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Final Fantasy III: Resurrection - Wrapping Up (Sign Consent Form!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just catching up quick because I know reigniting interest in this album facilitates not going too long between updates here and there.

Nothing to update at the moment - I've been busy off my ass, barely getting any sleep, weather and other things getting too far in my way IRL to work on stuff and its culminated now to a small relapse into the clinical depression/depersonalization I've been at since about this time in 2016 which gives me oversensitivity to even the most minimal of emotional subjects as well as a really irrational and involuntary phobia of aging and time moving forward - which is just about the stupidest thing in the world.

It'll pass and I'm not too fucked up right now, thankfully, but this little relapse has been a few degrees stronger than some of the others and I'll still need some time working on other things until that passes.

So not a great update, I understand, but I also just wanted to chime in something so no one thinks energy or momentum has already stalled or anything. Nope, just the universe deciding to use me as its personal diarrhea outlet once again. It'll be done and over with soon and I can get back on here.

Thank you!

  • 3 weeks later...

This depersonalization episode has been lingering and I've not been able to shake it fully. I'm past the parts I need to be concerned about, now I'm just waiting for it to pass entirely.

In the meantime I've been slowly trying to gather .WAVs from people and I only have about 8 myself. Rexy might have some others, but we need to get .WAVs in first before we can formulate what to do from there.

So send your .WAVs in, folks.

I'll keep updating as updates and sanity come in.

  • 5 weeks later...

While I'd had worse Septembers than this, it's not been good. The stress of it got so bad that it fully undid the depression progress I'd made since the second week of August. I spent various parts of the last 8 days unable to sleep and almost paralyzed with fears that can't be rationalized away.

I have a moment of clarity now, so before the fear starts back up, I'll give a small update.

I had been talking concepts and ideas with Rexy. I'd not gotten as many .WAVs from people as I would've hoped, so I do think we might have to redo some key tracks. I'm personally not wanting to do a whole full soundtrack arrangement, but a sense of balance has to be brought to it, so I will talk with Rexy on how best to achieve it.

I'd also been trying to get some ideas for project artwork. I had a great idea, but it turns out to be derivative. I'm not too picky on what the artwork should be for the cover, just needs to look good and make sense with reconciling the themes of the game.

Sorry it's not a more positive update, shit's been reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllly fucked on my end as usual. As sanity returns to me, I'll try to get more done on it.

  • 2 weeks later...

Depression/depersonalization lingers, but I'm making progress in recovery all the same.

Some things in my professional (i.e. that which makes money) music world has shifted up some - two long-standing other commissioned work I started on long ago is finished and a third is pretty close to wrapping up (which is good, because the game release date is coming up sooner than I expected. Yikes), which is pretty good for me considering the last two months on my end. I will please ask that you allow me to release the first two music items here in the immediate timeframe as it will, in the long-run, clear my plate off some and allow me to recover the energy needed to back to this one.

Thank you for allowing me some breathing room here. I'll have a new status report after a while here.

  • 2 weeks later...

By announcing that I'm finally back into something close to a "clear" from the last time I've updated, I expect a tree to fall and bisect my house or my septic tank to explode or a stroke to permanently paralyze my entire left side within a week's time as Fate punishes me for choosing to do something art-related like it always does.

But that being said, I'm sticking it to Fate and saying I'm in something close to a "clear" and I will be back to active administration work on this project again.


The tracks I was given should have been shared by now. If not, I'll make them available again as I hadn't deleted any. The essential sources thing was something I thought up quite a bit of time ago and I'm prepared to do that as well when availability presents itself again. Best estimate right now is within the next several days.

  • 3 months later...

@Meteo Xavier & @Rexy are in charge of:

  1. Rounding up all tracks/wavs to date (I think this is basically complete)
  2. Identifying holes in arrangement coverage that should be filled
  3. Finding a way to fill them
  4. Coordinating art & final package prep

We've got Golden Sun and Lufia 2 & Badass Paragons on the horizons, but I'd really like to wrap this up in Q3...


I have to tender my resignation on this project, to no small amount of personal disappointment and chagrin. I wrote it on over to Rexy first and now I'm writing it publicly.

