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Dang, I can't even score "official schedule-planner-coordinator-thing-person" !? :lol:...I'm a thing!

But seriously, if you are already mixing on this project there is a calendar set up on our forums that is similar to the list on the first page, but shows your WIP due dates. This is particularly important if you've recently signed on, because the November 19th deadline does not apply to you. So there is no need to rush your tracks!

That's all I have.


Oyeah, I forgot about the whole Magus thing. That actually makes *exactly* 2/3 of the remixers.

Nonetheless, I'm glad to see it arriving in GenDisc. Surely we'll see some good personnel come into all this too.

And now, back to work :P


Yay! It's in GenDisc!

I'm already signed up and have been eerily quiet since - the reason for that is I'm in Bangkok right now and enjoying the lunacy.

I get back to the motherland on 7th November and will provide a WIP (It's on my hard drive already) plus I will provide a revised WIP in time for the deadline.

I got the PM, thanks, and will become more active on my return (just quickly checking the site to see if Project Chaos has made it yet - obviously not.)


If you do fancy checking out what sort of level I'm currently at with my mixes, ReMix thaSauce posted 'Submerged' by me last week yet no-one's reviewed it ('cos of dance discrimination, I assume :( )

Anyway, good to see progress has been made and I look forward to working on this project more fervently in November.

ed]And Pu_freak, why doesnt anyone get, that if there are open spots, of course we'll be taking people on. SO, I listened to your WIPs, go ahead and pick a track.

Alright, I'll take the M. Bison theme then! If I got time to spare, I'd like to take a shot at Sigma as well or maybe a collab... But first: The Bison theme.

And congrats on reaching the Gen forum


I might be interested in doing a mix of either Dark King from Mystiq Quest, Wily/Sigma from Mega Man or Mother Brain from Super Metroid. However, I'd like to start working on a mix when I get my new comp (which should be tomorrow, but then I should have got it on Friday..). So don't put me down for anything yet, I'll hit you with a WIP to let you know whether I want in, perhaps in the next week or two. Mind you, I have 2 other projects I'm currently part of, and those will take precedence until I'm done with my mixes for those.

I'll let you know.


Hey PI...could we add a column to the table in your first post that says what general style/genre each remixer is doing? That way new folks can help keep/add to the balance and we don't end up with too much of one style. Unless we like that sort of thing...

To get things started, mine is looking like rock with some orchestral backing (think No Leaf Clover by Metallica).

pu_freak: I may be interested in a Wily/Sigma collab if no one picks it up in a few weeks.

Hey PI...could we add a column to the table in your first post that says what general style/genre each remixer is doing? That way new folks can help keep/add to the balance and we don't end up with too much of one style. Unless we like that sort of thing...

That sounds like a good idea. As official project PDA, I volenteer to set this up. PM me or post your mix style and I'll list 'em.


Wow, I was away from any computer for a few hours, and I'm loving the responses.

I get back to the motherland on 7th November and will provide a WIP (It's on my hard drive already) plus I will provide a revised WIP in time for the deadline.

I got the PM, thanks, and will become more active on my return (just quickly checking the site to see if Project Chaos has made it yet - obviously not.)

Alright, nice to hear. Excited for the WIP, good luck on it.

Alright, I'll take the M. Bison theme then! If I got time to spare, I'd like to take a shot at Sigma as well or maybe a collab... But first: The Bison theme.

Again, good. Looking forward to it.

Dark King from Mystiq Quest, Wily/Sigma from Mega Man or Mother Brain from Super Metroid... ...I'll hit you with a WIP to let you know whether I want in, perhaps in the next week or two.

OK, since you arent sure yet, I guess I can use the WIPs quality to determine if you're in or out.

could we add a column to the table in your first post that says what general style/genre each remixer is doing? That way new folks can help keep/add to the balance and we don't end up with too much of one style. Unless we like that sort of thing...

To get things started, mine is looking like rock with some orchestral backing (think No Leaf Clover by Metallica).

Good idea. No Leaf Clover, you say? Get me a WIP. Now.

That sounds like a good idea. As official project PDA, I volenteer to set this up. PM me or post your mix style and I'll list 'em.

Great. As my personal digital assistant, I expect only the best from you.

I'd love to have a go at a remix for Battle with Starwolf (from Starfox) If no-one else is intrested.

Sadly... Andross's theme MUST be dominant. While, yes, I agree that Starwolf's theme kicks total ass, the project does revolve around FINAL bosses (I guess TGMP is an exception). So, if you do this, the most of Starwolf's theme can be is 49% of the whole thing.

Our sig should be all the bosses beating up a lunch lady, or taking marios lunch haha.

