Level 99 Posted December 11, 2013 Posted December 11, 2013 1. Learn to code in at least two other programming languages. 2. Maintain weight while seeing general toning of physique and upping my lung capacity with cardio. 3. Clean up the damn house and have it stay that way. 4. Not be so stressed all the time. 5. Finish at least two courses of French. 6. Resolve all outstanding collaborations and music-related obligations so I can have a clean plate for a while. Quote
Eino Keskitalo Posted December 11, 2013 Posted December 11, 2013 1. Finish studies 2. Get a job, support family 3. Enjoy downtime with family 4. Stop stressing so much 5. Still find time for music making 5.1. Fully arrange & record my VGM lullabies 5.2. Finish some of the 10-20 unfinished game arrangements I've started (and intend to finish) since 2008 5.3. Finish the soundtrack to a friend's game 5.4. Code, compose & arrange music for Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (yeah right) ..or really, just number 4. --Eino Quote
ProjectSpam Posted December 11, 2013 Posted December 11, 2013 1. Complete my book-length manuscript of short stories 2. Get a writing agent 3. Finish two feature-length screenplays 4. Find a stable job, since freelance work is frightening and stressful with rent looming each month 5. Read 25+ books Quote
Hollow Posted December 11, 2013 Posted December 11, 2013 1) Get better at music production Mix everyday Compose/arrange everyday If I had to choose a genre to get better in, I think I choose .. electronic finish at least one of the literally dozens of music production books I have bought 2) Stop being 185 lbs and above and start being something like 155-160 lbs I believe I took a picture in December 2011 of a large Beachbody box and captioned it "2012 will be the year of the sixpack" (didn't happen, not even close) 3) Figure out what I am going to do with my life Maybe I should move this to #1 4) Pay off thousands of credit card debt 5) Actually do any of my new year's resolutions ever in life ever Quote
avaris Posted December 11, 2013 Posted December 11, 2013 1. Learn to code in at least two other programming languages.2. Maintain weight while seeing general toning of physique and upping my lung capacity with cardio. 3. Clean up the damn house and have it stay that way. 4. Not be so stressed all the time. 5. Finish at least two courses of French. 6. Resolve all outstanding collaborations and music-related obligations so I can have a clean plate for a while. Big hug. I am going to have to do #1 for work. I really just want to live my life to fullest everyday and pursue what inspires me. Quote
Level 99 Posted December 11, 2013 Posted December 11, 2013 Big hug. I am going to have to do #1 for work. I really just want to live my life to fullest everyday and pursue what inspires me. I miss those nights where I gave you homeopathic sleep medicine and you were hilarious the following days. <3 Quote
XPRTNovice Posted December 11, 2013 Posted December 11, 2013 Hmmm... 1.) Get a book on the shelves at Barnes and Noble (that's only me, not an anthology) 2.) Level up in Parkour to a red wristband, possibly become an instructor 3.) Land at least 3 video game OST gigs 4.) Write the first draft of at least 3 more novels 5.) Win a Hugo award (bahahah) 6.) Learn a whole lot more about music production and these sample libraries I have 7.) Expand my voiceover business and quit my day job so I can live in a cabin in the woods and actually accomplish #1-6 without severely burning out or making my daughter forget she has a dad. Quote
avaris Posted December 11, 2013 Posted December 11, 2013 I miss those nights where I gave you homeopathic sleep medicine and you were hilarious the following days. <3 Haha I just had a wisdom tooth pulled a couple weeks ago...that herbal shite would have been waaay better than vicodin. I have never been so relaxed and aloof my whole life, well except for those "special" times. <3 Quote
theshaggyfreak Posted December 11, 2013 Posted December 11, 2013 Hmmm...1.) Get a book on the shelves at Barnes and Noble (that's only me, not an anthology) 2.) Level up in Parkour to a red wristband, possibly become an instructor 3.) Land at least 3 video game OST gigs 4.) Write the first draft of at least 3 more novels 5.) Win a Hugo award (bahahah) 6.) Learn a whole lot more about music production and these sample libraries I have 7.) Expand my voiceover business and quit my day job so I can live in a cabin in the woods and actually accomplish #1-6 without severely burning out or making my daughter forget she has a dad. You know, in a few ways...we have some of the same goals. We should do some work together at some point since we live so close together. Quote
Bahamut Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 I failed pretty miserably at my past several goals, so this time I will go tamer - get in better shape. I need to cut down from 200 lbs...so my goal is to cut down to below 180 lbs. Quote
Soul Splint Posted December 13, 2013 Posted December 13, 2013 To be so jacked Dwayne Johnson asks me to be his PT. Quote
