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Pokémon X/Y and OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire (Gen6) (3DS)

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Posted (edited)


C'mon guise, add me plz. Need friend safaris. I'll totally let you in my safari in return. 4184-1304-8565 (Thanks Vilecat for already adding me).

On a separate note, I was kind of blown away by my Mewtwo. Mega Mewtwo X has a ridiculous attack stat, so I thought a high attack Mewtwo would be nice to complement that. I got an adamant Mewtwo (+attack -special attack) with perfect IVs in special attack, defense, and speed on the first try.

Edited by Soul Splint

C'mon guise, add me plz. Need friend safaris. I'll totally let you in my safari in return. 4184-1304-8565 (Thanks Vilecat for already adding me).

On a separate note, I was kind of blown away by my Mewtwo. Mega Mewtwo X has a ridiculous attack stat, so I thought a high attack Mewtwo would be nice to complement that. I got an adamant Mewtwo (+attack -special attack) with perfect IVs in special attack, defense, and speed on the first try.

1392-5304-2378. :) I have Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon.


C'mon guise, add me plz. Need friend safaris. I'll totally let you in my safari in return. 4184-1304-8565 (Thanks Vilecat for already adding me).

On a separate note, I was kind of blown away by my Mewtwo. Mega Mewtwo X has a ridiculous attack stat, so I thought a high attack Mewtwo would be nice to complement that. I got an adamant Mewtwo (+attack -special attack) with perfect IVs in special attack, defense, and speed on the first try.

1392-5304-2378. :) I have Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon.

Electric type safari here. Added both of ya.



From what my coworker told me, I have a water-type safari. I would love to find someone with an ice-type that has Snorunt. If your friend list isn't full already, send me a message if you add me. :)

5129 0693 3734

Thanks guys. Added both of you as well. If you happen to visit my safari, I'd be interested to know what my 3 pokes are...

If we're online at the same time, I'll check out your third one, but your first two are pumpkaboo and shuppet.

From what my coworker told me, I have a water-type safari. I would love to find someone with an ice-type that has Snorunt. If your friend list isn't full already, send me a message if you add me. :)

5129 0693 3734

Sure, I'll add you and let you know what you've got.


C'mon guise, add me plz. Need friend safaris. I'll totally let you in my safari in return. 4184-1304-8565 (Thanks Vilecat for already adding me).

On a separate note, I was kind of blown away by my Mewtwo. Mega Mewtwo X has a ridiculous attack stat, so I thought a high attack Mewtwo would be nice to complement that. I got an adamant Mewtwo (+attack -special attack) with perfect IVs in special attack, defense, and speed on the first try.

Hate to be the party pooper, but all pokemon in the Undiscovered (Can't Breed) Egg Group are like that in X/Y - having 3 Perfect IVs.

So any legendary & any baby pokemon you catch in the wild will be like that. Good nature, though.

Hate to be the party pooper, but all pokemon in the Undiscovered (Can't Breed) Egg Group are like that in X/Y - having 3 Perfect IVs.

So any legendary & any baby pokemon you catch in the wild will be like that. Good nature, though.

Well, balls. I was special for a few days at least. :tomatoface:

Thanks for letting me know my first two safari pokes, Cecil, though it sounds like mine won't be terribly useful unless the third is a really good one.

Posted (edited)

It better be.


Rule number 1: Never change the deal.

EDIT: I don't think anyone mentioned this yet, but there is a new patch for Pokémon X and Y. It fixes some minor things but mostly, it negates Battle Analyzer and Instacheck, so cheating in on-line battles is harder. Well, for now, at least.


QR codes for those that don't want to hunt it down themselves on eShop.

Edited by The Damned

Does anyone have a high-IV ditto they would be willing to part with? So far Mirby is the only person I've come across with a ditto safari, and her friend list is maxed out, so...yeah. Trying to breed an army, and after quite a bit of hunting in the Pokemon Village the closest I've gotten is a ditto with perfect SpDef.

Posted (edited)

Any one that has used my Friend Safari... what is it? What's in it? It is cool and awesome, or kind of lame and there's nothing worth catching?

Also, maybe we could make a list of what each of our Friend Safaris are and add it to the front page.

On related news, did you guys hear about the Celebi event for downloading PokéBank?

Edited by The Damned
Any one that has used my Friend Safari... what is it? What's in it? It is cool and awesome, or kind of lame and there's nothing worth catching?

Also, maybe we could make a list of what each of our Friend Safaris are and add it to the front page.

On related news, did you guys hear about the Celebi event for downloading PokéBank?

Don't know what yours is nor do I know type is mine. I've been adding several people but only a couple of people added my friend code.

So far with those that did add me, Vilecat has a Fairy safari (this is where I got my shiny Mawhile) She has Kirilia, Mawhile, and Floette (yellow)

Level 99, aka Stevo has Fire type, Ponyta, Charmeleon, and Braxion

Cecilff2 has electric type, Electrode, Helioptile, Zebstrika

Not entirely sure if the same three pops up for everyone else.

If anyone wants to add me go on ahead, let me know so I can help you out with your Riverquest Safariventure.


From what I've found so far on my game:

Arek is Grass

Dhsu is Psychic

Doulifée is Fire

Dusk is Dragon (With Gabite, Dragonair and Druddigon)

jmr is Water

unstablehamster is Ghost

wildfire is Rock

ocre is Grass

bleck is WaterMalakhim is Water

Species is Fairy

chthonic is Flying

But with the exception of Dusk, everyone only has t2o pokémon, which seems to indicate they haven't beat the Elite 4 yet. Maybe they need to be updated? But I've had wifi going most of the time, so they should all be up-to-date by now.

From what I've found so far on my game:

Arek is Grass

Dhsu is Psychic

Doulifée is Fire

Dusk is Dragon (With Gabite, Dragonair and Druddigon)

jmr is Water

unstablehamster is Ghost

wildfire is Rock

ocre is Grass

bleck is WaterMalakhim is Water

Species is Fairy

chthonic is Flying

But with the exception of Dusk, everyone only has t2o pokémon, which seems to indicate they haven't beat the Elite 4 yet. Maybe they need to be updated? But I've had wifi going most of the time, so they should all be up-to-date by now.

you can only get the third pokemon the first time if they are online at the same time you are.

Well it's not my fault everyone else is screwing things up, now is it?

Also, checking on my 3DS friends list, about 25 of you have yet to click the accept button for me. That makes me sad pangoro.

Added you FOREVER AGO and have yet to see our friendship blossom. I see your sad pangoro and raise you a depressed dewott.:tomatoface:


Didn't realise Bank is on subscription, but $5 a year isn't too bad. Knowing me I'd be in to experience the adventures more than get super-Minecraft-style addicted, but it will be nice to have that full Pokedex completion.

That said, my Gen 3-5 teams and legendaries (minus Landorus, which will still require some grinding in Dream Radar) are raring to go. Heading into Kalos this Wednesday will be an interesting experience x)

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