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Through a somewhat labor intensive process I've generated a list of ReMixes (2001-2500) not in MusicBrainz:

  • Adventures of Lolo 3 'The Eggerlander March' OC ReMix
  • Animal Crossing 'Mr. Soccerball' OC ReMix
  • Battletoads 'Ice Cave Dynamo' OC ReMix
  • Battletoads 'Toads in the Suite' OC ReMix
  • Boktai 'Darkness Fears Light, and We Fear the Darkness' OC ReMix
  • Castlevania II 'A Belmont's Curse' OC ReMix
  • Castlevania: Bloodlines 'Crimson Twilight' OC ReMix
  • Castlevania: Bloodlines 'Unintentional' OC ReMix
  • Cave Story 'The Angels of Hell' OC ReMix
  • Cave Story 'The Unbroken' OC ReMix
  • Christmas NiGHTS into dreams... 'Winter NiGHTS (Hey, Dreamer)' OC ReMix
  • Cobra Triangle 'bra reloCaTing' OC ReMix
  • Contra Force 'Power Trip' OC ReMix
  • Contra III 'Dystopian Future' OC ReMix
  • Crash Bandicoot 'All for Wumpa' OC ReMix
  • Crash Bandicoot 'Hogging Molly' OC ReMix
  • Crush 'Electrotherapy' OC ReMix
  • Deflektor 'Cover Your Light' OC ReMix
  • Descent 'Lost in the Mines' OC ReMix
  • Donkey Kong Country 'A Hint of Blue' OC ReMix
  • Donkey Kong Country 'Depth of the Deep' OC ReMix
  • Donkey Kong Country 2 'Monsoon in the Concrete Jungle' OC ReMix
  • Donkey Kong Country 2 'The Forest That Never Sleeps' OC ReMix
  • Fallout 3 'The Fallout of Eli' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy IV 'Crazy Old Betty' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy IV 'Everclear Hangover IV' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy IV 'Four Friends of the Elements' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy V 'Sinking Deeper' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy V 'Twisted Devil, Grinding Soul' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy VII 'Death, Rebirth, Life - 1986' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy VII 'Heavy Mako' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy VII 'Sephiroth's Deliverance' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy VII 'The Planet Is Dead' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy VIII 'Estharian Airs' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy VIII 'Night City Funk' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy VIII 'Of Dreams and Time' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy VIII 'Ready to March' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy X 'Ethnic Rush' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy X 'Time Slips Away' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy XI Online 'A Cinematic Heaven' OC ReMix
  • Golden Sun 'Rebirth of Venus' OC ReMix
  • Goonies II 'I'm Taking It All Back' OC ReMix
  • Halo 3 'Immortalized' OC ReMix
  • Harvest Moon 'Four Seasons of the Blues' OC ReMix
  • Heavy Rain 'From Mars' OC ReMix
  • IronSword: Wizards & Warriors II 'Rise of Kuros' OC ReMix
  • Jazz Jackrabbit 2 'Jazz Castle Adventure' OC ReMix
  • Kirby's Block Ball 'Breakout' OC ReMix
  • Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 'Lucidic' OC ReMix
  • Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Dark Shores of Hyrule' OC ReMix
  • Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 'Her Smile in Every Summer' OC ReMix
  • Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 'Hyrulian Highlands' OC ReMix
