because of server demand? Anything like that?

I don't know if I want to go digital or just hit a store late at night/early next morning.

Anyone here have any experience with buying digital copies for 3DS games? Do they release early, on time, late? Issues with new games not downloading because of server demand? Anything like that?

I don't know if I want to go digital or just hit a store late at night/early next morning.

Right on Midnight.

Now to find out if you can trade between the digital copy and your cart on the same 3DS.

Yeah, I know it's not going to happen, but it would be nice if it could...

You can. You have to use Pokemon Bank which launches in December. it costs $5 a year, but you can store something like 3,000 Pokemon and trade them between any X/Y copies you own.

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