The conflict is all on my end - when I first joined up to try to help push this sucker out and today is the difference between World of Balance and World of Ruin, to put it in Final Fantasy VI terms. I wasn't exactly Spring Chicken at that time in terms of vitality and work availability, but I could do it. Then I had a medium-sized relapse into (depression-related) depersonalization in August, then me and my family's world got pretty damn well upended just before Christmas 2019, then we had snow and floods in February just before COVID-19 hit, THEN COVID-19 hit the planet, THEN my dad announced he has throat cancer. Now my Mom just started having an episode of anxiety-related something that is similar to the depersonalization and I have to be helping her with that. Of those items, only the flood and snow has actually cleared up, the rest is still present.

As a result, my administrative performance so far has been well below what I would personally find acceptable and it's pretty plain to see that I'm not currently fit to tackle the role. I don't have as much invested in this project as I did SD3 (err, "Trials Of Mana" now, fucking Square-Penis...) so powering through it isn't really justified this time around.

Sorry to bring a downer to this album's projection, but I'm at "unarmed Jubei Kibagami in Ninja Scroll" stage on this end. Best of luck, or whatever we have going on for statistical chance in 2020 right now, for following this album forward!


@Meteo Xavier I think that's the right call, and thank you for making it and letting us know as opposed to letting things drag on. This is a stressful/disorienting period of time for everyone, and having extra challenges on top of that to work through just doesn't leave a ton of time for much else. Hope things take a turn for the better for you :)

  • 1 month later...

In the interest of moving forward, and also because this album is kinda coming back from the dead (or at least purgatory/uncertainty), I'm suggesting the following title:

Final Fantasy III: Resurrection

...to kinda gel with with the FF1 & FF2 albums, so it's "Random Encounter, Rebellion, Resurrection" - a trio of R's.

If anyone feels strongly that this title is poo and/or has a better idea, please chime in!

Also, the album has been added to the project consent form - please sign ASAP!


Alright, I'm going to have to chime in on this one as well.

After Meteo stepped down, the duty of finishing this project had fallen into my hands.  I've made steps behind the scenes to make sure things will progress - gathering as many WAVs as possible, getting in touch with artists who had prior claims, and figuring out ways to get more tracks in.

As of right now, there are some updates to be done with the roster.  Firstly, all but three WAVS had been gathered together - the Dual Dragons lost theirs, OA wasn't happy with how his track turned out, and PacificPoem has been unresponsive.

Secondly, I got interest from Eino and Sagnewshreds in keeping on refining their work.  I have contacted all others who had a claim, but no response - so any other claim will get freed up.

Thirdly, a massive thanks to Artem Bank ( @redshojin ) for not only taking on Boundless Ocean, but getting a full track and WAV prepared in less than a week!

Nevertheless, if you the web surfer - yes, you - is interested in claiming a track and can do so in the space of the next 6-8 weeks, send a PM to me in the Discord, or here in the forums if you don't have a Discord account.  I share my sentiment with the artist collective on board with letting it see the light of day :)

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

I hate to double-post myself, but there is some big news regarding album development.

This album trilogy has had a history of collaborating with the Dwelling of Duels, and so, September 2020 is the OC ReMix Crossover FF3 Month!  If you main a live instrument, go check it out - if you take part and you decide to send it to OCR's submissions queue, the evaluation will get fast-tracked.  Any track from the game can be chosen, though there are still some uncovered spots on the OST (including some not even listed in the OP) that would be nice to have some representation.

Talking of which - during this past month, @bluelighterhas made claims on not one, but two tracks!  He has finished his take on "Crystal Tower" (with added usage for Tower of Owen), and is wrapping up an arrangement of "Ancient's Village" at this current moment.  I am delighted to have a talented classical-inspired arranger jump in!

If you're a potentially interested arranger, you're more than welcome to send a PM to me here on the forums or in the OCR Discord if you'd like to make a claim yourself outside of the DoD event.  I wish all participants there the best of luck, and hype for some great tunes! x)

Edited by Rexy

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