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Pokémon X/Y and OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire (Gen6) (3DS)

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I would interject that Pikachu isn't a fully evolved form but then they'll probably introduce some clause that Pokemon that can be evolve with Stones can still Mega evolve. :| I hope not. But you may be right.

Pikachu is special. ;P

Ash's Pikachu has gotten some kind of a super move or a gimmick in every new region they've visited since Houen, so giving him a Mega Evolution would fit right in with that.

ash's pikachu refused to evolve to raichu in the show, why would it use a mega evolution

you fuckin' scrubs JEEZ brush up on your ANIME FACTS

'Cause Mega Evolutions aren't permanent and the Pokemon turns back to normal at the end of the fight, GEEZ.


So... why should I care? I mean, the anime show sucked balls after the original arc...

Pretty much like the games over time I guess.

I must be ill, still gunna play X when it comes out. As long as I don't turn back to WoWcrack it's good I suppose.


X/Y Updates from Pokemon Game Show


You can ride a Rhyhorn!


Mega Evolution is merely a tap away!

Both images are from a demo shown off during that show.

During the Pokémon Game Show, it was shown thanks to a picture from a Twitter user, that the method of Mega Evolution is through a simple button in the attack interface when your Pokémon has the Mega Stone attached to it. In the demo, you also ride on a Skiddo in a route and seen riding a Rhyhorn. In it, you also battle Professor Sycamore, where you use Mega Evolution, and battle Shauna & the other playable character. Fennekin has the moves Psybeam, Flame Charge, Fire Spin and Tail Whip. The Mega Evolution battle has you face off against Chandelure and Crobat with Mega Mewtwo. Helioptile has Tail Whip, Thundershock, Quick Attack & Parabolic Charge

In the demo, you start off with Alexa telling you to go see Professor Sycamore. On your way there, you battle the rival, with a time limit. Once you get to Professor Sycamore, he will give you Mewtwo and teach you about Mega Evolution, which is just done by a tap of a button, and he'll then battle you. After the battle, a video runs of the game. We're still getting more information so keep your eyes peeled on the site. Image thanks to raim2005

also if Fennekin can learn both Psybeam and Psychic, is there really still a chance he'll become Fire/Fighting?

When is Pokemon going to put a good 3D RPG on a console? Even if it's the Wii U. This seems way overdue.

Uh, what other console would they put it on?

But yeah, I've been wanting that since the N64 days.

For me, ideally, the pokemon models would be very true to the official art (the Pokedex 3D models are awesome), and the art direction would be cel-shaded. The game mechanics would be exactly like in the mainline handheld games, there would be a full map to explore. Items to find. Shinies, full 3D room decoration - like in Pokemon Stadium 2 but better - the whole kit and caboodle. The movement would have to be smooth, not rigid and janky like in the Genius Sonority games. Every pokemon would need to be in the game, but not every region, like some people want - in fact I would want it to be a brand new region, not a revamped region we've seen before, at least to start with.

But let's not turn this thread into a "What do you want from a console Pokémon game?" discussion. (Because someone will bring up the stupid idea of turning the game into an MMO - whoops.)

Posted (edited)

, which is really sad, but it's cool that the big N-word hasn't sent them a cease-and-desist yet. I hope they still try to make an official one though, maybe take some notes from this one.

But really, upscaling the cell-shades in XY and putting it on Wii U would not be a bad move.

Did just find this, don't know what system it's for or even if it's a game, but


Edited by Brandon Strader
, which is really sad, but it's cool that the big N-word hasn't sent them a cease-and-desist yet. I hope they still try to make an official one though, maybe take some notes from this one.

But really, upscaling the cell-shades in XY and putting it on Wii U would not be a bad move.

Did just find this, don't know what system it's for or even if it's a game, but


It's likely a teaser for a new game, as it shows up right at the end of a retrospective vid about all of the games in the series up to X/Y.

When is Pokemon going to put a good 3D RPG on a console? Even if it's the Wii U. This seems way overdue.

I've often stated that it's time that they do a big off game with all the areas involved. This would probably fit the bill if they did this, because it would potentially be rather too big for the 3DS. That would be pretty impressive.


Game Freak has repeatedly stated they do not want to put the series on consoles because the entire point of the game is to take it with you wherever you go. The reasoning being that it makes trading and battling easier if you can just take it out of your pocket and do it right there.

"But wise and most sage of all members named Damned," you are thinking, "you can do all that at home with wi-fi." No, you can't. That's not even the point. The point is you are supposed to be able to find other players on the way to work, at school, wherever, and play with them right then and there. Maybe that situation is easier in Japan because of the population density, but it still applies here as well. That why the 3DS Streetpass system was created: to make casual passerbys into random players.