  • Lufia II 'The Very End' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 2 'Mechanical Flare' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 2 'Smooth Steel' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 3 'Magnetic Fireworks' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 4 'Get a Weapon Weapon' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 4 'Pharaoh's Last Dance' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 8 'Above the Clouds' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 9 'Byte Blocks' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 9 'Showdown' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man II 'The Will of the Forest' OC ReMix
  • Mega Turrican 'Turrimann' OC ReMix
  • Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance 'I Need Scissors! 61!' OC ReMix
  • Missile Master 'Electric Hotslug' OC ReMix
  • Missile Master 'Frozen Hotslug' OC ReMix
  • NiGHTS into dreams... 'Celestial Entrance' OC ReMix
  • Ninja Gaiden 'The Night of Lukifell' OC ReMix
  • OutRun 'Passing Breeze (Latin Jazz Samba 2010 Edition)' OC ReMix
  • PaRappa the Rapper 'A Lesson from Teacher' OC ReMix
  • Phantasy Star Universe 'Hogosha' OC ReMix
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time 'Temporal Despair' OC ReMix
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team 'The Sky Will Be Your Limit' OC ReMix
  • Pokémon Red Version 'Abandoned Battlefield' OC ReMix
  • Pokémon Red Version 'Out of the Palace' OC ReMix
  • Pokémon Ruby Version 'This Treasure' OC ReMix
  • Pokémon Trading Card Game 'Ascent Through the Atmosphere' OC ReMix
  • Puggsy 'Last Lucky Planet' OC ReMix
  • Quest for Glory 'Late Snows of Winter' OC ReMix
  • Rad Racer II 'Fire in the Tires' OC ReMix
  • Red Zone 'The Broken Front' OC ReMix
  • Reset Generation 'Plumber's Last Stand' OC ReMix
  • Reset Generation 'Remix Generation' OC ReMix
  • Reset Generation 'Steriloids' OC ReMix
  • Ristar 'Fiesta Amongst the Trees' OC ReMix
  • Scribblenauts 'NO (resub)' OC ReMix
  • Seiken Densetsu 3 'Starlight Festival' OC ReMix
  • Shadowrun 'Running the Cyberpunks' OC ReMix
  • Shenmue 'Amorelle' OC ReMix
  • Silver Surfer 'Wanking with the Alien' OC ReMix
  • SimCity 2000 'SimFunkadelic' OC ReMix
  • Sonic & Knuckles 'Quicksander' OC ReMix
  • Sonic Advance 'The Glacier's Peak' OC ReMix
  • Sonic Adventure 'Peacemaker' OC ReMix
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 'April Rain' OC ReMix
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 'Drowning My Lives Away' OC ReMix
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 'Finality (Radio Edit)' OC ReMix
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 'Hogtied' OC ReMix
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2 'Chemical Blip' OC ReMix
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2 'In the Robot Factory' OC ReMix
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 3 'HydroFunk' OC ReMix
  • Star Fox Adventures 'Fossil's Oasis' OC ReMix
  • Street Fighter II 'Frets of Fury' OC ReMix
  • Street Fighter II 'Memories of a Master' OC ReMix
  • Street Fighter II 'Ryu Next Generation (RNG)' OC ReMix
  • Streets of Rage 'Four Years Since...' OC ReMix
  • Super Castlevania IV 'Deforestation' OC ReMix
  • Super Mario Galaxy 'Fill Me Up with Snacky Happiness' OC ReMix
  • Super Mario Kart 'Funky Mario Circuit (Radio Edit)' OC ReMix
  • Super Mario RPG 'Big Bad Koopa Dubstep' OC ReMix
  • Super Mario World 'Super Mario Western Show' OC ReMix
  • Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island 'Facing Fears' OC ReMix
  • Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island 'Mr. Stork! May I Go Home...' OC ReMix
  • Super Metroid 'Metroid Legacy' OC ReMix
  • Super Street Fighter IV 'Time to Oil Up' OC ReMix
  • Sword of Vermilion 'Dungeoneering' OC ReMix
  • Tails and the Music Maker 'Picolescence' OC ReMix
  • Trenches 'This Ain't No Bloc Party! This Is World War!' OC ReMix
  • Ufouria 'Above the Clouds' OC ReMix
  • Xenogears 'You and I' OC ReMix

