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The DS battery life is awesome. I have the old silver model.

But, after having not played it for several months, I just picked it up and played around 12 hours over the course of a weekend without it ever going to red. I've had it since it was first released, and I have never had much problem with it.

But, after having not played it for several months, I just picked it up and played around 12 hours over the course of a weekend without it ever going to red. I've had it since it was first released, and I have never had much problem with it.

As opposed to us that are playing it almost everyday since we got ours... Hmmm. I don't think that's a fair comparison. But then, that may very well be why it's so worn down.

Maybe a DS Lite as a graduation present for myself in May...

I was playing a lot of FFIII DS last night, and the battery lasted me 5-6 hours before turning red.

Yikes. I can't imagine that the game would be that big a drain on the battery. That doesn't seem right at all.

The Lite has differrent light settings, right? How much of a battery life difference is there when using the lowest and highest settings?


So DKR is out today and I'll be getting it when I get home from school. I LOVED the original...so this had better be good. Also at my job I have a chance to win a DKR standee signed by Reggie, an ORIGINAL DKR strategy guide, and a new DS lite. All I gotta do is write a 150 word essay about why DKR owns...I am such a fanboy I may have a chance.

Any software that you might use will definitely drop battery life. Not only does it have to run the game graphics, but also the emulation app as well. This is analogous to using Rockbox on an iPod if you wanted support for .ogg or other sound formats. Battery life definitely reduces in this case since the software has to be constantly used. It isn't some sort of loading program that only has to be applied once per song, but constantly when the song is playing.

Big drop? I should probably not get an M3 then. I wasn't planning on it, but my friends wanted to. I should probably at least warn them.

aah ok i understand now,thanks.

id say its something i can live with seeing as now i can play all the "backups" i ever wanted too.Mabye there are a couple of models that mightnot drain the battery so hard? Mabye.

So DKR is out today and I'll be getting it when I get home from school. I LOVED the original...so this had better be good. Also at my job I have a chance to win a DKR standee signed by Reggie, an ORIGINAL DKR strategy guide, and a new DS lite. All I gotta do is write a 150 word essay about why DKR owns...I am such a fanboy I may have a chance.

Good luck man.


Wow, DKR DS is getting trashed by sites. I'll start on it when I beat FF3 DS. So far, I have to say this - if you can stand the old leveling up style in RPGs ala FF7, then it won't be a horrible buy, but I'd stay far away from it as long as it sports the $40 price tag. Of course, this won't stop those hooked on FF from buying it.


I got DKR today and i'm pretty impressed with how well it held up. It always was one of my favorite N64 games though. I've played about 4 matches online i think and seems to run pretty smoothly. And they took out the coin races in the adventure mode and replaced it with this on-rails baloon popping thing (remind me of the canoe thing in Zelda). anyway here's my friend code for DKR 356573814682. I know it should probably go in the clan DS thread, i'll probably post there as well.

Wow, DKR DS is getting trashed by sites.

Most game review sites have a bad habit of judging games (particularly Nintendo games) too harshly, especially as of recently. I own several games that scored in the 6 - 7/10 range on most sites, but said games deserve at least an 8 after I had a go at them. Rather than go by what they say, it's best to rent in case you have your doubts. After all, since when do the opinions of a single person or select group of people represent those of every gamer?

In the case of DKR DS, I can understand the touch-based challenges and the removal of sliding being frustrating, but it should more than stand up to the original in other respects: extra tracks, track editor, online multiplayer with up to 6 players at a time, etc.

Wow, DKR DS is getting trashed by sites.

I dunno if I'd call 69/100 trashing it, but it's certainly not a great score (then again, it was a similar score for Killer7 that kept me from getting it till last yr :(). I'm still interested in trying it, though the tacked-on touch control like getting the boost at the beginning of the race seems kinda dumb from what I saw. Btw, how is the track editor?

EDIT: How is Lunar Knights looking to you guys? I didn't play Boktai, but it looks like a pretty fun game.

I dunno if I'd call 69/100 trashing it, but it's certainly not a great score (then again, it was a similar score for Killer7 that kept me from getting it till last yr :(). I'm still interested in trying it, though the tacked-on touch control like getting the boost at the beginning of the race seems kinda dumb from what I saw. Btw, how is the track editor?

I'd call that trashing when you got sites like Gamespot & IGN giving those scores. I still haven't played it yet, as I'm busy on FF3 DS first. I'll start that after though.

Most game review sites have a bad habit of judging games (particularly Nintendo games) too harshly, especially as of recently.

I think there's an expectation anymore that every new game is supposed to break all new ground in the realm of gaming, somehow. I've heard it dozens of times, "if a new game doesn't display some revolution in the world of gaming, then it is sub-standard."


Just finished Hotel Dusk: Room 215. Pretty compelling story, compelling enough to toss aside studying for this cell bio midterm I've got tomorrow. I think I logged in about 20 or so hours, maybe longer. If my friend hadn't let me borrow it, I would have been worth my money. Either way, I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game.


Just thought I'd mention; if you're in to cute platformers, that both Kirby Squeak Squad and Yoshi's Island DS are solid choices. Both deliver action much like their prequels, full of character, colour and fun...


If you have to pick one, defintely Yoshi's Island. I've probably put about 15 hours into Yoshi's Island and 5 into Kirby and, from what I can tell, Kirby's 1/2 done while Yoshi's sitting, more difficultly, at about 1/4.

Y Hello thar replay value.


Seeing as how I wasn't at all excited about DKR before, and now I'm hearing a lot of people say 'Meh' about it, I think I won't be getting this game.

On a completely unrelated note, does anyone know of even the slightest rumor of plans to bring Tales of Eternia to the US?

On a completely unrelated note, does anyone know of even the slightest rumor of plans to bring Tales of Eternia to the US?

Supposedly it was supposed to come out here on the PSP...but Namco has remained mum about it, which means it probably isn't going to happen. I'm just going to get Smoke to import it for me from Europe.

DKR's critical response seems unjustified to me. I'm sold on the online play.

Well, I'm very annoyed at the single player. I don't have access to the internet with the game atm so I can't judge on that, but some of the changes is frustrating like the startup & the Boss Touch Challenge sucks so much.

Dang, I can't keep them straight. I meant Tales of the Tempest.

Tempest, Tempest, Tempest, not Eternia, you dolt...

I wouldn't even buy the game if it came out here. According to many japanese gamers who bought the game, it sucks and is very short. The game can be completed in 10 hours. It's a freaking RPG too.

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