sphexic Posted December 18, 2013 Posted December 18, 2013 My 2013 resolutions were forgotten within two months, so maybe making these public will help me stick to them!1. Learn to make good pixel art, leading into... 2. Finally make a video game or two, most likely with Flash 3. Get a better-paying and more fulfilling job 4. Re-connect with old friends and make new ones too Well I did end up finishing a game! Simple as it is, I'm happy with it. It's a start. Here's to more progress in 2014, for me and everyone here at OCR Quote
Meteo Xavier Posted December 18, 2013 Posted December 18, 2013 "Manning Up To Reality" is my theme for 2014. 1. Create a list of resolutions that aren't just subtle ways for me to brag about accomplishments I've already had. 2. Make peace with the fact that I'm a difficult person with an unattractive personality and fix what can be fixed, reconcile with the rest, and direct them to where they really need to go, instead of the places that got me in trouble this year. 3. Spend less time debating Generation Y (and X) with their complete unwillingness to be humble or open-minded, and instead just annoy them with logic as it is less time-consuming and more satisfying on my end (within the realm of reason). 4. Man up and cope with the insanity of being young and alive in this time and place instead of expecting yet again my peers will grow up. 5. Hopefully remove these wisdom teeth this year. 6. Strengthen the body as it will do no good to face these people and challenges without energy and reflexes. 7. Reconcile that all progress comes with inproportionate sacrifice and man up to soak it in already. Still being burned from past stresses only blockades possibilities in the future. Yeah, my resolution list this year isn't too positive, but come January, they need to be priority items all the same. Quote
Ryan Jobson Posted December 18, 2013 Posted December 18, 2013 1. Become OCD about producing music. No more of this one song per month or two BS. That's like playing tennis once a month and expecting to improve. 2. Release 3 - 4 albums 3. Learn more about Logic Pro 4. Move up a rank at my job 5. Become more social (this sort of conflicts with number 1) 6. Become more of a "yes" man 7. Stop working for free, or for peanuts when asked to write music for people (might conflict with number 6) 8. Get a girlfriend (number 5 may help with this one) Quote
Meteo Xavier Posted December 18, 2013 Posted December 18, 2013 I recommend amending your resolutions to focus on quality of music as opposed to quantity. Making music is not like playing tennis, and doing 3-4 albums in a 12 month period just to do it won't really serve a constructive purpose. Being OCD about it is also less helpful than you'd think as well. Instead, focus those 12 months on one quality album. Don't be OCD about it, be dedicated to it - there is a difference and it affects habits and performance. Quote
avaris Posted December 18, 2013 Posted December 18, 2013 3. Spend less time debating Generation Y (and X) with their complete unwillingness to be humble or open-minded, and instead just annoy them with logic as it is less time-consuming and more satisfying on my end (within the realm of reason). Bwhahaha this is awesome. Also Sylix, why not make enough songs for 3-4 albums. Buuut only release 1 album with the best songs. Quote
Rexy Posted December 18, 2013 Posted December 18, 2013 So on top of my musical goals, let's set some personal ones in place: * Get back into work or education. I said this last year, but aside from some contracts I didn't go anywhere; but I definitely want to get life back together. Talking of which... * Find help regarding my mood swings. I thought I had toned them down this year but I still get told that I get easily bitter. Thankfully I'm in a better frame of mind than I was in last week, so I can hold on throughout the festive period; but I still need to speak to a professional regarding this. * This may be the silliest goal of the lot and one that could go either way, but complete a cosplay for PlayExpo 2014. I did one last year and it really worked as a fun distraction; perhaps I can work on another one? o_O Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted December 18, 2013 Posted December 18, 2013 (edited) I recommend amending your resolutions to focus on quality of music as opposed to quantity. Making music is not like playing tennis, and doing 3-4 albums in a 12 month period just to do it won't really serve a constructive purpose. Being OCD about it is also less helpful than you'd think as well. Unless he's Ravel, that's not gonna work. Practice makes perfect. Instead, focus those 12 months on one quality album. Don't be OCD about it, be dedicated to it - there is a difference and it affects habits and performance. Only half-right, and Avaris got it. @Syllix: Make lots of music dude, don't release ALL of it, though. Expect a bunch of your product to be "ehhhhhh", and you'll find a few gems in there you really like. The more music you make, the more gems you find. Edited December 18, 2013 by Neblix Quote