How the list was made:

First I downloaded the torrent. Next I ran the files through AcoustID Fingerprinter. After that I put them in MusicBrainz Picard and did a scan. I removed the ones that had a good, positive scan. After that I went and did a lookup to match the names of the rest. I put the bad matches back into the unmatched list, then submitted the good matches. After that I copied everything into a text editor to pretty it up before posting here.


Here are the ReMixes from 1-1000 that don't seem to be in MusicBrainz:

  • Battletoads 'Bird Guy Jam' OC ReMix
  • Castlevania III 'Ephemeral Evergreen' OC ReMix
  • Chrono Trigger 'A World Awaits Chrono' OC ReMix
  • Cybernoid II 'CyberRubbish' OC ReMix
  • Donkey Kong Country 'Christmas Cave' OC ReMix
  • Donkey Kong Country 'Jungle Stomp' OC ReMix
  • Double Dragon 'Enter the Guru' OC ReMix
  • Dracula X 'Dance, Richter, Dance' OC ReMix
  • Dragon Warrior 'Timeless' OC ReMix
  • F-Zero 'Blue Vacation' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy 'Duque Battle' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy IV 'A Chocobo's Mystic Life' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy IV 'Over and Under' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy VII 'Chocarena' OC ReMix
  • Final Fantasy VII 'Fighting (7/8 Jazz Spiritual)' OC ReMix
  • Golden Axe 'Golden Axe 2002' OC ReMix
  • Green Beret 'HardCore' OC ReMix
  • Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 'Jazz of Zelda' OC ReMix
  • Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 'Lost Woods Inglewood' OC ReMix
  • Lotus II R.E.C.S. 'Overdrive' OC ReMix
  • Lufia & The Fortress of Doom 'Fear and Courage' OC ReMix
  • Lufia & The Fortress of Doom 'Lufia's Dream' OC ReMix
  • Lufia & The Fortress of Doom 'The Final Reunion' OC ReMix
  • Lufia II 'Turbid Guidance' OC ReMix
  • Mach Rider 'Mach Schnell' OC ReMix
  • Maniac Mansion 'Manic Mugenical' OC ReMix
  • Mario Paint 'Load/Save the Last Trip-Hop for Me' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 2 'Crash Test Dummy Man' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 2 'Project X2 - Crash Man' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 2 'Project X2 - Metal Man' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 2 'Project X2 - Title Screen' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 2 'With the Quickness' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 3 'Registration 4' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 3 'SnowBro Intro' OC ReMix
  • Mega Man 3 'X Intro' OC ReMix
  • Moon Patrol 'Shanecappella Vox Beat' OC ReMix
  • Ninja Gaiden 'Emulated' OC ReMix
  • Ninja Gaiden 'Floor Master Ninja' OC ReMix
  • Ninja Gaiden 'Vengeance' OC ReMix
  • OutRun 'Passing Breeze (Lounge Suite)' OC ReMix
  • Panzer Dragoon Orta 'More Than a Weapon' OC ReMix
  • Rez 'Fear (Arrakis: GIGA)' OC ReMix
  • RoboCop 'CPC Zone' OC ReMix
  • Sanxion 'Overclocked' OC ReMix
  • Seiken Densetsu 3 'Hostile but Cuddly' OC ReMix
  • Shadow of the Beast II 'Shadows of Dimension Z' OC ReMix
  • Shenmue 'Matsuri Madness' OC ReMix
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2 'Circus Cave' OC ReMix
  • Space Harrier 'Spaced' OC ReMix
  • Spy vs. Spy 'Y2K Style' OC ReMix
  • StarTropics 'Test of Island Courage' OC ReMix
  • Streets of Rage 'Retouch the Boss (Short Edit)' OC ReMix
  • Streets of Rage 'The Last Dragon' OC ReMix
  • Super Mario All-Stars 'What the Funk!' OC ReMix
  • Super Mario Bros. 'The Italian Plumber' OC ReMix
  • Super Mario Bros. 2 'Insomnic' OC ReMix
  • Tales of Phantasia 'Merriment in Morlia' OC ReMix
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 'Teen Turtle Tryp' OC ReMix
  • Tomb Raider 'Adventure Is in the Air' OC ReMix
  • Top Gear 'Dark Racer' OC ReMix
  • Top Gear 3000 'Shop Mix' OC ReMix
  • Tyrian 'A Rare Find' OC ReMix
  • U.N. Squadron 'Forest Fire' OC ReMix
  • Ultima VI 'Gates of Creation' OC ReMix
  • Wizards & Warriors 'DJ Jake' OC ReMix
  • Wizards & Warriors 'Grosse Lederhosen' OC ReMix
  • Wizards & Warriors 'It's Knighttime' OC ReMix
  • Wizards & Warriors 'Sweet Plum Aspara' OC ReMix
  • Xenogears 'Koiji na Shi no Genchou' OC ReMix
  • Zanac 'Mode7 Medley' OC ReMix
  • Zanac 'Space Dance' OC ReMix
  • Zanac 'X-Mix' OC ReMix

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

MusicBrainz now has support for series, which let you catalog sets of similar items. So, I've created the catalog of the OverClocked ReMix series! Now there is a place to catalog the entirety of the OCR recordings.

