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Some say thats a fake, but if its true then heck yes! Good thing i didnt sell my DS just yet :)

Why would you sell your DS? :o There's plenty of games out for it, well for me anyway :P I don't know what you like.

Fuck, someone got to it first.

Anyway... I liked the first one, but I never actually got around to finishing the second. I do know that the story was supposed to end happily ever after, so I don't really see what they plan to do with the plot now.

I'm the opposite. I was a late GBA adopter, and got the SP and Golden Sun 2. The first one was no where to be found. :[


Well, there was a little wiggle room at the end of Golden Sun 2 where they could make a third game if they reached.

So what's the word on Touch the Dead? I'm all for some zombie action, but not if it sucks.


I'd say actually they had a pretty good amount of room at the end of Lost age. Granted GS 3 would not follow the same plot, it would have to be more of an offshoot, that could potetially tie back into the plot of the first two.

As far as the veracity of this image goes. I'm not too sure. I heard about this from my cousin, the virtual console reviewer (or one of them) for IGN. I'm not entirely sure where he got his info from, but I tend to consider him a very trustworthy source. He also said that apparently its almost ready to be shipped. Hopefully this all turns out to be true, and I coudl have my hands on the long awaited golden sun three some time in the relatively near future.


So what's the word on Touch the Dead? I'm all for some zombie action, but not if it sucks.

It certainly does not suck. But it is not as awesome as it should be. The reloading somehow makes perfect sense but is completely asinine at the same time; you drag a clip across the touch screen which does not work well with the quick action. Aiming is fun as all you have to do is touch the dead, but still challenging as the dead men waddle and move making the headshots difficult. You can upgrade the guns. The game seems long for an on-rails shooter, and tends to drag a bit. But if you absolutely have to touch the dead, you sick freak, you'll ptobably be satisfied with it.

I'm still waiting for DS Air/Jet Impulse (they better not decide to call it DS Air) to be released in the U.S., dammit Nintendo! That crap better have not been delayed till October or some crap. They better have been recording English dialogue or at least not remove the story completely or some crap. Or maybe it's cancelled. Jet Impulse kicks so much ass, I'm gonna go bust some skulls if they screwed it up. I'm gonna kick your ass, Reggie. Wryyyyy--ahem. Sorry for the outburst.

I meant to say awooooooooooooo


Whoa! Where'd that awesome shit come from? My DS? How'd you know GET THE HELL OUT OF MY MIND--I mean Yes, it did. Using a homebrew program called Colors. It even saves replays of your drawings. Also, it uses the pressure sensitivity of the DS touch screen. I did not know that the screen is sensitive like that, but touching the screen lightly makes a light stroke,etc. But maybe they're messing with me. The gremlins are in my brain and

I just discovered this today. Civilization for the DS!

After SimCity, I'm not surprised. What really gets me thinking is what they might be planning to do with the Wii version that will push it back to fall while other consoles see it next spring.


Rockman ZX Advent (ロックマンゼクスアドベント Rokkuman Zekusu Adobento)

Not really any plot spoilers here because I didn't bother deciphering most of the Japanese text. But for those who don't want info, I'm spoilertagging it anyway.


A lot is similar to ZX. The intro level is even easier. Instead of starting off with Model X, you start out - and even do the stupidly easy intro boss - in Human form. That's right, you can now shoot in human form, but all you have is a buster that can't charge. Also, a city did not require me to take off my armor, which can be pretty funny, considering the armors I got.

So, a bunch of cutscenes, a bunch of Japanese talk, and some plot I won't spoil later, you start the first real levels, with Model A. It seems to be a pretty weak model. You have got a buster, can dash and walljump and all that, and if you picked the female protagonist, your charge shot is just like the Gemini Laser from Mega Man 3, only it goes much faster (Male protagonist gets a regular charge shot). You encounter Prometheus and Pandora - and they seem to be up to no good. I've got a hunch they will be a bit more important in this game than they were in ZX.

The first boss you get armor from is kind of a wolf. Easy, easy boss fight. Like, the difficulty of a miniboss. They're really going easy on you to start the game off, either that or I mistakenly selected easy mode, ugh. I'll have to translate the menus more carefully and make sure I didn't. More important than the boss is the armor. When I put on the armor, I didn't just have armor on that kind of resembled the boss, I turned into the boss. Yeah, I literally grew to be an 8 foot tall 300 pound wolf guy with a deep masculine voice (I picked the chick protagonist because in ZX Vent sounded like a chick anyway). Most of the moves he did in the fight, I could do. Which is pretty cheap as he could breeze through a lot of places. This is also why I find it pretty funny that I can walk around the city with my armor on. There's a boss walking around your city, and you don't care!

Another level, another boss, this ones a plant guy. Also an easy fight (However, it took no damage from the wolf guy's armor - I had to use Model A or Human (lol))- I hope this game picks up the difficulty pretty quick. It seems that the bosses' attack strategies are a bit less creative than the first ZX. I had no problem dispatching this guy coming in the room with half my health. The armor for him is kind of dumb too. It lets you climb up vines and stuff, but is useless on the ground as you can't move quickly of jump more than like a foot.

Hoping it picks up soon in intensity - so far I'm not liking it as much as the first ZX.

Here are some links:

Wikipedia Entry

Some screenshots - I don't know what's going on here because in that shot the player had twice as much weapon bar and some kind of crazy cube attack. I didn't have any of those goodies when I beat this miniboss.



Hate to take the topic off of Rockman ZX Advent, but has anybody gone out and picked up Hoshigami? It's seems like a fun game so far, kinda like a mix between Final Fantasy Tactics and Disgaea. MMMhm. Finally some good strat-Rpg Goodness on the DS.

Hate to take the topic off of Rockman ZX Advent, but has anybody gone out and picked up Hoshigami? It's seems like a fun game so far, kinda like a mix between Final Fantasy Tactics and Disgaea. MMMhm. Finally some good strat-Rpg Goodness on the DS.

Name sounds familiar... What company made that?

Take this with a grain of salt, but I wanna say I've seen the image on the bottom screen a long time ago...

Yeah, it's totally fake for that reason (before | after | side-by-side) and because there's been no official announcement from Nintendo, Camelot, or anyone that this game even exists.


Before, I was more leniant towards the PSP, but after a while, I grew to like the DS more after I got a modchip. The PSP can no longer play homebrew games after being updated past 2.00+, i believe, as for the DS, it always has that function. Some of the homebrews can outdo the PSP, no less. For example, someone converted RPG Maker XP into DS format, and I've seen it played. I think the DS should get more credit that what it's been given.

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