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Posted (edited)

I was thinking more of games that will be out BEFORE 2016


I might get the Knack bundle for $450 on Amazon.

List of games announced for PS4, including multi-platform, an asterisk next to ones I want to play on PS4. I might wanna play on PC but no asterisk, only for ps4. (You can copy paste this for first post. Just delete my asterisks.)


Killzone: Shadow Fall

Battlefield 4


Assassin's Creed IV: Black lag

InFamous: Second Son*

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witness

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Deep Down

Secret Ponchos

Watch Dogs

Final Fantasy XV*

Kingdom Hearts III*

Mad Max

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Diablo III



Ray's The Dead*

DC Universe Online

PlanetSide 2

Tiny Brains*


Basement Crawl


Abe's Odyssey remake*


Don't Starve (pre-ordered on PC, get this! It's great. Sorry for the extra note just for this game, heh)

Octodad: Dadliest Catch*

Wolfenstein: The New Order

The Evil Within

Sniper Elite III

Cyberpunk 2077

APB: Vendetta

War Thunder

Carmageddon: Reincarnation*

Primal Carnage: Genesis

Mirror's Edge 2*

EA Sports UFC

NBA Live 14

The Crew

Tom Clancy's The Division*

Star Wars Battlefront

Dragon Age Inquisition

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014


Blacklight: Retribution

Lords of the Fallen*

Call of Duty: Ghosts

Skylanders: Swap Force

Madden 25*

Need for Speed Rivals

Elder Scrolls Online

Dying Light*



Mercenary Kings

The Order 1886*

Edited by Brandon Strader

So the PS3 did have it's bottlenecks.

The first one was the GPU (only half as powerful as the 360)

Second was the ram. (only 512megabytes and half was dedicated to the GPU)

Third was the slow blu-ray reader. It may have been able to hold 50 gigs, but it read data slower than the 360 did.

Then was the price............ok, maybe that isn't a bottleneck.

Anyway, I know ram has been addressed with 8gigs of DDR5.

Does anyone know about how the PS4 handles the GPU and the Blu-Ray laser?

Posted (edited)

I believe games are installed to the PS4, and the BluRay itself is faster but since it installs everything disc reading is no longer an issue.

PS4 has the strongest GPU out of the 3 so that isn't an issue either. GDDR5 also helps its GPU performance.

The insane architecture that the PS3 used as its largest bottleneck because of the steep learning curve. That has also been fixed with the use of x86 processor that everybody is familiar with

So basically, everything that was broke with PS3 from a developer/gamer standpoint has been fixed.

Even if MS hadn't introduced their insane new DRM scheme, the PS4 would of been a better choice (Being honest, no fanboy stuff). It just would of been so mild that most people would still be questioning which one to get. but thanks to MS' DRM scheme, I think we all know the answer now.

EDIT: Also, 3GB out of the 8GB RAM that XBO has is being dedicated to the OS/TV/whatever side and only 5GB is allocated to games. I know PS4 will probably need to use some RAM for its OS, but since its OS multitasking non-game stuff isn't a HUGE focus, I'm sure they are giving more than 5GB to the games. Can't confirm this but this is what I'd guess.

Edited by Crowbar Man
ps4 has a 1.84 teraflop radeon-based gpu. what in god's name is a teraflop

A flop (more properly FLOPS) is FLoating-point Operations Per Second -- a teraflop is a trillion of these. It's basically how fast you can do math on numbers with decimal points.

I believe games are installed to the PS4, and the BluRay itself is faster but since it installs everything disc reading is no longer an issue.

PS4 has the strongest GPU out of the 3 so that isn't an issue either. GDDR5 also helps its GPU performance.

The insane architecture that the PS3 used as its largest bottleneck because of the steep learning curve. That has also been fixed with the use of x86 processor that everybody is familiar with

So basically, everything that was broke with PS3 from a developer/gamer standpoint has been fixed.

Even if MS hadn't introduced their insane new DRM scheme, the PS4 would of been a better choice (Being honest, no fanboy stuff). It just would of been so mild that most people would still be questioning which one to get. but thanks to MS' DRM scheme, I think we all know the answer now.

EDIT: Also, 3GB out of the 8GB RAM that XBO has is being dedicated to the OS/TV/whatever side and only 5GB is allocated to games. I know PS4 will probably need to use some RAM for its OS, but since its OS multitasking non-game stuff isn't a HUGE focus, I'm sure they are giving more than 5GB to the games. Can't confirm this but this is what I'd guess.

Don't forget that developers aiming for a multi-platform release are going to develop with the lowest common denominator in mind. If XBO has only 5 GB for game, only 3 cores for games, and slower RAM, developers aren't going to push to unlock the full potential of the PS4 because they'll want one build that works on both. Especially since they both have x86 architecture. They may try to boost certain options on the PS4 version, but just like this generation, there's going to be little difference in which one is superior.

Posted (edited)

Tune into Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Now.

PS4 Demo coming up.

Keep personal opinions about Fallon and his show to yourself, and enjoy the demo. :-) I may write notes here about it when it's over.

"Used games, that's pretty important, you go to Gamestop to pick up that stuff!"

Eh, so it wasn't nearly as substantial as the Xbox One yesterday, but the game wasn't broken, so it gets bonus points.