There are two ways to add a recording to the series: On the recording you want to add, click on "edit", then "add relation", then choose "Series" for the type and search for "OverClocked ReMix" (ocr will also work), after selecting the series, add the catalog number in the number field (OCR012345 or whatever it is). Click on "Enter Edit" at the bottom of the page to finalize your edit.

The other way is to go to the series and choose "edit" then scroll to the bottom and click on "add another recording". Then search for the recording you want to add, and then put in the number as described above and click done. You can add another if you wish or hit "Enter Edit" at the bottom of the page to finalize your edit.

Edited by CyberSkull
grammar & instructions
I just wanted to say, I've been subscribed to myself and other friends on MusicBrainz for years now, and I've always been a fan of your work.

Thanks! The MB update this month has made adding relations much easier, please help out! I can't do this on my own :wink:

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

There's 3,108 ReMixes cataloged now. What would really help is a list of all the expunged OCR IDs, so I don't have to go hunting down each gap in the series.

  1. Does this help? http://ocremix.org/info/ReMix_Changelog
  2. Otherwise I can code an SQL query of some kind to get just the gaps, in CSV/XML or whatever works
  3. I'd love to add MusicBrainz references for all the mixes, on our side... is it possible to get a spreadsheet/CSV/XML of the full list? ReMix URL should be enough for an ID, and then the MusicBrainz URL?
  4. Really appreciate the meticulous & thorough work!


  1. Does this help? http://ocremix.org/info/ReMix_Changelog
  2. Otherwise I can code an SQL query of some kind to get just the gaps, in CSV/XML or whatever works
  3. I'd love to add MusicBrainz references for all the mixes, on our side... is it possible to get a spreadsheet/CSV/XML of the full list? ReMix URL should be enough for an ID, and then the MusicBrainz URL?
  4. Really appreciate the meticulous & thorough work!


  1. Yes.
  2. I don't need that as long as the changelist has all the expunged IDs.
  3. You only need the MBID, then you can pull the data from the web API. I'd recommend that you search for entities with OCR URLs to get the MBIDs you need.
  4. Your welcome. :D
  • 7 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Is all the importing done by manually? I was starting on a userscript to help with importing a single into Musicbrainz. Would a userscript be at all helpful? :?:

  • 1 year later...

I've taken the liberty of updating the OC-ReMoved-related entries of the MusicBrainz database (my first MB DB edits! \^_^/). Here's a summary of what I did:

  • Moved all expunged items from OverClocked ReMix series to OC ReMoved series.                                                                                                                                     
  • Accordingly, renamed title suffixes from "ReMix" to "ReMoved".
  • Merged duplicate OCR00366 (Mega Man 3 'X Intro') recordings.
  • Removed defunct doulifee.com links from all expunged items.
  • Updated the OC ReMoved series annotation to be better.

Note that nearly all of these edits need to go through voting, so probably won't be visible yet as of this writing.

Here are some questions and observations that cropped up while doing this work:

  1. There are three pre-OCR4000 entries (OCR03695, OCR03744, OCR03783) apparently missing from MusicBrainz. These ought to be added, no?
  2. There are two items (OCR00461 - Adventure Island 'Higgins Goes to Miami' OC ReMix and OCR01059 - Super Castlevania IV 'Belmont Mix' OC ReMix) whose URLs on ocremix.org give 404. They are labeled "ReMoved" on MusicBrainz, but not mentioned in the removal log, and still present in the torrent. These either need to be restored on ocremix.org, or removed from the torrent and mentioned in the changelog, right?
  3. The quoting style on MusicBrainz has changed recently. Starting with OCR03382, the style switched from single quotes to double quotes. Starting with OCR04089, the style switched from straight double quotes to curly double quotes. But the style guide says to use single quotes. Should these three styles be reconciled?
  4. Similarly, should the style guide mention that removed entries should use "ReMoved" rather than "ReMix" as the suffix?
  5. OCR02385 was a tune lifted from the Pokémon Advanced Generation anime, not eligible for inclusion in MB as its own entry. But the OST for the Pokémon anime is likely in MusicBrainz. Should the relevant track be added to the OC ReMoved series with the OCR02385 code? Or no?
  6. Entries after OCR04019 are only sporadically added. The big torrent currently goes up to OCR04000. I don't have time to download and add the newest items myself, but just thought I'd mention it here for completeness.