Ryan Jobson Posted December 18, 2013 Posted December 18, 2013 Agreed. I guess what I'd really like to change are my habits, and that's the most difficult part for anyone whether it's trying to make music, lose weight, etc. The most difficult thing us humans can do is change. Once we're used to working a certain way, it's very difficult to break that habit. One thing I've been trying to do is to write in a journal every morning. Not a journal that contains my deep dark secrets, but just something to write in once I wake up. I make an effort to do it before I even eat breakfast so there's no hesitation, and it's serving as a training program to train my brain not to hesitate, so when it comes to song writing I won't spend all night worrying about one part I'll just get it done. I think the important thing is for me to be writing more songs, so yeah maybe the 3-4 albums was a bit ambitious, but it was based on knowing what I'm capable of. I know I could produce 3-4 quality albums within a year, it's just.... I'd have to sacrifice sleep, hanging out with friends, etc. Something I think is somewhat necessary to become a "master" at your craft (See Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 hour rule). I may have to make a separate thread on the community forum where I can talk about what my thoughts are on this in more detail. Quote
avaris Posted December 18, 2013 Posted December 18, 2013 Something I think is somewhat necessary to become a "master" at your craft (See Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 hour rule). I may have to make a separate thread on the community forum where I can talk about what my thoughts are on this in more detail. Ironically you'd be closer to your goal by working on music instead of thinking about it and creating a thread. Sounds like you really just want to improve your time management skills. Also it takes around 30 days to create a habit or break one. Do something for 30 days straight and then see how difficult it is to stop that habit. Quote
XPRTNovice Posted December 18, 2013 Posted December 18, 2013 Unless he's Ravel, that's not gonna work. Mindful practice makes perfect. This is what I would recommend: don't just practice, but practice with goals in mind. I always used to tell my students "practice makes habits - perfect practice makes perfect." If you practice being bad at something, you'll be really awesome at being bad. I learned this the hard way with piano; my practice habits were bad, so I basically learned how to do things poorly and I am still spending time un-fornicating my technique. Quote
Cash Posted December 18, 2013 Posted December 18, 2013 (edited) My goal for this year is to finish more remixes. The only time I seem to be able to finish remixes is during competitions. I tend to start a remix and get stuck at one part because it's not sounding right, then never finish it. I just need to push myself to complete a remix even if it sounds bad. My other goal is to make a remix that I feel comfortable to submit to the judges panel. I've only been remixing for about 2 years, so it might be a lofty goal. Make lots of music dude, don't release ALL of it, though. Expect a bunch of your product to be "ehhhhhh", and you'll find a few gems in there you really like. The more music you make, the more gems you find. ^this Edited December 18, 2013 by Cash Quote
Esperado Posted December 19, 2013 Posted December 19, 2013 (edited) I have so many resolutions that its just an overview of my goals for the year. i kindof enjoy using resolutions as an excuse to make goals for the whole year, so that i feel like im not wasting my time at a leisurely pace. some highlights though: 1. I won 4 prc rounds this year, exceeding my goal of 3, so i want to win 5 next year! 2. beat another posted remixer in direct competition. 3. Take violin lessons 4. Learn how to Use the mic that santa left in my room. 5. find 5 recipes to cook that are cheap/healthy 6. Start work on an EP i had an idea for. 7. Join a local photography guild so i can really spice up my photography. cool cosplay by the way Rexy, whos the character? Edited December 19, 2013 by Esperado Quote
Meteo Xavier Posted December 19, 2013 Posted December 19, 2013 I should have clarified that I was talking more about music intended for serious release than actually just practicing and creating music tracks in general. Very much echoing everyone else that practice construction is a huge EXP builder, but for a lot of those tracks, you'll want to use them to get feedback on and see where your strengths and weaknesses are - and then archive it to use later. From there, you'll be able to get what you need to zero in on what you should do for a quality album. A lot of my serious output today is STILL just remaking my old stuff from when I was practicing - too much good, solid potential to toss out. Oh and this doesn't have anything to do with resolutions I guess. Quote
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