Well, for the back of the album, I did want Mario with X's in his eyes, roasting on a spit over an open flame. And for the Sig, I was thinking a classic cartoon chase scene, with baddies on the left, chasing good guys on the right. The album art, check our other forums for the idea. We still need new character designs!

Now, I don't know how worthwhile it will be to ask everybody for an audition piece. So, all tracks are open for multiple mixers, serving multiple purposes, including possibly finding better mixers. The final chosen track will be decided on by the public, or maybe just me. We'll see.

And to everybody who gave their "Good Job"s and "Good Luck"s, thanks! Much appreciated. I'll go spend the next half hour editing the main post, if you need me.


I had some idea,awhile ago about the artwork for K.rool.

What if K.rool was either...

A) Dressed like Ozzy Ozbourne biteing the head off a Zinger

B)Dressed like a pimp

C)Dreesed like some sort of gangsta rapper,with Krushas in the back dressed as bodygaurds.

I dunno. If I come up with any more ideas I will let you know. :twisted:


The list is now up at the forum, under News/Announcements. Avaris, I just listed you as "Orc/Tech/Rock", but I can change it if you want. Anyway, keep the info coming so I can keep it updated.

I actually tried to put together a sig a day or two ago. I had trouble finding pictures of a lot of the bosses though, and there was an overabundance of...strange... fanart for many. (Never google image search Bowser. I cannot stress this enough).

I'm sorta curious. One of the only tracks that no one has said anything about is Eve, from Parasite Eve. You think I could take a stab at it? I just listened to it and have some neat ideas I'd like to try. If someone else wants to do it that's cool though.


It's too early for me to figure out a style on mine yet, but once I'm done with the main bulk I would love to hook this up with a guitarist in the scene. That doesn't mean it'll be pure rock; it's just to give it that little bit more of an edge, if you know what I mean.

Spunodi, I doubt that anti-groove bias would be a thing to worry about at ThaSauce. I think you picked a pretty obscure Sonic game (at least in my point of view; never touched a Sega CD in my life) so that could mean why there weren't quite so many responses and whatnot.


Funny, I almost forgot you had signed up for anything, and I was thinking, "Whats that guy doin' around here anyway?". How about you give it until our move into WIPs, and, after that, you can have it if no one else has it yet.

I was thinking, maybe, to add 5-10 new bosses, seeing the immediate reaction to our presence. Maybe, but Ill think about it. If some well-known, high-quality mixers step forward, maybe, just maybe, I'll throw in a few more.

I was also thinking, whats the deal with FLAC files in the torrents? It seems they do nothing bu make the torrent 4 times bigger. Am I missing something, or does one part of the world not use mp3s, or what?


Well, if I remember, she did rank high among the losers that didn't make it. We'll see, it just all depends on

A.If we get more mixers making requests

B.If she is one of the ones that is ranked high (If step A pulls through at all)

I think... this might help a bit.

It's too early for me to figure out a style on mine yet, but once I'm done with the main bulk I would love to hook this up with a guitarist in the scene.

Depending on what kind of parts you'd want or need, I could maybe do it. Maybe. :P

I'd love to have a go at a remix for Battle with Starwolf (from Starfox) If no-one else is intrested.

Sadly... Andross's theme MUST be dominant. While, yes, I agree that Starwolf's theme kicks total ass, the project does revolve around FINAL bosses (I guess TGMP is an exception). So, if you do this, the most of Starwolf's theme can be is 49% of the whole thing.

Dang.... that changes everything. Its a shame, because I had just started work on Starwolf's theme. Not to worry, though, I suppose I can use the Starwolf theme somewhere in the mix, and If I don't, I'll just submit to the site in the style of a normal remix.

Well, I better get working on Andross's theme.


OK, finally got around to adding up everybody that said they could provide live instruments. Our particular situation is quite lucky. Many people around can play concert band instruments (Good for orchestrated pieces), and plenty can play guitar (Do I really have to explain this one?).

Here you go:

Guitar - leepmeister

Base - leepmeister

Tenor Sax - mlo

Clarinet - mlo

Keyboard - mlo, pu_freak

Accordion - Pi_r_[]ed, mlo

Violin - James George

Viloa - James George

Cello -

Bass - James George

Things are pretty wild up there right now, but if anyone else wants to step forward, even if they aren't making a track themselves, feel free to. Much appreciated.


DAMN! Why didn't I think of that? Each mixer's sig can be based off of who he or she is mixing! Jeez..., oh well. gts, our artists, should have some work done soon. Sketches, and the like. So, think about it. Leepmeister with Bowser playing drums as his sig, or the-almighty-tallest with starwolf as a street gang. When gts, our artist, gets done with some sketches, Ill let you know. But I haven't spoken with him for about a month, so he could be anywhere from "Still sharpening my pencil" to "Just finished the coloring". Ill ask tonight.

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