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I mainly have music goals for this year:

- Become good at producing.

- Get at least 1 mix posted on OCR.

- Start working on my personal VGM projects (remixes for some underremixed, imo, games).

- Manage to record/produce songs with my band.

- Learn more music theory (been working at it!).



win at least two Prc contests on here

finish three original songs (that i can be proud of)

start work on my first remix and lurk around in the Workshop part of the forum

possibly help with/host a podcast for the remix contest section of the forum. to be discussed


get a drivers license

get insurance

get new glasses.

gain 10 lbs

sign up for language classes

i forgot the rest


Learn learn learn.

Programming. Karate. Guitar. Piano. Production.

These will certainly take much longer than a single year but I want to learn something significant in at least three of these.

Posted (edited)

Finish all the remix album tracks and other projects I have on my plate by no later than the middle of February

Get back into visual art (more pen drawing, get into digital art, and especially learn more about spriting)

Submit more than one track to OCR this year (though I guess that put me at 100% acceptance rate in 2012, heh)

Original releases (TONS planned)

Make it back to Indy this summer (DusK, you better hit up Union Jack with us this time :P )

Take on at LEAST 10 media composition projects over the course of the year (film, games, promos, etc.; 1 down, 9 to go)

Keep shaving more time off my Super Metroid speed run

Release something through SNESology


Also, finish building my desktop like, now (not really much *building* left, just have to install an HDD to go with my SSD and put an OS on there)

And you know what, I'm gonna get back into playing drum set because I fucking miss it

And damn it, let's keep going. I'm sort of expecting to do this regardless of the resolution, but even though I won't be on a university drumline anymore I'm going to keep all my drumline composition and teaching commissions because it's played a huge part of shaping me as a musician, and I don't want to lose touch with those contacts or that aspect of composition

Edited by Phonetic Hero

Enhance my proficiency of programming languages used for work.

Release a song in a modern dance genre.

Get ready to go back to school and finish PhD in late 2013/2014.

Design and release some type of music software.

Design and build something custom for the house.

Have fune, and discover some new awesome beers! :nicework:


I've got a small list:

- Release an original album.

- Fully update my YouTube with my most polished songs and remixes.

- Finish all my musical commitments to projects and the like.

- Save money as much as possible (not buying any games until Animal Crossing, and then none for a while afterwards either)

- Drink less pop / eliminate it from my diet entirely.

Lets do dis!


I usually set goals based on life events rather than the start of the year, but this time coincidentally I have a few right about now that could be resolutions. 2012 was a pretty big year for me (finished my Master's program, moved to a new apartment, got married) so a lot of this is based on now having a bunch of free time that I didn't before.


  • Pick back up calligraphy (had to set this aside 4 years back, but I still have all my brushes and ink)
  • Study 50% of the material I have for the JLPT N1 (my long-term goal is to pass N1 by December 2014)


  • Translate the remaining Lunar manga (3 volumes) I have yet to translate
  • Translate 2 of the Lunar drama CDs
  • Start the Magical School Lunar Let's Play I've been planning for years
  • Clear 50% of my game backlog


  • My work-related goals are important, but they'll sound dull if I list them here

you also speak Japanese kizyr? Why wasnt i aware of this at MAG?!


wait... n/m...

...sorry, habitual response.

I usually don't bring it up unless it pertains to the conversation. So, like, unless we got on the subject of import games or vacations I prolly wouldn't've mentioned it. KF


wait... n/m...

...sorry, habitual response.

I usually don't bring it up unless it pertains to the conversation. So, like, unless we got on the subject of import games or vacations I prolly wouldn't've mentioned it. KF

you translating that hentai the entire room was watching in realtime was one of the highlights of my entire life. I bet you could make a career out of that if you were so inclined. :-D

It's all about the story, man.