Here it is in case anyone missed it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csr6ahk5RMg

I guess it's more substantial than I thought. I was expecting more personally, but after revisiting the XBone one, and how broken Killer Instinct was, I think you actually see more content in this and get a little better idea of what you're getting, though it would have been nice to have a real release date instead of "Holiday"

My money's on mid-November.

Edited by Brandon Strader
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)
I'm really scratching my head on the GPU being used.

I beleive both XBO and PS4 use customized/more advanced versions of AMD "APUs" (Combined CPU/GPU), but PS4's is slightly more powerful (and GDDR5 is better for graphics Vs the DDR3 in XBO which is better for general tasks)

APUs aren't very great for PCs, but for a console where you can squeeze out power from every corner of a chip they are a pretty good low cost solution, and lead both console manufacturers on a good upgrade path (Backwards Compatibility will probably come back next gen)

Most people have compared the raw GPU power of PS4 to the Radeon HD 7850 and the XBO to the Radeon HD 7770. Keep in mind, PS3 was equivalent of a 7800GTX and the 360 is around Radeon X1900 and they've been powering most of today's games with these ancient GPUs (and 512MB/256MB of RAM) so while none of this sounds impressive to a PC user, these units are gigantic leaps in power for a console and since console games are (generally) fully optimized for the hardware, should run circles around a PC of the same spec. 7850 and even 7770 are no slouch in the first place

There will probably not be a gigantic difference between XBO/PS4 honestly, especially for 3rd party titles. PS4/XBO are crazy similar to each other.

Edited by Crowbar Man
It's not really backwards compatibility unless you can play the game you already own.. if you have to buy it again.. then it's a different story.

^ This. Though I'd be cool with it if they let you enter the UPC code off of your old cd case for a 95% voucher for that game or something. Mainly because I never throw away my cases, lol. (Except for FFT's, which I still maintain wasn't my fault.)

Most interesting thing here for me is Planetside 2. There are barely custom-built computers in existence that can run that game well, so if the PS4 can really run it at a decent level then wow, good job. Unless, of course, this is a completely retooled-for-the-PS4 version, in which case all I can say is a) they'd better keep the two communities separate (or hear cries of "Well of course you play better than me, you're playing on the "easy version"!) and B) good luck getting it to grow without the currently established community.

Though I'd be cool with it if they let you enter the UPC code off of your old cd case for a 95% voucher for that game or something. Mainly because I never throw away my cases, lol. (Except for FFT's, which I still maintain wasn't my fault.)

This is actually a really cool idea, though I don't think they would offer such a high discount on the games. But even if it was 50% and upward I would buy several of the old games I owned. I'm a hoarder as well - been gaming since the days of Super Nintendo and I have never intentionally thrown away a case (family not included) or resold a single game, so I would be one happy camper!

I beleive both XBO and PS4 use customized/more advanced versions of AMD "APUs" (Combined CPU/GPU), but PS4's is slightly more powerful (and GDDR5 is better for graphics Vs the DDR3 in XBO which is better for general tasks)

APUs aren't very great for PCs, but for a console where you can squeeze out power from every corner of a chip they are a pretty good low cost solution, and lead both console manufacturers on a good upgrade path (Backwards Compatibility will probably come back next gen)

Most people have compared the raw GPU power of PS4 to the Radeon HD 7850 and the XBO to the Radeon HD 7770. Keep in mind, PS3 was equivalent of a 7800GTX and the 360 is around Radeon X1900 and they've been powering most of today's games with these ancient GPUs (and 512MB/256MB of RAM) so while none of this sounds impressive to a PC user, these units are gigantic leaps in power for a console and since console games are (generally) fully optimized for the hardware, should run circles around a PC of the same spec. 7850 and even 7770 are no slouch in the first place

There will probably not be a gigantic difference between XBO/PS4 honestly, especially for 3rd party titles. PS4/XBO are crazy similar to each other.

If it's comparable to a Radeon HD 7850 (retail $160-$180) than now I'm starting to wonder how they'll manage to pull a profit from the consoles.

If it's comparable to a Radeon HD 7850 (retail $160-$180) than now I'm starting to wonder how they'll manage to pull a profit from the consoles.

Consoles are typically loss leaders. You make the money back in publishing fees.

Posted (edited)

Yeah I don't consider Gaikai "backwards compatibility" per se... in fact, I'm really doubting it will even provide playable games (there is no way it can't be full of lag). Slower paced games may work okay but no way a fast pace game is going to be playable.

I guess we'll see whenever it becomes available, but I'll probably stick with just using a PS3.

As far as the UPC idea... UPCs aren't really a unique number and can be obtained anywhere on the internet so I'm not guessing they'll go with that idea :/

If it's comparable to a Radeon HD 7850 (retail $160-$180) than now I'm starting to wonder how they'll manage to pull a profit from the consoles.

That is the cost for a consumer to buy a complete videocard product retail. Videocards have a lot of extra components in them (heatsinks, RAM, fans, PCB, casing, etc) that can drive up the price, plus are sold at a large margin for profit as they have no way to make money off them otherwise. Consoles are generally sold at below cost and make profit off games licensing/controllers/services/etc. The actual GPU inside of a videocard is probably relatively inexpensive, and the GPU for XBO/PS4 are integrated parts of the CPU probably making them altogether less expensive. Plus I'm sure they've contracted the purchase of all these APUs at a large volume, which drives down the cost.

Edited by Crowbar Man

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