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Pretty accurate imo!

...what? I mean, it's amusing, but I don't get the analogy. Microsoft was going to destroy Nintendo, but Sony saved them by taking out Microsoft instead? Does not compute.

Yeah for this to be accurate, Nintendo should be an extra standing on the sidewalk way in the back, Sony on the bicycle, and Microsoft getting hit by a DRM car.


The image works for E3, where Nintendo's just doing their thing, not even doing a conference (i.e. the car) and when Microsoft is looming with a new next-gen super console (hehe) to jump on Nintendos weaknesses, Sony blindsides them, with, I'd say, the force of a speeding car, and Nintendo gets out unscathed.

But for the console race in general, it doesn't make much sense.

The image works for E3, where Nintendo's just doing their thing, not even doing a conference (i.e. the car) and when Microsoft is looming with a new next-gen super console (hehe) to jump on Nintendos weaknesses, Sony blindsides them, with, I'd say, the force of a speeding car, and Nintendo gets out unscathed.

But for the console race in general, it doesn't make much sense.

That and Nintendo's also just doing its own thing. Microsoft and Sony are cars, Nintendo the guy on the bike, doing his own thing. For E3 it works.


So a friend of mine brought up a nice point. He said that he doubts that any company's game will work differently on either system. He means that the developers will program whether a game will work one another system once it's tied to an account. The developers probably won't intentionally make it so that their used games work on PS4 and not on Xbone. So really Sony is doing nothing different from Microsoft in that one regard.

Of course the price and the DRM situation still make PS4 my system of choice this coming generation. But what do you guys think of that?

So a friend of mine brought up a nice point. He said that he doubts that any company's game will work differently on either system. He means that the developers will program whether a game will work one another system once it's tied to an account. The developers probably won't intentionally make it so that their used games work on PS4 and not on Xbone. So really Sony is doing nothing different from Microsoft in that one regard.

Of course the price and the DRM situation still make PS4 my system of choice this coming generation. But what do you guys think of that?

For me its the privacy issues. But TBH cable's dead it just doesnt know it yet. And with it my need for a console. I can do everything i require from a properly equipped PC. PS4's bound to be fun and if i were getting a console it would be the one. Buuuut for me it's redundant.

How is cable dead?

You need two sources for entertainment off the web. Netflix and Hulu+. With that pairing and those vast libraries you have no problem whatsoever with finding good things to watch. The hot new shows? They're out online within 24 hours. Even HBO is experimenting with making its HBOGO service a sub service. Plus Itunes. As for news: You can access every website and at times get their live stream when it comes to news. If you want sports everyone's beginning to adopt their own pure online only packages. NFL's got a sweet one it isnt live but you cant have everything.

I've done the math and checked based on my needs. I only need an internet connection and a PC capable of a few extra things that my current is not. :)

I might spend much more on the PC than the console but I will have multiple monitors, better specs, and the ability to watch what i want when i want without waiting on anyone...i win :)

developers will program whether a game will work one another system once it's tied to an account. The developers probably won't intentionally make it so that their used games work on PS4 and not on Xbone.

It appears that Microsoft is requiring all Xbone games to tie into their no-used-games system, whereas PS4 is allowing developers to do that if they want. Should a developer not want to participate in that system, then the PS4 version will be DRM-free but the Xbone version will still be restricted to your account.

But TBH cable's dead it just doesnt know it yet.

The hell does that have to do with anything?

Posted (edited)


Like Native said, Xbox One has this DRM at system level, and mandatory. The publishers can choose which features they want to implement (though not all features like used/trading are even available at launch) in the DRM, but it is by default every single game has to have it. The console itself doesn't even launch games if you aren't connected within a 24 hour period.

PS4 doesn't have this type of DRM at all (so far it sounds like standard disc checks, but we'll see), so if 3rd parties want a more intrusive DRM they will have to implement it themselves. A 3rd party going through the hassle of implementing their own DRM system is probably going to be rare. This is just like PS3, where the most we saw was Online Codes and bonehead moves like Capcom requiring online connection for a bunch of old arcade ROMs. But those were few and far between

MS is also providing the servers for their DRM, Sony isn't. So again, the costs, development, and implementation of an extra DRM falls onto the publisher.

