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Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History


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I'm sorry, guys. I've spent some time composing, but I don't think I'll have time to finish a full track. I'm really unhappy, because this is a super cool project that I'd really like to help out with, but reality is harsh. I'll continue to hang out, though, and I'm absolutely super happy to contribute anything to any of you who might need a piece here and there.

=edit for clarity= Nothing bad happened, I just have too much school work...

Edited by KingdomNerdia
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I'm sorry, guys. I've spent some time composing, but I don't think I'll have time to finish a full track. I'm really unhappy, because this is a super cool project that I'd really like to help out with, but reality is harsh. I'll continue to hang out, though, and I'm absolutely super happy to contribute anything to any of you who might need a piece here and there.

That's no good... Oh, well. If you want to rejoin, just PM me, or write here ;)

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Hey, hey, hey! The deadline is today! Almost everyone has sent me something. Thanks for being punctual! But I still need to get something from DrumUltima, Ryan Jonson and GaMeBoX. You have less than 24 hours :) The next dealine (31st April) is for:

  • Eino Keskitalo
  • A Cloud Called Klaus
  • Unknown Alias
  • AkumajoBelmnot
  • Lucasonic
  • G-Mixer
  • Faseeh
  • Bowlerhat
  • Charles Ritz
  • Joshua Taipale
  • Marvin Valentine

Edited by Black_Doom
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4th post in a row, ok... We're a bit closer to finish of recruitment, because Pl511 joined our project and claimed "His World" S06 - first track from this game for the project. He also promised to send a finished track by the end of this week. So, I still need someone, who can give detailed and effective feed back. And now there're only 4 games in the list in the first post! Let's make this happen :D

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Just shot over my first rough WIP for Final Fight Zone; also wanted to state my interest that there seems to a spot open for a visual artist (looking at the original post). I'm not sure if that's still an open spot, or if it's been already been taken.

Either way, I'd say I'd volunteer to be a feedback assistant, but I think that there are much more experienced artists here that would be more suited for that job.

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Just shot over my first rough WIP for Final Fight Zone; also wanted to state my interest that there seems to a spot open for a visual artist (looking at the original post). I'm not sure if that's still an open spot, or if it's been already been taken.

Either way, I'd say I'd volunteer to be a feedback assistant, but I think that there are much more experienced artists here that would be more suited for that job.

We don't have any proper artwork yet, so if you think you'll manage to contribute some cool artwork, you can try. Speaking of feedback, I'd like to have an experienced musician for it, so you're right.

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Yo, I'll try getting something to ya by the end of April. Kinda got caught up in some stuff and haven't been able to do much, but I'll work on it as much as I can.


EDIT: I'm so sorry guys but I'm probably gonna need to drop the Speed Highway remix. There were probably a couple others you may have wanted it, so go for it. Just don't think I'm gonna be able to get to that one. Still workin on the Emerald Coast/Windy Valley remix but haven't really made many changes and I don't know if I'll have something to you by the April 30th deadline.

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