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Pokémon X/Y and OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire (Gen6) (3DS)

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^ when would you like your Torchic?

Also, yeah, I think shinies are WAY more common now. I've found the following in the Friend Safari effortlessly:

Klang, Floette, Bibarel, Audino x2, Chansey x4, Druddigon, Camerupt, Muk, Combee, Pyroar (funnily enough I was playing my friend's game and was running around in my own safari) and Teddiursa.


I haven't found any shinies anywhere outside of my single charmeleon (Neltharion) from Stevo's "Friend Zone" as I like to name it.

Speaking of shinies, there's a program that lets you know what your shiny code/trainer number is, and it also has a website/forum where you can find trainers that have that number so the eggs that have it will hatch as a shiny to them :o

Here's the link for anyone interested to at least read about it.


With the increased chance of encountering shinies (from 1 in 8192 until Gen 5, and now it's 1 in 4096), plus the various mechanics that help increase it further, combined with the relatively easy way to find out if eggs are going to be shiny...

Shinies are now worthless. They're too common as as, and now it's even easier to get them, and they will still pass legality checks.

In my day, shiny Pokémon meant something. You were lucky, you worked for it, you had a friend that gave you one. But kids these days... they're handed them by the box-full.

Get off my lawn.

The tall grass has wild pokémon hiding in it.


My Eugenics program is coming along very smoothly. I now have an abundance of the following 5IV Pokermans:


Fletchling (Talonflame is amazing for Fly/Flame Body to keep you in fighting order even when trying to hatch eggs.)





Gonna be working on Flabebe and Eevee's next.

Let me know if any of y'all are interested in some fighting 'mon.


You kids and your "5 IVs"... that's so cute.

Meanwhile, my 3rd Gen Aerodactly with 6 IVs of 31, and the right nature, and bred moves, says hi.

And my other six 31/31/31/31/31/31 pokes as well.

Sadly, none of them are really meant for competitive battling because they're favorites, but still.

You kids and your "5 IVs"... that's so cute.

Meanwhile, my 3rd Gen Aerodactly with 6 IVs of 31, and the right nature, and bred moves, says hi.

And my other six 31/31/31/31/31/31 pokes as well.

Sadly, none of them are really meant for competitive battling because they're favorites, but still.

I was really just offering because I need to empty some boxes and figured some other people would possibly like them :)

Your epeen. I can't rival it.

I was really just offering because I need to empty some boxes and figured some other people would possibly like them :)

Your epeen. I can't rival it.

"I have the best pokemon of all time"

"....okay cool dude"

I haven't found any shinies anywhere outside of my single charmeleon (Neltharion) from Stevo's "Friend Zone" as I like to name it.

Thanks to your "Friend Zone" I was finally able to acquire my first shiny, a female Mawhile who I named Queterra for some reason. (I was half awake when this happened.) A part of me is thinking that shiny Pokemon is more abundant in the Friend Safari but since I've only captured one so far, it may be just pure luck.

By the way, Mawhile is absolutely adorable in Amie.

Posted (edited)
You kids and your "5 IVs"... that's so cute.

Meanwhile, my 3rd Gen Aerodactly with 6 IVs of 31, and the right nature, and bred moves, says hi.

And my other six 31/31/31/31/31/31 pokes as well.

Sadly, none of them are really meant for competitive battling because they're favorites, but still.

My favorite 6IV story:

Eevee: 31/x/x/x/31/31

Ditto: x/31/31/31/x/x

I figured I would slap a Destiny Knot on one of them and put them in the Day Care to test my luck. It took like... 6 minutes to generate one egg, and I biked around for 10 more minutes to not a single other one, so I basically gave up and figured I may as well hatch the egg since it was already in my party.

The IV dude told me each stat was perfect and I nearly jumped. It was surreal. It seems so unlikely that the game would just happen to pick the right 31s with so much room for error. It could have just as likely been the x/x/x/x/x/0 or something.

Unfortunately math is not my specialty but I tried to calculate the odds anyways, but then I realized that out of all the possible outcomes 31/31/31/31/31/31 could've occurred quite a lot. I still (most likely incorrectly) calculated the final odds as something like 0.0001015% which is substantially higher than getting a shiny with the old odds.

Edit: Oh yeah, I've been breeding a lot of Pokes for fun. I'm particularly fond of Sawsbuck (whom I never considered using 'til it came to me in a dream) and Magcargo, who is definitely bottom-tier as far as viable Pokes go but is still really fun to use on wi-fi.

Edited by Cody Wedel
Posted (edited)

Finally added everyone (I think) that has X/Y. No idea what my safari type is yet. I assume you guys have to add me as well before I check yours out and vice versa. My code is 4184-1304-8565. Plz/tks :)

Edited by Soul Splint
Shouldn't expect others to visit another thread for my code...
It doesn't matter when you max out the EVs, the stat gains will be the same by Lv 100.

But typically you would want to max them out early on, otherwise you run the risk of giving them EVs you may not want them to have through normal gameplay.


Reset bags in Super Training mean you don't need to worry about when you train the EVs.

Level 100 pokemon with horrible EV distribution? No problem, just have him whack on a Reset bag, and you're back to square one.

True, but what if you only partially do the EV training and forget about it?


If you started to partially train EVs then you wouldn't have unwanted ones to begin with.

Seriously, it takes an hour and some change to max a pokemon's EVs. I would think there is very little chance for you to partially train a pokemon and then stuff it full of odd EVs in the middle.


Ummm no. If you don't spend the whole hour to max it out cause you get bored and do other things and forget about it, then get into battles because you forgot about the EV training, then there's plenty of chances for unwanted EVs to show up.

I know this because I have done this myself.

I mean if you're all about EVs and are super into them, then yeah, you're gonna want to do it all at once. But if you're doing them casually (which Super Training allows you to do) just because you can? Then yeah, it can happen. Easily.

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