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Fuck Nintendo, this thread isn't about Nintendo.

He can't troll in the Wii thread without getting flamed to bits, so he does it here instead. ;)

Sorry Evilhead, couldn't resist.

Youkai: PS3 compatible with PS1 software? That's kinda reaching. Do you have any reasoning or source to back this up?

Fuck Nintendo, this thread isn't about Nintendo.

He can't troll in the Wii thread without getting flamed to bits, so he does it here instead. ;)

Sorry Evilhead, couldn't resist.

Youkai: PS3 compatible with PS1 software? That's kinda reaching. Do you have any reasoning or source to back this up?

Dude we've know that since E3. It's been confirmed for a loooooooooooooong time.

Fuck Nintendo, this thread isn't about Nintendo.

He can't troll in the Wii thread without getting flamed to bits, so he does it here instead. ;)

Sorry Evilhead, couldn't resist.

Youkai: PS3 compatible with PS1 software? That's kinda reaching. Do you have any reasoning or source to back this up?

Because PS3 is backwards compatible with PS1 and PS2?

Look how monstrous the system is. They have like all things needed to play both playstations in it.

Fuck Nintendo, this thread isn't about Nintendo.

He can't troll in the Wii thread without getting flamed to bits, so he does it here instead. ;)

Sorry Evilhead, couldn't resist.

Youkai: PS3 compatible with PS1 software? That's kinda reaching. Do you have any reasoning or source to back this up?

Because PS3 is backwards compatible with PS1 and PS2?

Look how monstrous the system is. They have like all things needed to play both playstations in it.

Worse than that. The PS3, quite literally, has a PS2 BUILT IN. So if you already own a PS2 that works just fine, you're being ripped off that cash by being forced to re-purchase your PS2 all over again.

And I'm sure if one goes, they both do. So if the PS3 blows, the PS2 is useless. If the PS2 blows, the PS3 is useless. Kinda surprised Evilhead hasn't ripped about that yet, since he just -loves- to bitch about being "forced" to buy the same thing over and over.

And for the PS3 download service that lets you get PS1 games for 5 bucks? I can go hit up any of 30 large pawnshops and get the games for 2-3 bucks. 5 for the harder to find games like SaGa Frontier. I know a place that pays $1 per PS1 game, then turns around and sells them in the bargain bin, 5 for 20 bucks. And that's in Canadian funds.

Either way you cut it, Sony's just out to rip people off with this service. If you can play the originals on the same hardware, and you can find them for cheaper, why would you bother with what limited selection they'd offer, for more?

Fuck Nintendo, this thread isn't about Nintendo.

He can't troll in the Wii thread without getting flamed to bits, so he does it here instead. ;)

Sorry Evilhead, couldn't resist.

Youkai: PS3 compatible with PS1 software? That's kinda reaching. Do you have any reasoning or source to back this up?

Because PS3 is backwards compatible with PS1 and PS2?

Look how monstrous the system is. They have like all things needed to play both playstations in it.

Worse than that. The PS3, quite literally, has a PS2 BUILT IN. So if you already own a PS2 that works just fine, you're being ripped off that cash by being forced to re-purchase your PS2 all over again.

And I'm sure if one goes, they both do. So if the PS3 blows, the PS2 is useless. If the PS2 blows, the PS3 is useless. Kinda surprised Evilhead hasn't ripped about that yet, since he just -loves- to bitch about being "forced" to buy the same thing over and over.

And for the PS3 download service that lets you get PS1 games for 5 bucks? I can go hit up any of 30 large pawnshops and get the games for 2-3 bucks. 5 for the harder to find games like SaGa Frontier. I know a place that pays $1 per PS1 game, then turns around and sells them in the bargain bin, 5 for 20 bucks. And that's in Canadian funds.

Either way you cut it, Sony's just out to rip people off with this service. If you can play the originals on the same hardware, and you can find them for cheaper, why would you bother with what limited selection they'd offer, for more?

You can't fucking find them anywhere around here.

Whoa. Everyone in the gaming industry is there to MAKE MONEY. If they offer a service you don't want, like PS1 games for 5$ or NES games for 5$, and you have to option to not buy it, then don't.

Buying is like voting.

Evilhead doesn't understand this. He thinks [insert company] is forcing its consumers to purchase shit they don't want.

Guys, I like bugging Evilhead as much as the next guy, but jesus fucking christ, would you stop bringing up Wii stuff into the PS3 thread? You don't like it when people bring PS3 stuff into the Wii therad, right?

Same shit, different title...


On topic: The new cases for the games are weird. Not bad, just weird.

Fuck Nintendo, this thread isn't about Nintendo.

He can't troll in the Wii thread without getting flamed to bits, so he does it here instead. ;)

Sorry Evilhead, couldn't resist.

