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  • 2 weeks later...


It's Summer. It's been summer for awhile. And I don't like sending out mass-emails. See, you'd think its just copy/paste, but I kow I'm going to have to personalize each one. OK, this artist, the first part sounds great, but after a minute, it's all too repetitive. Or this artist, It's shaping up nicely, but if you used his theme from this game after the guitar comes in the second time, that'd sound great.

I dunno 'bout you, but I've got it set up so that this thread is 27 pages long right now. Page 26/27 is full of hope right now. People coming back, updates, hey, that's great! I think it's motivation. I'm working on some 3D stuff, for example. Nothing major. A class from High School last year (Rhino3D), and the year before that (Maya/Bryce, if you're interested in knowing), along with almost every lunch, and more hours at home than I can imagine. But I thought, when Summer comes along, I'll have so much free time, that I'll get more work done in two months than I have in the past two years.

But there are days where I don't do anything at all. Just lay around, maybe take a walk around town. Spend an hour or two at the library. Grab some grub at the deli. Come home, open a few tabs on firefox, and F5 'till something interesting comes along (Actually, I wish most days were this interesting. Most of the time, I'm sleeping 'till 1, then I'm lounging around enjoying my first summer without camp/a job. Take my word for it, this is the best summer everis my greatest summer ever).

It's hard to self-motivate. Or to listen to someone else motivating you. I had another point to make besides "work harder", but I forgot what it was. It was a real good point, too...

Something tells me I'm gonna be spending quite a awhile on these PMs...

...Last note? As nerdy as it sounds, watching every single Star Trek movie in a row is extremely satisfying. You have no idea. (I hope that post didn't drive anyone away...)


Hey, I didn't really tell anyone else except Pi (did you forget or something?), but i'm in drum corps for the summer and I have absolutely no internet time. I'll talk to you guys in about two weeks when the season is over. I'll be back on regularly then.

Hey, I didn't really tell anyone else except Pi (did you forget or something?), but i'm in drum corps for the summer and I have absolutely no internet time. I'll talk to you guys in about two weeks when the season is over. I'll be back on regularly then.


Actually, yeah. Forgot. Sorry 'bout that.


The only Star Trek related programming I'll watch is that one show with the two Rikers where they both go at it. That one was totally awesome.

Yes, the main problem I'm having right now is motivation too. I'm sort of in the opposite situation though. I work from 9-6, and factoring in commutes and meals I sit down in front of my computer to write by seven. But after a long day at work, where I ALSO stare at a computer, I'm just toasted mentally. I just pluck around at my keyboard, wondering how a happy hardcore remix of American Patrol would sound.

The people who wrote the very songs we're mixing didn't have the liberty to stop just because they felt like it. We're lucky to say that we do have this luxury, but are we taking too much advantage of it? I am. I've been struggling with this track for a while now, and need to pull it together. And honestly, finishing up what we're doing is in everyone's best interests. I mean, who doesn't want to be done? Seeing some new activity is good -but getting it back up to old levels, where people are constantly updating their tracks and critiquing others would be really wonderful to see.

Coincidentally, happy one year aniversary everyone!

Coincidentally, happy one year aniversary everyone!

Oh, wow. I didn't even notice it pass by. I could've sworn I first posted sometime in mid-August. I could make a lot of jokes about all the progress we've made, but we really have. As far as the guidelines, rules, and goals, things have really been focused. But then, WOW, right? 'cause that's all the project is about, right? As long as we've got rules, it's OK. Who needs artists? Nahhh... not us. Ha, you know what I mean. You're all great.


OK guys, listen up.

With Summer half-way done, I've seen a bit more action around here. That's great. But for anyone else who hasn't been paying attention, it's time to set a new WIP date.

August 31st. Last day of the month, also the last Friday.

I'll update the thread name, and in a week or so, send out PMs to catch anyone that hasn't read the title.

Actually, yeah. If you're reading this, and haven't posted in a while, do so, even as just a "hi". I don't want to have to send PMs out to people who have already found out about the date.

'k, you know what to do.

ed;300708']Guys' date=' how does I changed thread name?[/quote']

Only mods can change thread names now for whatever reason, so we'll have to flag one of them down to do it for us.

  • 2 weeks later...

Seeing as I still have to finish a track for another project at almost the exact day of the new due date (maybe even the exact date), I might not be able to have anything. I'll try & add a few things that have been gestating in my head, it should be enough to show some progress.

  • 2 weeks later...

So....... I've finally found myself some inspiration and if everything goes as planned, you can expect an updated version for both songs (the the Master of Blades is from sratch actually).

Aside from that, SIGN UP REMIXERS! Don't be afraid to make a wip for a boss that's not on the list. If the wip's good, chances are pretty big it'll end up on the list aswell. Just sign up :D


Thanks, I'll take a listen and try and get something written up asap.

EDIT: Sorry, everything over here is a bit hectic right now, so I haven't gotten to it yet. I'll have it done up by tonight, promise.



I saw few WIPs and many spam threads. I hope you could remove spam threads cos they're heinous :tomatoface:.

The WIPs I listened are good very good.

I'd like to take part but I have to get complete FL7. I'd have wanted to take K.Rool theme to remix.

If it won't be taken, I could consider to join the project if it's possible. :razz:

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