@CyberSkull Thank you for all the trailblazing work you did getting OC ReMix added to MusicBrainz. Very useful!


On number 4, "ReMoved" has never been an official OCR thing, it's just something fans did when collecting the tracks we took out of the catalog. It's not something artists added to their tracks when releasing them otherwise either, and AFAIK, the tags on removed tracks were never updated to reflect this when being provided at places like Doulifee's site. There's no real authoritative source that uses "ReMoved." We just take tracks out of our catalog. I would really hesitate to use MusicBrainz to turn "ReMoved" into some kind of official, definitive way of referring to these tracks.

1 hour ago, DarkeSword said:

I would really hesitate to use MusicBrainz to turn "ReMoved" into some kind of official, definitive way of referring to these tracks.

That is a good point. So... maybe some kind of consensus could be reached on this thread, and then the tracks on MB could be updated accordingly? I'd be willing to rename them all back from "ReMoved" to "ReMix".

As a counterpoint: the single-quotes convention of the MB style guide also does not match the naming of the officially distributed tracks, which use double quotes. Should the titles on MB also be changed to use double quotes? (And if so: curly or not?)


Thanks for your thoughtfulness on this info and I'll answer this as best as I can.

On 1/3/2021 at 1:09 AM, restless_coder said:

Here are some questions and observations that cropped up while doing this work:

  1. There are three pre-OCR4000 entries (OCR03695, OCR03744, OCR03783) apparently missing from MusicBrainz. These ought to be added, no?
  2. There are two items (OCR00461 - Adventure Island 'Higgins Goes to Miami' OC ReMix and OCR01059 - Super Castlevania IV 'Belmont Mix' OC ReMix) whose URLs on ocremix.org give 404. They are labeled "ReMoved" on MusicBrainz, but not mentioned in the removal log, and still present in the torrent. These either need to be restored on ocremix.org, or removed from the torrent and mentioned in the changelog, right?
  3. The quoting style on MusicBrainz has changed recently. Starting with OCR03382, the style switched from single quotes to double quotes. Starting with OCR04089, the style switched from straight double quotes to curly double quotes. But the style guide says to use single quotes. Should these three styles be reconciled?
  4. Similarly, should the style guide mention that removed entries should use "ReMoved" rather than "ReMix" as the suffix?
  5. OCR02385 was a tune lifted from the Pokémon Advanced Generation anime, not eligible for inclusion in MB as its own entry. But the OST for the Pokémon anime is likely in MusicBrainz. Should the relevant track be added to the OC ReMoved series with the OCR02385 code? Or no?
  6. Entries after OCR04019 are only sporadically added. The big torrent currently goes up to OCR04000. I don't have time to download and add the newest items myself, but just thought I'd mention it here for completeness.

1. Have at it. :-)
2. We need to get those added back on the live site, and they are indeed part of the catalog. djp needs to either find the old writeups or just put in some new ones if the original ones are lost to time.
3. That's more of a question for the MusicBrainz community. We use straight quotation marks, but the style on MB doesn't matter to us. Keeping this consistant across many entries is a huge pain, but hopefully something can be scripted.
4. What DarkeSword said is correct. That said, I don't mind the "ReMoved" designation. It's not a naming convention that was official from OCR, sure, but it's a logical fan-made styling for pieces that were previously part of the catalog, and I understand the desire to track that (I have every "ReMoved" track myself).
5. The implication there is that the track in question was somehow stolen, which it wasn't. It was posted, but then we discovered that the source tune originated from a Pokemon anime score rather than the game it was referenced from, so the source tune was deemed ineligible for an OC ReMix. It could be called "ReMoved", sure. If it were a case of literally stealing material w/o attribution (which we've had before in the very early days), then it wouldn't merit an entry.
6. Have at it, and we're just honored that @CyberSkulland others give their time to ensure everything is cataloged!

  • Liontamer changed the title to The OCR catalog on MusicBrainz

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