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BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume I - History


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Yeah, it was great, but I guess the original post I had didnt go through, for some reason. It went along these lines:

"Ooh! mlo, I have chills. Its coming along great. The only problems I have to point out right now is the transition at 0:28. That, and something about 2:00 makes me want to play Sonic, but I guess that isn't a real problem."

I dont know why it didnt go through... but it would have gone with my post several up, that mentioned someone mastering the tracks.

Speaking of which...

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Hey, don't look at me. I'm mixing on a zero dollar budget. :lol: I know the Chrono Symphonic project was mastered though, by Compyfox, I think...? You could contact him.

And I'm just wondering when you're planning on moving to Gen. Discussion. We've met the requirements to do so, unless I've misunderstood something. (which is entirely possible)

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Crescendo to Cooking.....I LOVE IT! ha ha

Sorry mlo, I keep intending to post regarding your mix. I'll try to today.

I could try and master some tracks, I've got the computer and software for it, but I'm still a bit of a neophyte compared to those in the "biz". If you can get someone that really has proven themselves that would be better though. If you can't get anyone, I can give it a shot.

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Well, Rexy said wait until 20, and I don't want to argue about it with someone who has had MUCH more experience than myself, unless she wants to step forward and green light the get-go herself. Other wise, yeah, I completely agree. The fact that we are moving along much faster than the other projects stuck here in requests can only mean that we will have a very positive reaction with anyone that doesn't normally check this section of the forums.

So, what does everyone else think?

And, one more thing. Like I said before, +10,000 page views doesn't happen on it's own. Do we have fans out there, or what? Please, step forward. Knowing that there are people looking forward to this is exciting!

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I have access to Cubase and its "mastering" (compression and EQ) plug-ins. If someone has more proper experience and the pro plug-ins specifically designed for mastering it would be better, but I am certainly no stranger to trying to master songs (e.g. for my band). I will warn though: as a bassist myself, I am accused of making songs a little bass heavy ;)

Like James George said, someone "in the biz" would be better for the voodoo-arcane art of mastering, but otherwise I can help.

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ed]Well, Rexy said wait until 20, and I don't want to argue about it with someone who has had MUCH more experience than myself, unless she wants to step forward and green light the get-go herself. Other wise, yeah, I completely agree. The fact that we are moving along much faster than the other projects stuck here in requests can only mean that we will have a very positive reaction with anyone that doesn't normally check this section of the forums.

So, what does everyone else think?

And, one more thing. Like I said before, +10,000 page views doesn't happen on it's own. Do we have fans out there, or what? Please, step forward. Knowing that there are people looking forward to this is exciting!

Sorry, I must have missed that post. And I, too, am relatively new at this, but here's my two cents:

One of the reasons for having a General Discussion thread is to attract remixers who don't browse the Request forum. My only concern would be how many people don't know about this, and would be interested. There are, if I remember correctly, twenty-six tracks on the project, and starting a new thread inviting mixers with only six positions open seems like a strange idea to me. Of course, if there is a history of projects not getting many mixers in G. D., then Rexy's point is more than valid. Like I said, I don't claim to be an expert in these matters. I just write the music :)

On a completely unrelated sidenote: thank you for your feedback James (and Pi)! Mucho appreciated. I'm gonna try some filter tricks on the samples to warm them up.

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Correct me if I'm way out in left field here, but are you implying you want to skip General altogether and go straight to WIPs? There's a large chance I'm misinterpreting here...

Maybe you should just PM Darkesword. He is site projects coordinator, and probably has the best advice out of anyone on what to do in this situation. He can probably answer your questions a lot better than me, anyway. :?

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No, absolutely not. General is completely necessary to the process. I almost never check WIPs myself, simply because I'd rather listen to the finished thing (Of course, thats all going to change soon enough anyway...). I said I was going to wait for 20, but going now cant hurt, I suppose. I will go contact DarkeSword for approval right now.

But I have to say, back when I was uber-n00bness, maybe two ro three days after I first got an account, and new NOTHING about the inner workings of OCR, I did attempt to contact DS about a Majora's Mask project in response to the fact that there was none on the site. I did get a response, but very short and to the point, and not rude, exactly, but made me feel rather uncomfortable about ever contacting him again. I have to say, I feel very nervous. Odds are, he's completely forgotten about it, and bringing it up at all is just screwing myself over. I feel embarrassed about the whole thing, and I really hope this goes well.

Not saying there shouldn't be a Zelda project, but with the albums they have for those games, for the most part, it isn't necessary. (At any rate, the happy mask man reserves some respect...)

So, here I go, to contact DarkeSword...

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Well, just judging from the quality of the WIP you posted before, I'm actually not surprised. Of course, never say it couldnt get better. EVER. It can always be made better. You just aren't looking (and listening) hard enough.

Still waiting on DarkeSword. What time zone is he in? Graaagh... I can't wait!

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I think he's on the East Coast.

But the reason why I said wait until 20 tracks are taken is because of the project rule of having 75% of your remixes allocated to musicians before you consider making the move to GD. I know that it sounds problematic to get through, but this is what promotion is for; go on and bug people around the forums about it ;)

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...actually you're right 8O When waiting to appeal for Children of Erdrick to reach General Discussion, the initial decision was 75% of tracks to be filled in, not 66% as was revised soon after. I'm sorry if I was a little slow.

Anyway, I'm not sure if it is 2.07; 17 spots taken divided by 26 available places = 0.65 to two decimal places; multiplied by 3, you would get 1.96/3, so we're not quite 2/3s of the way yet, but I'm sure that Darkesword won't mind as long as you know where to look to get that last push if he thinks it's still not quite ready.

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I'm so excited, and it seems I'm not the only one..., but that was it. Just GO GO GO. Weird.l

And Pu_freak, why doesnt anyone get, that if there are open spots, of course we'll be taking people on. SO, I listened to your WIPs, go ahead and pick a track.

Rexy, I was so sure I had the math right... are you couting a mixers for Lavos and Magus? I made that mistake once our twice...

CHECK GEN DISC, NOW!!1!!one!!1

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OK, you heard Liontamer. So, heres the deal.

Anyone who signs on, will have 55 days to provide a WIP. mlo, you listening? Thats your job, as "unofficial schedule-planner-coordinator-thing-person". If a boss is already taken, but you want it, that means either collaborating with that mixer, or duking it out. Time to throw down, thats what this project is about, right? Huge battles. Although... I would hate to lose anyone we already have on. So try to avoid that. I'm sure something can always be worked out.

We have been discussing it, and, yes, as long as I have the time, I do plan on working on a Vol. II afterwards ("Haywire Harmonics" [Thanks to Chickenwarlord]). So, don't see your favorite boss listed? well, when the time comes, come check us back out. Of course, you should be checking us out periodically anyway. 'Cause we rock like that.

What else, what else... not much, really. Almost everything necessary to the project is explained in the first post.

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