Youkai: PS3 compatible with PS1 software? That's kinda reaching. Do you have any reasoning or source to back this up?

Because PS3 is backwards compatible with PS1 and PS2?

Look how monstrous the system is. They have like all things needed to play both playstations in it.

Worse than that. The PS3, quite literally, has a PS2 BUILT IN. So if you already own a PS2 that works just fine, you're being ripped off that cash by being forced to re-purchase your PS2 all over again.

And I'm sure if one goes, they both do. So if the PS3 blows, the PS2 is useless. If the PS2 blows, the PS3 is useless. Kinda surprised Evilhead hasn't ripped about that yet, since he just -loves- to bitch about being "forced" to buy the same thing over and over.

And for the PS3 download service that lets you get PS1 games for 5 bucks? I can go hit up any of 30 large pawnshops and get the games for 2-3 bucks. 5 for the harder to find games like SaGa Frontier. I know a place that pays $1 per PS1 game, then turns around and sells them in the bargain bin, 5 for 20 bucks. And that's in Canadian funds.

Either way you cut it, Sony's just out to rip people off with this service. If you can play the originals on the same hardware, and you can find them for cheaper, why would you bother with what limited selection they'd offer, for more?

I'm sure including a couple chips for a 8 year old piece of hardware really drove up the price of the PS3 :roll:

Seriously, I'm glad Sony didn't drop the ball on backwards compatibility, even if they're not enhancing the older titles in any way, it'll be leaps and bounds beyond the shit support MS offers.

Other than that I'm interested in what people manage to do with the included OS and stuff, its outrageous pricepoint might yet be justified.


I wonder how long until someone compiles Gentoo to run on the PS3 and they begin full reverse engineering of the entire affair, including all the copy protection measures, and create their own backup tools.

And how long until Sony decides to patch out the firmware to prevent people from doing that, just like they did with the PSP.

Remember: The PS3OS is a derivative of Linux or Debian or something like that. It's open. People are going to crack every last bit of the PS3's protection measures, right down to the last bit of protecting the BD-ROM, and open the system wide open to piracy, both game and movie.

Guys, I like bugging Evilhead as much as the next guy, but jesus fucking christ, would you stop bringing up Wii stuff into the PS3 thread? You don't like it when people bring PS3 stuff into the Wii therad, right?

Same shit, different title...

Well, he started it by saying Nintendo screw's people out of their money with games from the VC :P

Guys, I like bugging Evilhead as much as the next guy, but jesus fucking christ, would you stop bringing up Wii stuff into the PS3 thread? You don't like it when people bring PS3 stuff into the Wii therad, right?

Same shit, different title...

Well, he started it by saying Nintendo screw's people out of their money with games from the VC :P

I just don't see why you'd pay $20 for four NES games when you can buy a Dreamcast for $20, burn a CD with 400+ NES games on it and play it on your TV just the same, not to mention having one of the best consoles ever made. But like you guys said it's your money!

Anyway, sorry for starting some dumb console war type thread. I'll try to avoid it. Although it seems this is the only way this thread gets any replies.

Trying to get this back on topic, here's a shot of a PS3 game case:


And yeah, I agree it's kind of weird. What's with the blue bar on the top? I liked having games in DVD cases. That way my game collection looks nice and uniform and they fit nicely on a shelf with Xbox and Gamecube games along with DVDs. I wonder of the Japanese cases will be any different. We always get better packaging over here (like for GBA and GC games).

Trying to get this back on topic, here's a shot of a PS3 game case:


The only case I have that even closely resembles that is the tin that Serenity came in, and even then a normal DVD case was inside. That won't stick out further when put on a shelf with normal games/DVDs, will it?

I hope not... It looks kind of squat so maybe it's the same height as a regular DVD case. There is enough wasted space in regular DVD cases as it is that I sure hope they don't make them bigger. I guess the blue part is supposed to indicate it's a Blu-Ray game, but if there are DVD games for the PS3 will they be in regular cases? It would suck to have more than one type of case. I'm totally into having my games looking neat on a shelf.

Guys, I like bugging Evilhead as much as the next guy, but jesus fucking christ, would you stop bringing up Wii stuff into the PS3 thread? You don't like it when people bring PS3 stuff into the Wii therad, right?

Same shit, different title...

Well, he started it by saying Nintendo screw's people out of their money with games from the VC :P

I just don't see why you'd pay $20 for four NES games when you can buy a Dreamcast for $20, burn a CD with 400+ NES games on it and play it on your TV just the same, not to mention having one of the best consoles ever made. But like you guys said it's your money!

Sorry Evilhead but suggesting piracy is not a valid, much less legal, argument against either Nintendo's or Sony's plan to sell older titles online through their systems. If they want to make their older titles easily accesible to people who would otherwise not be able to play them, good for them. I think the only thing you can challenge them on is the pricing scheme, $10 for a N64 game does seem a bit high, but for good games like OoT, it's not that bad of a deal.