Edited by Crowbar Man

Ah. It's going to be so interesting to see what happens when the first multi-platform games come out. I bet that even if Xbone and PS4 sales are EQUAL (Not going to happen), the Xbone versions of games create only the slightest bit more profit than the PS4 versions if any at all. I'm hoping that we all see that being able to share our games increases worldwide interest and ends up selling more than their DRM controlled counterparts. But we probably won't be able to make that comparison very well since the console sales will probably be quite different.

God, this is the most fun the industry has ever been!


The hell does that have to do with anything?

building your system around the ability to play cable through the console is pretty dumb when cable is kind of dying out to netflix, hulu etc

It appears that Microsoft is requiring all Xbone games to tie into their no-used-games system, whereas PS4 is allowing developers to do that if they want. Should a developer not want to participate in that system, then the PS4 version will be DRM-free but the Xbone version will still be restricted to your account.

The hell does that have to do with anything?

building your system around the ability to play cable through the console is pretty dumb when cable is kind of dying out to netflix, hulu etc

He's got it.

Cable is either going to be forced to Ala Carte pricing or its going to be blown out of the water. I've calced my YEARLY costs with what i'm considering. The magic number? 793.80 That's yearly subs for EVERYTHING including my projected ISP costs.

Currently where i live right now. Cable Internet Phone runs me TWO HUNDRED PER MONTH OR 2400 per year. And i dont get ANY fun stuff. No premium channels no all time movies (gotta pay for those!) no extended news coverage. Nothin. Basic Cable phone and internet runs THAT MUCH in PA.

Phone costs are about 100 on my cell. So if i factor that in 1200 give or take i STILL come out to 500 bucks lower than my current. MORE if i shift plans when the time comes.

The PS4 and the Xbox are solid systems but have a fatal flaw. They're not PC's. They work primarily off the TV though the line between TV and monitor is blurring. I get better security in my PC. Modability when i CHOOSE to. Multi monitoring instead of one big one sleeker controls and a system that WORKS.

Its all about choice and if someone's smart and is doing this the right way. The choice between the standard package and something different is very stark. Why would i want a PS 4 or Xbone

Exclusivity? That hasn't mattered to me in a very long time. The quality of exclusives has been LOW especially on favored franchises outside of Metal Gear.

Everything a Console can do now a PC could do first and can STILL do better and be more secure. Cable's death just made it significantly clearer how real that is.

Oh please don't turn this into a Master Race argument.

Naaaahhh like i said if i had to choose a console its PS4 but my needs are different. I'm just pointing out the pitfalls.

I'm about done on the console topic to be honest. When conspiracy theory behind the xbone was proven FACT i was set in my ways.

I'm actually more concerned about the death of Television as most people know it. Its closer than people think.

Naaaahhh like i said if i had to choose a console its PS4 but my needs are different. I'm just pointing out the pitfalls.

I'm about done on the console topic to be honest. When conspiracy theory behind the xbone was proven FACT i was set in my ways.

I'm actually more concerned about the death of Television as most people know it. Its closer than people think.

Who is really going to miss TV?

Who is really going to miss TV?

I almost said I would...

...but then I realized it was more specific shows I would miss (Game of Thrones, Parks and Rec, etc.) than the actual television.

Back on topic: Gotta say, at this point the PS4 is the obvious choice out of it and XBone for me. MS'd have to do a whole lot of changing/improving on what they're offering at the moment, because it's such an anti-consumer product atm and that just makes me angry.

Now, between the PS4 and the Wii U... that's an interesting conversation to still be had.


If the PS4 is as awesome as we all think it's going to be, and The Division launches a year or so early from the PC version (we all know it's going to come out on PC), I feel we will all be in good shape, furthermore Destiny, Knack, The Order 1886... what else... Titanfall is coming out on PC. But the game that has really been on my mind a lot lately is Destiny.

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