Kind of hard to do that when it's on a console that needs to be plugged into a wall outlet and hooked up to a TV.


Granted, but how many people in America, the UK, etc do you know that a) play Pokemon and B) actually do this? I would like to reckon the number is minute. I personally don't walk around with my 3DS in my pocket and up for such a pass and I would imagine that the majority don't either, it's probably more pure luck that it happens.

Besides, if that was the pure case I'm highly surprised Game Freak allowed Nintendo to bring out games such as Stadium, Collisum, Snap etc on the consoles.

Seems a bit short sighted in my view.

Posted (edited)

That's because you don't know what you're talking about.

how many people in America, the UK, etc do you know that a) play Pokemon(?)

The millions of Pokémon games sold every generation seems to indicate... I don't know... millions of people?

B) actually do this?

I can't find any statistics, but that there are just under 34 million 3DSs in the world, you could take even 10 percent of that and get millions.

I personally don't walk around with my 3DS in my pocket and up for such a pass and I would imagine that the majority don't either, it's probably more pure luck that it happens.

That's faulty logic and I can't even begin to explain how bad a point that is. "I don't do x so no one else must do it either."

Besides, if that was the pure case I'm highly surprised Game Freak allowed Nintendo to bring out games such as Stadium, Collisum, Snap etc on the consoles.

The reason why you see other Pokémon games on consoles is because they are spin-offs and auxiliary games. Stadium, Colosseum and Battle Revolution were games that needed your GameBoy/GBA/DS games to get the most of them. You could use what few Pokémon were offered just in the game, but you were always better off using your own team from your own game.

Snap was a non-fighting, non-RPG game that could have used any other setting and characters, and it would be the same game. It wasn't about catching, trading or battling, it was about taking pictures.

Even the recent Rumble games are just stand-alone games that could have used other assets from any other game (or even original ones just for it). They used Pokémon for it to drive sales and make money.

There are 19 Pokémon games and series that are found on portables, while only 17 on consoles (and 6 are releases on WiiWare or Virtual Console). If you also count the core series, that puts the number of portable titles to 30, not counting individual titles (like Red and Blue). Doing that puts the number well over 40. More than twice.

So yeah, it's a portable-based series. That's what Game Freak wants. That's what Nintendo wants. That's what the majority of the fans want.

Edited by The Damned
Posted (edited)

I really really hope that Pokémon XY have StreetPass battling features (e.g. whenever you pass someone, your 'battle teams' are traded and you can fight the CPU whenever).

And secret bases. And StreetPass Mystery Gifts! :)

Speaking of StreetPass, you guys know that Nintendo recently changed up their 'Nintendo Zone' wifi hotspots to now include a StreetPass relay system, right?

Meaning if someone visited a McDonalds or ATT Free WiFi spot, their StreetPass data gets stored there until someone else comes along and gets it. :)

There's no better time to be taking your 3DS with you EV-erywhere.

Edited by ocre
Game Freak has repeatedly stated they do not want to put the series on consoles because the entire point of the game is to take it with you wherever you go. The reasoning being that it makes trading and battling easier if you can just take it out of your pocket and do it right there.

"But wise and most sage of all members named Damned," you are thinking, "you can do all that at home with wi-fi." No, you can't. That's not even the point. The point is you are supposed to be able to find other players on the way to work, at school, wherever, and play with them right then and there. Maybe that situation is easier in Japan because of the population density, but it still applies here as well. That why the 3DS Streetpass system was created: to make casual passerbys into random players.

Honestly I'd rather play with real people over Wi-Fi than a hollow echo of a person who passed nearby at some point. That's creepy.

Posted (edited)

So... you would rather play against data transmitted over wi-fi than play against data transmitted over wi-fi?


If you mean you feel better about playing against an active player, than I would point out that the AI in the games will do the same thing you would.

Edited by The Damned
Granted, but how many people in America, the UK, etc do you know that a) play Pokemon and B) actually do this?

I don't but then again I don't hang out with kids in grade school (i.e pokemon's intended audience)

Granted, but how many people in America, the UK, etc do you know that a) play Pokemon and B) actually do this? I would like to reckon the number is minute. I personally don't walk around with my 3DS in my pocket and up for such a pass and I would imagine that the majority don't either, it's probably more pure luck that it happens.

Besides, if that was the pure case I'm highly surprised Game Freak allowed Nintendo to bring out games such as Stadium, Collisum, Snap etc on the consoles.

Seems a bit short sighted in my view.

Here in the states, my age group has a majority playing Pokemon. College rocks.

Posted (edited)
I don't but then again I don't hang out with kids in grade school (i.e pokemon's intended audience)

But there is nothing more delicious than devouring the tears of the child that thought a team of 6 Pikachu was a good team.

True story.

Edited by Brushfire

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