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As much as I agree with you, this doesn't really prove anything. The Wiimote has a control stick on the Nunchuk.

The Nunchuk has a control stick. The Wiimote has no control stick; the Nunchuk is separate from the Wiimote. That is why they have two different names, and that is why I included "/classic control." Not Classic Controller, classic control, meaning they're sticking to the basics and not doing anything crazy like making you aim items with the Wiimote.


Logic hits Imagery

It's extra strong

Imagery is down.

Shut up.

Today's update does confirm one important thing: Gamecube/classic control. "Tilt the control stick"? Doesn't seem like they're even hoping to optimize the Wiimote's motion technology, which is relieving to me.

I think this is what he meant. Not abstaining from the Wiimote controller altogether. Even without the motion tech, the Wiimote+nunchuk is still a viable controller.

The Nunchuk has a control stick. The Wiimote has no control stick; the Nunchuk is separate from the Wiimote. That is why they have two different names, and that is why I included "/classic control." Not Classic Controller, classic control, meaning they're sticking to the basics and not doing anything crazy like making you aim items with the Wiimote.

Completely invalid arguement. Whether the Nunchuk is seperate from the Wiimote or not, the fact is, they could require you to attatch it to play the game like on Zelda or Red Steel, in which case there would be a control stick to tilt. I'm just saying, this doesn't prove that they won't be using the wiimote to play the game, though I'm totally with you on the fact that motion controls/using the wiimote would totally suck.

Today's update does confirm one important thing: Gamecube/classic control. "Tilt the control stick"? Doesn't seem like they're even hoping to optimize the Wiimote's motion technology, which is relieving to me.

Even so, this is only in one aspect of the game. Who's said anything about it not being in any other part?

Even so, this is only in one aspect of the game. Who's said anything about it not being in any other part?

Sakurai, for starters. At least, they've said they've discovered that attempting to incorporate too much motion-sensing control is not a good thing, and I think this is something of a confirmation that that's still what they believe.


Here's some cud to chew on like the SSBB-info-cows you are:

You can walk around and jump while holding the launcher.

You can also aim the launcher at different angles by tilting the Control Stick up or down.

It appears maybe you no longer jump using the control stick (or direction pad, if that's what you use). I approve.

Also, has anyone seen a screenshot or part in the movie where a player uses their shield? I don't think I have... but I'm pretty sure Pit does the traditional shield-dodge thingy in one of the movies, only without the 'shield' part. I also approve of "no shields", if that's what they're doing - shields made a lot of projectiles pointless in my opinion...

Here's some cud to chew on like the SSBB-info-cows you are:

It appears maybe you no longer jump using the control stick (or direction pad, if that's what you use). I approve.

Also, has anyone seen a screenshot or part in the movie where a player uses their shield? I don't think I have... but I'm pretty sure Pit does the traditional shield-dodge thingy in one of the movies, only without the 'shield' part. I also approve of "no shields", if that's what they're doing - shields made a lot of projectiles pointless in my opinion...

Hopefully this isn't the case. Maybe it works like a big Roman Candle. You push the button to light it and have a limited time to aim it. It says you can run and jump with the launcher, but it doesn't say you can fire with it. It doesn't look like a rapid-fire and the last update only mentioned rapid-fire weapons.

Although Kawashima from Brain Age was kinda lol.

Even more LOL because he was down there with the big bosses.

It appears maybe you no longer jump using the control stick (or direction pad, if that's what you use). I approve.

What? Where in the world did you draw that conclusion from?

What? Where in the world did you draw that conclusion from?

If you can run and jump with this gun, but also aim by tilting the control stick up and down, how likely is it that you hit the control stick up to jump as well? I mean, sure, maybe they force you to stop and hold a button to adjust your aim, but that seems unlikely given the description of running and shooting.

If you can run and jump with this gun, but also aim by tilting the control stick up and down, how likely is it that you hit the control stick up to jump as well? I mean, sure, maybe they force you to stop and hold a button to adjust your aim, but that seems unlikely given the description of running and shooting.

Uh, tilt by lightly tilting the control stick, the same way you attack upward while standing on the ground? Not too difficult, methinks.

Uh, tilt by lightly tilting the control stick, the same way you attack upward while standing on the ground? Not too difficult, methinks.

Does that not involve pressing another button, like I suggested? You can jump by tilting lightly, too, if you're not simultaneously pressing an attack button. But to do the same with the guns, you'd probably either have to have two separate buttons devoted to the item (one to change the angle and one to fire) or force players to fire while attempting to aim, wasting ammo.

RD, why don't you actually... I don't know... use logic to argue against me, if you think I'm making it easy?


Simple, when you have the weapon it FIRES AUTOMATICALLY!

"After you grab this item, it’ll rapidly release blast after blast of firecrackers that explode gaudily."

So is it a big stretch to assume that the weapon will simply mean that tilting the stick will change the angle and pressing up entirely would be jumping.

Like it is right now.

Since you can tilt up to attack straight up.


So is it a big stretch to assume that the weapon will simply mean that tilting the stick will change the angle and pressing up entirely would be jumping.

Let me answer your question with a question: Shut up. While what you're suggesting is possible, it's neither an intuitive nor a confortable control scheme. After all:

Freedom and ease of use have gotten a real upgrade.

Well, maybe it's not THAT tough to tilt the control stick with great precision in the heat of battle, but... do you really want to be inadvertently aiming up every time you jump? You'd think you'd want to aim DOWN when you jump: using up for jump could be a major design flaw (for that item). I'm also pretty sure it fires automatically, which would make fully tilting up/down while holding A (or it's equivalent) a possibility, as Imagery suggested. The only reason I'm wavering on this issue is because they MIGHT just take the "easy" way out and leave in a few control scheme flaws here and there. After all, it's not like "wavedashing" or whatever is easy to pull off, but it's in Melee anyway. We'll know everything in a matter of months... until then, let the utterly pointless chaos continue!

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