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SZRC - The Sonic Zone Remix Competition 2014 [TheGuitahHeroe wins - complete ZIP available!]

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Either way, shifting attention towards the Pancakes as they stand... the bulk of them have stated at least some sign of progress, but any idea where Arceace currently stands? He's the only one that didn't post since the matchups were announced o_O

Either way, shifting attention towards the Pancakes as they stand... the bulk of them have stated at least some sign of progress, but any idea where Arceace currently stands? He's the only one that didn't post since the matchups were announced o_O

I'm here! I've just been really busy with college and work for the past week. Looking forward to hear what everyone is coming up with for this week!


Yeah it seems like we might get all 8 tracks in for this round. Goooooo Robotniks!

On me vs SuperiorX I went with me because I'm an ass :razz: Nah, honestly, I felt my source usage was more balanced between the two songs. Production in Superior's song is clearer and sharper but I have a hard time finding the Sky Road usage, while Metropolis is very evident.

Yeah my arrangement was a little more liberal this time around. It used Metropolis for mostly backing stuff and the 'chorus' section. The lead synth melody at 0:50 - 1:20 and again at 2:42 - 3:12 is the A melody section from

. The lead synth melody at 1:52 - 2:10 and then the piano melody directly after are verbatim the B melody section from Sky Road Zone 1. Most of the other stuff is interpreted a bit more.

But yeah, I loved your track. So smoooooooooth. The guitar work is great throughout and is the highlight for me, personally, and the chord progressions are cool too. Nice job! I also liked how you used the Metropolis backing melody part on the e-piano, pretty much in the same exact way I did ;-)

Managed to get the bulk of my mix done yesterday... Therex, curse you for picking a song with such a weird/all-over-the-place melody :P

Planning to try to incorporate my own vocals into this though. We'll see :)

Hahaha I'm slowly starting to hate myself for picking that source. I was sold on the solid intro bass and failed to realize it's only like 45 seconds of ridiculous melody. :tomatoface:

Anyway, I'm hella excited for this weeks matchup, hopefully it'll be a ton of fun :-P

Hahaha I'm slowly starting to hate myself for picking that source. I was sold on the solid intro bass and failed to realize it's only like 45 seconds of ridiculous melody. :tomatoface:

Why d'ya think I chose Ice Cap? That sucker blends with literally EVERYTHING! :lol:

well things have been a complete wreck this week, really haven't even gotten to start on my project yet, or listen to any of the songs.

but i'm still gonna try to turn in something good. or at least a kick-ass WIP.

I, for one, am relieved to hear this. :-P


Finally voted for SuperiorX, though that really wasn't an easy match up at all.

I truly couldn't choose between the two as both were such strong entries and jnWake's track had surprised me a lot, i wasn't expecting SupX to face such strong opposition. Remarkable work, jnWake. Honestly. Your track was awesome.

But i really couldn't decide so i put it down to the flip of the coin, SupX got the vote.

Posted (edited)

Ok, so I just scrapped what I'd been thinking on this week altogether. I figure to win, I'm gonna have to do something completely different from my opponent, so I'm staying away from any electronic or complex instrumentation this week and relying completely on arrangement to win this one. It'll probably be a lot easier to do this too (so I'm hoping to have a more completely song for y'all). Here's hoping.

Edited by urdailywater
I figure to win, I'm gonna have to do something completely different from my opponent, so I'm staying away from any electronic or complex instrumentation this week

Are you sure that's what he's doing?

I recommend you not worry about what your opponent is doing and just make the best song you can. =)

Alright, these were some gosh dang close matchups but I finally voted. But I just don't know! What a round it was this time.

No kidding. I think I know how I want to vote....just gonna listen a few more times to confirm....

Are you sure that's what he's doing?