Makes you wonder why they make it into hentai in the first place :roll:. I find my story fix elsewhere..., although, there always seems to be a lot of anime based off eroge when you look at the lineups. :neutral: Is that what it takes to get recognized? Even anime not so targeted towards adults will still have fan-service, a fair bit of it. :/

I really don't set new years resolutions. I do want to improve musically and physically (current amount of exercise a week: 0). I've been trying to cut down on my gaming purchases, too. I have plenty. Also, if I can try to be a better person daily, that's a plus in my book. Life is made up of moments, and I feel right now making short term goals is more likely to help me than making more long term ones. The long term ones I have feel big enough already. Maybe I should make a goal to plan better for those. :-P

  • 10 months later...
OCR Goals:

Have the most mixes posted on the site (I'm sitting at 50 posted/waiting)


Release an original Kickstarter-supported chiprock album


Finish a solo remix album (already fully planned out, y'all)




Get considerable progress done with FF3, I'm thinking 40%+ progress.


Save enough from each paycheck to pay for MAG12 in full.


Increase support skills, spend more time in Workshop


Life goals

Get in sha.....wait a minute, I have an image for this:


n... well I got a job and I've been sober since May 2012 so... 2/3, not bad

So maybe I should make my 2014 something easy like "not die", but knowing me, I'd fail at that too.


Hm interesting idea, Brandon. I don't usually ever go back to these:

- Finish at least five songs this year


- Try teaching music production

Not really

- Get more involved with live sound


- Sing on a remix, without vocoder

Still possible but unlikely

- Get on Jeopardy

Haha no

- Go to Australia


- Study Japanese again

Very much so!

- Make and playtest and hopefully publish a board game

Half credit. Minor playtesting, no publishing

- Fix the minor pain in my leg that I've been living with for nearly a year

It's better than it was at the start of the year, but I'm convinced now that it's never totally gonna go away

Keep at it with my weight loss

No significant improvements, but no diastrous gains either. Then again I put much of it on my health problems last year.

Finish that PlayStation based EP I started last year

Couldn't even touch it. I got to get it done in either 2014 or 2015, matching with the PS1's 20th anniversary in any of the territories it was released in. o_o*

Keep being musically productive otherwise; in fact, try and shoot for something at least every 2-3 months

January - lots of tracks made for the Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012.

Following 8 months - nothing too refreshing, but did have a lot of OC Remix mixposts at that time plus stuff put forth on the FF6 album.

October - tracks for For Everlasting Peace and Vampire Variations 2.

November - Temporal Duality. Nuff said.

So, not technically as productive, but at least the goal was kind of met in terms of exposure :P

It's cool to support yourself, but it's also cool to support others. I'm on the right lines with a forthcoming weekly broadcast on RadioSEGA, which I aim to see through a full working season and look out across the community for some great arrangements appropriate for the station. I'm also game to do some more stuff behind the scenes for OverClocked University as well, offering as much help as possible for any future endeavors they take.

Success on both! SEGA Mixer Drive completed a full season last night and I am now on Christmas break. I've also helped a bit with the visuals for OCRU's MAGFest set for this year as well.

Get back into work / college

No pernament work, but have done some contracts in the meantime.

Not a brilliant year on an accomplishment standpoint, but considering I went under the knife in May, I can give this the benefit of the doubt, I guess. :P

- Get at least 2 mixes on OCR

2 mixes exactly woohoo!

- Place in upper half of at least one DoD

2 victories, 3 third places aawwwwwyeaaaah

- Improve guitar technique

Uhm some people actually said my guitar playing is good so I guess I did it :tomatoface:

- Get my bachelor's degree


- Program my own VSTi synth

Well, I made a plugin that produces a sine wave, does that count as a synth? :tomatoface:

- Start going to the gym at least 3 times a week

Was doing it until July, then I stopped because of summer break. I should start going again. :tomatoface:

- Stop being so lazy

Hmmmm I think I managed to do this one too xD

All in all, a good year. Probably the best of my life :D

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