Besides, there's nowhere near 400+ NES games worth playing.


Wow, 5$ for a ps1 game is pretty darn nice. And what the heck are the ninty fanboys doing in this thread? geez can't they go away to praise miyamoto and masturbate to zelda teaser videos as they always do?

I mean... 5$ for a ps1 game and 15$ for a n64 game? uh? doesn't that makes nintendo's service look like a user milking machine? even more when you take in account how many remakes they release every year of the games they are selling you on the vc.

Anyways, I'm burning today a cd with a complete collection of all the NES roms to play them on my ps2. yay for emulation!

Wow, 5$ for a ps1 game is pretty darn nice. And what the heck are the ninty fanboys doing in this thread? geez can't they go away to praise miyamoto and masturbate to zelda teaser videos as they always do?

I mean... 5$ for a ps1 game and 15$ for a n64 game? uh? doesn't that makes nintendo's service look like a user milking machine? even more when you take in account how many remakes they release every year of the games they are selling you on the vc.

Anyways, I'm burning today a cd with a complete collection of all the NES roms to play them on my ps2. yay for emulation!

It all depends on how valuable you find the back catalogue. People like me will want games they owned a long time ago but haven't had since - Kirby, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, the like.

I can't make a judgement on the PS1 back catalogue until I know how many third parties are supporting it. For example, SquareEnix would be a huge help if they were onboard.

Wow, 5$ for a ps1 game is pretty darn nice. And what the heck are the ninty fanboys doing in this thread? geez can't they go away to praise miyamoto and masturbate to zelda teaser videos as they always do?

I mean... 5$ for a ps1 game and 15$ for a n64 game? uh? doesn't that makes nintendo's service look like a user milking machine? even more when you take in account how many remakes they release every year of the games they are selling you on the vc.

Anyways, I'm burning today a cd with a complete collection of all the NES roms to play them on my ps2. yay for emulation!

It all depends on how valuable you find the back catalogue. People like me will want games they owned a long time ago but haven't had since - Kirby, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, the like.

I can't make a judgement on the PS1 back catalogue until I know how many third parties are supporting it. For example, SquareEnix would be a huge help if they were onboard.

If Sony and Nintendo offered such a service for their portable systems, I would be so much more sold on paying for games on older system like the NES and SNES.

Wow, 5$ for a ps1 game is pretty darn nice. And what the heck are the ninty fanboys doing in this thread? geez can't they go away to praise miyamoto and masturbate to zelda teaser videos as they always do?

I mean... 5$ for a ps1 game and 15$ for a n64 game? uh? doesn't that makes nintendo's service look like a user milking machine? even more when you take in account how many remakes they release every year of the games they are selling you on the vc.

Anyways, I'm burning today a cd with a complete collection of all the NES roms to play them on my ps2. yay for emulation!

... Just stop while you're ahead.

I agree, the game case does look kind of odd with that blue part indicating it's Blu-Ray on top. That Sonic game looks pretty amazing though judging from the video I saw at Target.

Trying to get this back on topic, here's a shot of a PS3 game case:


The only case I have that even closely resembles that is the tin that Serenity came in, and even then a normal DVD case was inside. That won't stick out further when put on a shelf with normal games/DVDs, will it?

I hope not... It looks kind of squat so maybe it's the same height as a regular DVD case. There is enough wasted space in regular DVD cases as it is that I sure hope they don't make them bigger. I guess the blue part is supposed to indicate it's a Blu-Ray game, but if there are DVD games for the PS3 will they be in regular cases? It would suck to have more than one type of case. I'm totally into having my games looking neat on a shelf.

It does look nice though. My guess is that all the games will be on blu-ray discs, since Sony is known for pushing standards for development on their consoles (i.e. using a certain amount of 3D in PS1 games).

Trying to get this back on topic, here's a shot of a PS3 game case:


The only case I have that even closely resembles that is the tin that Serenity came in, and even then a normal DVD case was inside. That won't stick out further when put on a shelf with normal games/DVDs, will it?

I hope not... It looks kind of squat so maybe it's the same height as a regular DVD case. There is enough wasted space in regular DVD cases as it is that I sure hope they don't make them bigger. I guess the blue part is supposed to indicate it's a Blu-Ray game, but if there are DVD games for the PS3 will they be in regular cases? It would suck to have more than one type of case. I'm totally into having my games looking neat on a shelf.

It does look nice though. My guess is that all the games will be on blu-ray discs, since Sony is known for pushing standards for development on their consoles (i.e. using a certain amount of 3D in PS1 games).

We got some in at work already and yes I'm pretty sure that it's the same length as DVD cases, although being shorter. The cases feel kinda cheap, though.

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