I recommend you not worry about what your opponent is doing and just make the best song you can. =)

If that picture he posted is any indication then yes. :)

I am gonna do the best I can, I usually do. Just wanna do something I know I'm pretty good at instead of experimenting too much. That usually takes more time to do (which I don't have) and stuff like that doesn't end up being as good as what I know.

thanks for the advice. i'm really trying hard to bring something y'all like. unique, too.


Alright, here are my short reviews for the week. I seriously loved every song this round – they are all so good and choosing between them is very tough! Great job everybody!

ladyWidfire – love the opening groove and that filtered sweep sounded nice too. These lyrics are completely off the wall haha, and you and Stevo did a great job executing on them. That chorus is nice and catchy. Not really a whole lot more to add – this song was a lot of fun and both the vocals and instrumentation clicked well.

halc – This song has a certain amount of swagger that I really like. It’s cool to see you and wildfire have a lot of fun with your tracks (and deliver on Pete's random round rules, haha). Your vocal delivery sounded even better on this track than it did in Round 1! I really liked the use of the Sonic sfx and your accent vocal ad-lib parts (do-do-do, yeah!) were a nice touch. A really fun track!

Sir_NutS – this track really reminded me of some classic NutS action. I really like the ambient percussion you used in this track in addition to the main beat; it really creates a nice atmosphere. The little vocal bits are really cool too and add an extra layer of depth to the song. Nice job!

Ivan Hakstok – this was one rockin’ track. I am really digging the arrangement here; clever use of both sources! Awesome guitar work, as usual too. I like how the synth and the guitar play off one another in the second half of the track too. Lots of high energy!

Amphibious – I love the energy in this track too. The percussion is awesome throughout; I think it really helps the song feel alive. The little e-piano solo bit halfway through was a real nice highlight for me, as was the subsequent guitar parts. This was another really nice arrangement that had some really nice blend of source usage. Nice!

jnWake – I know I already commented a little on your song, but yeah I am completely digging it. I love how you used the e-piano chords with Metropolis, they give the track a nice chill groove. The guitar was definitely the highlight of the mix for me though. That solo at the end, so smoooooth. I think you summed up our match pretty well; my track had a bit better production value, but I think you arranged the two sources a bit better. Really well done!

I'm really looking forward to the Pingas bracket mixes this week!! I know you guys are gonna deliver some awesome stuff! :-D

Finally voted for SuperiorX, though that really wasn't an easy match up at all.

I truly couldn't choose between the two as both were such strong entries and jnWake's track had surprised me a lot, i wasn't expecting SupX to face such strong opposition. Remarkable work, jnWake. Honestly. Your track was awesome.

But i really couldn't decide so i put it down to the flip of the coin, SupX got the vote.

Hahaha I'm glad you liked it. Seems you didn't have much faith in me though :razz:

jnWake – I know I already commented a little on your song, but yeah I am completely digging it. I love how you used the e-piano chords with Metropolis, they give the track a nice chill groove. The guitar was definitely the highlight of the mix for me though. That solo at the end, so smoooooth. I think you summed up our match pretty well; my track had a bit better production value, but I think you arranged the two sources a bit better. Really well done!

Hahaha I shouldn't disappoint you but the guitar solo is actually a synth solo, played by me! :-P

Hahaha I'm glad you liked it. Seems you didn't have much faith in me though :razz:
Lol, it was more along the lines of the fact that i had not really heard much of your work up until this point, truth be told. I honestly did not know what to expect at all. Of course, as i said i was blown away when i did hear your track. Let me put it like this - you made me flip a coin because i just couldn't choose between the two, even though i'm clearly a fan of SupX's work. It's fair to say you really impressed me! XD
*sigh* In typical Round 2 fashion for ol' PH, I'm scrapping what I've got so far and starting over. Hopefully I remain slightly saner and churn out a better product than I did in the WCRG

If you pull that off twice that will be amazing! I tried to pull a Phonetic Hero for the Final Fantasy CC and it turned out GOD AWFUL!


...and Damnit Superior! Why did you have to pair up Amphib with Haks?! I want to hear more from both of these people!!

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