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BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume III - History

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Lemme see... I think I would love to try a Castlevania boss theme. Maybe I'll try Order of the Demon from Ecclesia. Or the boss theme for the Castle bosses. I would love to try Sorrow's Distortion but it seems to not fit the idea here. Lament to the Master might work though...

Are these sources good for this? They're stage themes, but the boss battles happen while the stage theme plays.

Absolute Zero/Worldlink Center

Rock 'n Roller/Underground Vault

I think you want a specific villain theme or literal boss encounter only songs. An acceptable combo might be for instance using the Danger track from Secret of Mana (its the same for pretty much every boss fight in the game) combined with elements of the dungeon music of the particular place or event a specific boss you'd like to make a track about is relevant to.


^well boss, actually... go ahead and change 'Darkmoocher - Vectorman' to 'Darkmoocher and Timaeus222 - Vectorman.'

me: heeyyy, Timaeus, complex electronic and symphonic stuff is kind of like my Achilles Heel... you think you can help me out? but not just sound upgrade-wise, I want to make this shiz dark and crazy.

Timaeus: lol, cool, gimme a sec.

*a few days later*

Timaeus: Heyyy, I hope you don't mind if I gratuitously shit all over your original idea and proceed to melt faces in the process.

me: O_o


So, yep. I was going to just restructure my original ideas and get some production help from Timaeus, but I just received a ridiculous monster of a WIP from him so I'm strongly leaning towards a massive overhaul. We're still using my boss sourcers from my old WIPs, so I'll break down the sour usage stop watch when we get a longer demo to showcase. super excited about this one. I don't mean to brag... but you ladies and gents are in for a reeeeeeaaal treat. :nicework:

I.. might commit to something special sooner than later. What is the timetable for the project, though? Would I be able to claim something but then make it much later? I think Poop was better for having been made later, and my ear for production is always improving. :3

Well, in general: no. If someone doesn't know if he or she can finish something by the end of the deadline (as stated in the first post, the cut-off point will be on or just before December 2014), then I'd rather have him or her not claiming anything and then just hope to recieve something at the end. I'd rather be happily surprised with one late addition, then be disappointed by something that was promised but not delivered.

In your case, however, I think I can make an execption given your history with high quality mixes on a short timefrime. So: I'll allow it as long as you can promise now that you have a (very near) finished remix by the August, 2014.

On a side note: Sorry for the lack of feedback on your WIPs guys. I have some university deadlines and exams in this (and past) week, so I'll get back to you (and update the first page) after that!

Posted (edited)

Making no promises, but I'll see if I can throw together a WIP idea I had for a sorely underappreciated Dracula Battle track, "You Goddamn Bat-Head". Getting a new, actually modern laptop within the week, so I will begin work on that once I get my new computer.

EDIT: or perhaps Castlevania x68000's main boss track, Creatures in the Depths. There's an absolutely evil funk there that I think has yet to be explored by remixers. I would compare it to a darker-feeling version of the Castle Bosses track from Ecclesia.

Edited by KentaKurodani
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