Red Shadow Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 the ice climbers i was hoping for olimar the way you wrote it
SirChadlyOC Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 Hey, what the -What's that little thing in the space suit in the final screenshot of the post? Just an Ice Climber. Nothing to get too excited about.
Mastertoku Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 the ice climbers Ah, so it is. And so another speculative bubble is burst. Oh well... he can't keep doing mediocre posts forever...
Neo Samus Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 I actually like what they did with random a point. I'm still irritated by NWFC in general, but I like the CPU coming in to fight if someone drops out/connection gets lost. Keeps the battle the same as if nothing happened? I wonder what level the CPU will be at if someone gets dropped?
atmuh Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 so basically pretty much just play against computers since they are lag free and you can pick the stages yourself and you can turn all the items off But even without this mode, given the proliferation of the Internet these days, the existence of hidden characters is going to get exposed anyway. i enjoyed that statement oh and todays update confirms that to appear online you have to CONNECT to the wfc and be in the online menu WAY TO GO NINTENDO they really enjoy showing how broken their non friends online mode is
Mastertoku Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 I actually like what they did with random a point. I'm still irritated by NWFC in general, but I like the CPU coming in to fight if someone drops out/connection gets lost. Keeps the battle the same as if nothing happened? I wonder what level the CPU will be at if someone gets dropped? I'm guessing it'll figure out some level based on the proportion of how many lives the "dropper" had in relation to everybody else's stock count.
Neo Samus Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 I woder if we'll be able to tell if someone gets dropped? Like if it makes a sound?
Moseph Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 But even without this mode, given the proliferation of the Internet these days, the existence of hidden characters is going to get exposed anyway.i enjoyed that statement That darn internet is all over the place, revealing Smash characters, government secrets, and Harry Potter plots.
linkspast Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 So hes not worried about revealing secret characters... hmmm...So there are still more to be revealed
atmuh Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 oh and it seems like youll only be able to do TIME since there is no host so no one to change options WHO THE BALLS ACTUALLY PLAYS TIME
MasterSenshi Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 Ya know... Some people don't like to have secrets revealed. I noticed Sakurai said nothing about secret stages. The stage and character select screens look like the same as in E For All, so I suppose you could have stages unlocked that you haven't opened yet. I hope the instruction manual has something for people who aren't geeks. I'll be playing with live people mostly, but it would suck for things to be spoiled by somebody new to the game, or with a sucky internet connection. Otherwise I like this post... it's better than the rest of the crap for something like the last 3 weeks. Not much new, but at least it was interesting. Hmmm, at least there was some new information today. Let's hope next week is much better.
MasterSenshi Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 So hes not worried about revealing secret characters... hmmm...So there are still more to be revealed Yep yep. They said something like 30-40 chars. They haven't even shown a roster equal to the Smash Bros. Melee... Perhaps Sakurai never intended everything to be shown on the site. If he keeps lollygagging like this, we may be able to discover things in the game ourselves!
atmuh Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 I'll be playing with live people mostly, but it would suck for things to be spoiled by somebody new to the game, or with a sucky internet connection. if there was any kind of ranked play you could avoid playing new people altogether (assuming you dont suck balls) TOO BAD THERE ISNT ANY
Neo Samus Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 I'm not going to hold my breath or anything but, there could still be a ranking mode.
Binjovi Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 It looks like the color of the Wi-Fi menu is pink. Maybe 'cause it's gay. I always liked the whole stage/course voting thing, but why can't he let us adjust items?! Still, most of the people I'll be playing will be sitting in the same room as me, so it's not that bad. If it's the same way in Friends mode (and I assume it is) real tournaments are still going to have to be held at a specific location, sadly. oh and it seems like youll only be able to do TIME since there is no host so no one to change optionsWHO THE BALLS ACTUALLY PLAYS TIME In a four person fight, time can actually be better than stock. Since the winner isn't the last person standing, but instead, the person with the most KOs, it keeps those Samus, Fox, Falco, etc. players from sitting back shooting missiles/lasers/whatevers at everyone. While a truly skilled player doesn't need to resort to tactics like that, there's a much higher chance you'll be playing people who would. It would only be fair that the kid playing Pikachu never wins 'cause all he does is tap B over and over.
atmuh Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 I'm not going to hold my breath or anything but, there could still be a ranking mode. showing there is no other mode besides friends and anyone and we see whats inside with anyone Your opponent will not know your name or any information about you, and neither of you can send short messages. There will also be no battle records kept for this mode, so whether you win or lose, it doesn’t matter. Just sit back and play. aka NO
Johnny B Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 oh and it seems like youll only be able to do TIME since there is no host so no one to change options We don't even know whether we can do 1v1 yet. Probably not. I actually don't mind time in free for alls; ffa stocks can involve a lot of ganging up on the player with the most lives left. Hopefully we'll be able to set our online preferences for things like stock vs. time, stock number, item switch, etc. Oh, and number of players. If I were to make an online mode, I'd think I would allow people to play in random one-on-one matches.
atmuh Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 johnny b is a genius everyone! and if youve ever played a wfc game youll know that you cant control how many people you play with they just try to get you 4 and since the online is gonna probably be full of fags itll always be a 4 player match and you wont be able to set preferences like that id bet money im right about that
TheCatPhysician Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 Isn’t that simple? You don’t have to trouble with any settings. However, if you do want to go through settings, you can. Just kidding! We're still gay; don't worry.
atmuh Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 and to think around page 100 me and catphysician always argued now were fwends!
TheCatPhysician Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 haha i remember those days btw atma i just finished 3604free and got $350! i would have got the actual 360 but where i live right now, online gaming is impossible so it wouldn't be as useful. i'll probably get one later though
atmuh Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 high five! i just finished it too and am giving the 360 to my gf she is very happy
TheCatPhysician Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 gf hmmm i should work on getting one of those next
atmuh Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 hmmmi should work on getting one of those next make sure she isnt psychotic or you may turn into a cynical internet jerk!
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