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OCR02899 - Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES) "Wonderfall"


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I can't remember the original song very well, and while some mixes jog my memory and allow me to remember the entire song, this mix only made certain parts feel familiar. Whether that's a comment on the mix or the original, I don't know. Regardless, I was thoroughly enjoying the mix and then hit that segment right before the halfway point of the song. It felt as if things suddenly came alive then. It was a really nice dynamic, contrasting with the more laid-back beginning. Very nice work!

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The wildlife and nature sounds set this apart from the other Waterfall ReMixes on the same album, and sounds oddly peaceful and almost like a waterfall’s base, giving off a picture of beautiful sights, rather than the dangerous cliffs that lie higher above. Truly a gorgeous ReMix.

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  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02899 - Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES) "Wonderfall"

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