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Pokémon X/Y and OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire (Gen6) (3DS)

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I try not to rag on names too much, but Honedge is kind of a lame name.

Good thing you can name it just about whatever you want after you get one.

Hope he evolves into a badass haunted suit of armor. That'd be pretty cool.

I'm getting a non-evolving vibe from it. Besides, if anything is going to turn into a ghostly suit of armor, it would be a Banette evolution. Small doll -> larger doll -> suit of armor, plus a much needed second type to help its stats.

Banette just doesn't get any love. Its counterparts have gotten evolution, but it doesn't? Bullshit.


Xerneas is Fairy-type, Yveltal is Dark/Flying. Xerneas has an ability called Fairy Aura while Yveltal has one called Dark Aura. Fairy Aura powers up Fairy-type moves while Dark Aura powers up Dark-type moves. Xerneas has a special move called Geo Control and Yveltal one called Death Wing

Pancham's evolution is called Goronda (コロンダ). It is the Aggressive Pokémon, is 2.1m tall, weighs 136kg, and has the ability Iron Fist. It is Fighting/Dark-type. It has the move Hammer Arm and a new method of evolution

The Squids are called Maika (マーイーカ), the Rotation Pokémon is 0.4m tall weighing 3.5kg, and its evolution Karamanero (カラマネロ) the Reverasl Pokémon, is 1.5m tall and 47kg, and both are Dark/Psychic-type Pokémon. Maika has a move called Turn Over which reverses stat changes. It's a Dark-type move. Karamanero has the move Hypnosis. They both have either Suction Cups or Contrary.

The pink bird is called Shushup (シュシュップ) and is Fairy-type. It is the Perfume Pokémon, is 0.2m tall and 0.5kg in weight and has the ability of Healer. It knows the move AromaTherapy. It is exclusive to Pokémon Y

The puff ball is called Peroppafu ( ペロッパフ) and is also a Fairy-type. Its ability is a new one called Sweet Pale which prevents your allies from falling asleep. It's the Cotton Candy Pokémon, is 0.4m/3.5kg and has the new move Drain Kiss. It is exclusive to Pokémon X

Honedge has the ability of No Guard

Clauncher is exclusive to Pokémon X while Skrelp is exclusive to Pokémon Y

There's a new Gym leader, with the robot arms, called Shitoron (シトロン) while the other Gym Leader is called Zakuro (ザクロ)

The professor is called Purataanu (プラターヌ). He will occasionally battle you.

The evil team is called Team Flair/Flare (フレア団). Their purpose is solely to make money

CoroCoro is offering special Xerneas & Yveltal figures if you pre-order the games and send in a form

There you go.





also Pancham's evo is badass



I normally build around a team of Eevee evos and/or dragons and legendaries... I will probably do the same, but I won't use the Fairy Eevee nor the new legendaries. They seem... poorly thought of (I'm not surprised considering we're on 6th gen)

What I'd like to have seen if we're having another (set) of Eevee evos is a Fighting, Steel or Dragon type Eevee personally but eh, who knows.

Also Fairy types... strong against Dragons... really? Oh well as long as Fighting beats Fairy... >_>


If you mean Duke Nukem Forever, that is a terrible thing to say about any game. You should apologize to Game Freak for that insult.

In non-slanderous news, NEW TRAILER!

Shows the new pokémon from the CoroCoro scans in battle as well as the new bad guys. The new professor looks really young and is a nice change from the stuff old men the Oak and Rowan. Sure, he's no milf like Juniper, but you can't have it both ways all the time.

Except when it comes to rule 34, which I'm sure exists on every single new thing we've seen since yesterday.

Fucking internet...

If you mean Duke Nukem Forever, that is a terrible thing to say about any game. You should apologize to Game Freak for that insult.

In non-slanderous news, NEW TRAILER!

Shows the new pokémon from the CoroCoro scans in battle as well as the new bad guys. The new professor looks really young and is a nice change from the stuff old men the Oak and Rowan. Sure, he's no milf like Juniper, but you can't have it both ways all the time.

Except when it comes to rule 34, which I'm sure exists on every single new thing we've seen since yesterday.

Fucking internet...


Release day can't come soon enough.


I was and I'm sorry, it was a bad attempt at a poor joke...

But truth be told, as much as I will play this I've said, often, since gen 4 that they should just do one last big game as a last hurrah, have all the areas and have a ball...

Convention and being driven by profits means this will never happen.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

So certain Pokémon including Blaziken, Lucario, Mawile, Ampharos and Absol are getting alternate forms (dubbed Mega Evolutions) - you may remember me thinking the new Mewtwo 'Awakened Forme' was dumb, as opposed to us getting a brand new Mew clone, but these look to be pretty dang cool. (I have always been a fan of Ampharos and his new form is said to become part Dragon so that's pretty cool.)

Though, admittedly, they remind me of this picture which arose from discussions (around the time of Gen 4) about how Pokémon designs were getting too complex.

Also: a cute new bunny pokemon!! - and a new electric rodent and a Gogoat pre-evo too, I guess. :)

Edited by ocre

that charizard looks fuckin' awesome though

also if Blaziken gets a new form then presumably all the rest of the starters do, too - I'm hoping that Feraligatr's new form is exactly the same except he has boxing gloves and a huge afro and is a Fighting type


What I'm really stoked about is the fact that you can view EVs in-game now. Which means that I don't need to carry around pen & paper while EV training...that kinda defeated the purpose of a game being portable.

Posted (edited)

Almost 20 years later, Kangaskhan's baby can finally leave its pouch when Kangaskhan Mega Evolves). MegaKangaskhan's ability is 'Paternal Bond', which lets it's child attack right after it.

(The Kangaskhan joey looks so cool! I'm still holding out hope that it's a standalone Kangaskhan pre-evo!) Kangaskhid perhaps?

Edited by ocre

Mega Evos... obviously stealing the old temporary evolutions shit from the Digimon cartoon... can't say I'm overally hyped for this game compared to others at all...

Still got a copy on preorder from Game, so I'll end up playing it until my eyes bleed just to beat the missus...


Not to mention most digimon evolutions aren't generally temporary. The "partner" digimon in the various cartoons are not typical examples of digimon growth as they attain their evolutions only with the help of their humans. Otherwise digimon evolution is a natural progression of stages just like pokemon evolution is.

That said, I'm interested in the mega evolution, although I feel like some of the pokemon would be better off with just a normal evolution rather than a mega one. I do wonder what implications this addition will have in the long run.

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