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If we want to do a Doubles tourney, then I need everyone's help in spreading the word and getting people to sign up. Go go go! I will also probably ask people to revise their picks once that occurs so that they are posting picks as a team.

How would it work? Would it be like the WCRG where one remixer takes the "driving seat" for one week with assistance if you want/need it? Or do you both have to contribute evenly every week?

How would it work? Would it be like the WCRG where one remixer takes the "driving seat" for one week with assistance if you want/need it? Or do you both have to contribute evenly every week?

It would be up to the team members on how they want to do it. No forced alternating or anything like that.

Just to be clear, the team will pick a single Knight. So it wouldn't be one battle you use Shield Knight and then the next battle you use Tinker Knight.

If we want to do a Doubles tourney, then I need everyone's help in spreading the word and getting people to sign up. Go go go! I will also probably ask people to revise their picks once that occurs so that they are posting picks as a team.

Do we need to sign up as a team or can we sign up as individuals looking to be placed in a team?

Posted (edited)

Hehe, I think picking partners would make this too easy. I mean, I could just pick Nabeel, or Mr. Molina over thar who wants to fight for his Spectre Knight. :lol: I'd be all for a random match-em-up for people who happen to pick the same corresponding firsts/seconds/etc., or what you said, Shariq, about revising our picks if we want.

1. Spectre Knight

2. Propeller Knight

3. Polar Knight

4. Shield Knight

Oh, and about what time span (length and dates) could this last?

EDIT: Doubles, please. (Currently no teammate)

Silently wanting to work with Will. *nudge* Maybe I could work with Nabeel? idk

Edited by timaeus222

Perhaps I need to clarify a bit.

Knights of the ReMix 2014 will feature two tourneys: a "Singles" tourney and a "Doubles" tourney. Each tourney will operate independently of each other; the draft will be separate.

If you wish to compete by yourself, please indicate "Singles" in your post. If you wish to compete as a part of a two-man team, please indicate "Doubles" in your post, and post your teammate's artist name. If you don't have a teammate but still wish to compete in the "Doubles" tourney please say so and I can match you up with someone.

I am looking for 24 people to compete: 8 for "Singles," and 16 for "Doubles."


Awwww shiiiiiit, I would LOVE to do this, but the last time I entered a bracketed compo I wound up falling out with a half-done, improperly labelled track due to a lack of time.

I'd hate to bump someone else out just to end up doing that again, so I'm reluctant to enter just yet... but if the deadline draws near and there's still room I'm totally game. Singles or doubles, I don't even care. I guess a slight preference for singles?

Can I get entered at, like, a low priority or something? Put me on the list unless/until it's full, then bump me in favor of the next guy?

If not, I'll just enter anyway and try to reserve some extra hours for this and hope nothing goes wrong.


2. Mole Knight

3. Propeller Knight

4. King Knight

I think I'll want to be in the doubles tourney, if only to make it a little easier time-wise. Plus, collabs are tons of fun, you never really know what is going to happen and it's always different from & much better than what I'd come up with myself.

Any Renoise users wanting to team up?

If you need a Renoiser and can't find anyone, I'm willing to help out. Did a lot of stuff with Renoise 2.8 but switched to Logic Pro when 3.0 was released. But it'd be easy enough to pick up again, even tho I did mostly use it for VSTs.

If you need a Renoiser and can't find anyone, I'm willing to help out. Did a lot of stuff with Renoise 2.8 but switched to Logic Pro when 3.0 was released. But it'd be easy enough to pick up again, even tho I did mostly use it for VSTs.

Dudeeeeeh.. I'd be super happy & honoured to collab with you on this thing. Let's do it! I've migrated to 3.0 but can switch back to 2.8 if so desired. I pretty much only use samples old-school style & native plugins, partially because I'm on Linux & haven't figured stuff out.

My knight list was Treasure, Sceptre (which is kinda popular), Shield & Black, how did that sound to you?

Dudeeeeeh.. I'd be super happy & honoured to collab with you on this thing. Let's do it! I've migrated to 3.0 but can switch back to 2.8 if so desired. I pretty much only use samples old-school style & native plugins, partially because I'm on Linux & haven't figured stuff out.

My knight list was Treasure, Sceptre (which is kinda popular), Shield & Black, how did that sound to you?

Aw heck, let's just go for it then. Not sure what I'm getting myself into, but collabs are fun so it's prolly worth it :)

So DarkeSword, please sign us up as a team. Since I'm not that familiar with the OST, let's just take evktalo's list. Renoise FTW!

My favourite theme keeps changing twice a day..

Would it be okay to bring in other collaborators in the doubles tourney btw?


Well here's the thing. The rule about allowing outside collaborators is really something that came out of a discussion in the last WCRG. Some artists expressed that since they had access to session musicians, they should be able to make use of that. I had previously indicated that that kind of thing wouldn't be allowed, but they made a good case for it, pointing out that using session musicians was a lot like using specific sample libraries; i.e., just another tool in the toolbox.

When you're competing in these competitions, it needs to be YOU that's competing, not you and all your friends. In the case of Doubles, it's YOU and YOUR PARTNER. I realize that people like to work with others, and that's great, but there's a certain point where I just have to say that you need to be working on your music yourself, and not relying on collaborators all the time.

So I'm going to say "no." You can't bring in outside collaborators unless they are essentially just session musicians/vocalists. Don't bring in someone to do part-writing for you, don't bring in someone to write your drum tracks, don't bring in someone to write a killer synth solo, don't bring in someone to spruce up your production. YOU need to bring YOUR A-game, not everyone else's.

This goes for both Singles and Doubles.

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