anosou Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Your google-fu is weak. - this one seems incomplete but still. Quote
K999 Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 I have original 60 gig with backwards compatibility and I tried playing my ps2 games on ps3 only two times. It went something like "Hey, it works", and that's it. Once you get used to current gen games its hard to go back to ps2. I realized that I have this fancy new hardware and I want to play new games on it, not reminisce on old titles. I don't think you should let backwards compatibility be a deal breaker for you. Quote
anosou Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 I have original 60 gig with backwards compatibility and I tried playing my ps2 games on ps3 only two times. It went something like "Hey, it works", and that's it. Once you get used to current gen games its hard to go back to ps2. I realized that I have this fancy new hardware and I want to play new games on it, not reminisce on old titles. I don't think you should let backwards compatibility be a deal breaker for you. True, except that PS2 is still the best console ever, anyone that disagrees is a [insert radical political association and/or fundamentalist believer in religion of your choice here]. Honestly though, if you don't have a PS2, get one. If you have a PS2, why care about backwards compatibility? Quote
Bahamut Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 True, except that PS2 is still the best console ever, anyone that disagrees is a [insert radical political association and/or fundamentalist believer in religion of your choice here].Honestly though, if you don't have a PS2, get one. If you have a PS2, why care about backwards compatibility? Only need to care about using one console instead of switching between two? Quote
anosou Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 Only need to care about using one console instead of switching between two? Okay you win. But keep in mind they don't even have the same connections to your TV (except if you're going PS3+scart, then there's the scart hub) so you just have to change the channel. I guess my main point is that software emulation will never be as good as the real deal so if you're planning on playing a lot of PS2 you should just get a PS2. Quote
K999 Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 PS2 library is amazing. In fact, 9 out of top 10 games of all time for me come from the ps2 library. However, playing old games is an exception to the rule rather than the norm for me. Whenever I feel nostalgic, I open up my neatly packaged ps2 and play games on ps2 itself. Doing the whole routine reminds me that I am putting all this effort in order to experience something special. But whenever I insert ps2 game on ps3, I feel like I am playing an old game. That's it. If going back and playing old games is norm for you, then by all means try to get backwards compatible ps3 if you can. Otherwise, stick to latest incarnation of ps3 hardware and keep your ps2 for playing your ps2 games. Quote
Thin Crust Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 That's it! I'm finally subscribing. EDIT: Here's a little video for Malaki Notice what it says about PS3 sales. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 It's too long for me to watch the whole thing because I immediately got the gist of what you're trying to say here. You think I'm trying to bash the PS3 out of some sort of fanboyism. This could not be further from the truth, and you are ignorant for thinking this. Notice how I didn't say anything about sales of the PS3. Number of sales are irrelevant when a company wants to make more money. Yeah, MGS4 might have sold fine on the PS3(from what I heard, it hadn't but maybe that info's wrong. I don't care either way), but if Konami says we want to tap into the potentially HUEG MGS audience on the 360, well then that's that, isn't it? Hell, when I bought my 360 I took a huge risk, but I wanted to play Halo 3, Dead or Alive 4 and Ninja Gaiden 2. I also wanted to play FFXIII and KH3, but the PS3's initial 500 price tag was too much for me, so I made a choice, and even though I risked big buying a system I thought I'd use minutely, I haven''t looked back since. I'm loving the hell out of it and FFXIII coming to the 360 proves 2 things. Good things come to those who wait and game publishers are quite fickle. If the PS3 manages to put out stuff I like and gives me another price cut, then I'll eat it up. As is, LBP interests me quite a bit. Quit being dumb. Also Tekken 6 isn't an exclusive anymore. Edit: Wow I actually went back to watch the video again... Most of its points are now rendered post-2008 irrelevant. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 PS2 library is amazing. In fact, 9 out of top 10 games of all time for me come from the ps2 library. However, playing old games is an exception to the rule rather than the norm for me. Whenever I feel nostalgic, I open up my neatly packaged ps2 and play games on ps2 itself. Doing the whole routine reminds me that I am putting all this effort in order to experience something special. But whenever I insert ps2 game on ps3, I feel like I am playing an old game. That's it. If going back and playing old games is norm for you, then by all means try to get backwards compatible ps3 if you can. Otherwise, stick to latest incarnation of ps3 hardware and keep your ps2 for playing your ps2 games. Back in July when I got my PS3 I also bought a new PS2. My old PS2 no longer would play anything but PS1 games without problems. I figured rather than tracking down an original 60GB PS3 off the 'Net that played PS2 games somewhat buggily, I'd be better off just forking out the cash for a new PS2 guaranteed to work. I'd like to have the upscaling the PS3 can do, but oh well. I gotta keep an old TV around for NES and SNES games anyhow. I am currently without a 360 and my only regret is that Square-Enix hasn't set a PS3 release date for The Last Remnant yet. Almost every game I really want to play (except MGS4) is on both PS3 and 360 eventually so whatevs. I for one am happy to have a console/Blu Ray player now that I've forked out the cash for an HDTV. Most games just looking fucking amazing in HD. Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 If you are a fan of JRPG's you will love [Metal Gear Solid 4] for it's storytelling. Plus, even if you take out the story from the game is still good as a third person shooter. Don't devoid yourself of the experience in playing this game. He's absoluely, positively right. Quote
prophetik music Posted June 28, 2009 Posted June 28, 2009 dur, just bought a CECHA01 for 275$. what should i get? i get everything for super cheap thanks to my new job at gamecrazy, so list everything you got. note that i have a 360, PS2 and a PSP, so i've probably played it if it's cross-platform, if it's on PS2 i've likely got it, and if there's cool stuff with the handheld i'd like to know about it. i don't want any music or rhythm games, as i play them on the 360. here's what i'm already thinking about. MGS4 inFAMOUS MLB09 The Show (maybe) Uncharted games Killzone 2 opinions required on these games required before purchase: resistance games (haven't heard much about either) warhawk (never really heard of it) any of the NFS games (supposed to be fun, which is what i care about) LBP (don't care about level it fun besides that?) also, besides linux, what other cool stuff is there i can do? Quote
Thin Crust Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 I bought Killzone 2 and absolutely hated it. That is until about 6 hours into the game. It forces you to use a completely different style of play that I've never used before. This is due to the terrible controls that is supposed to make the guns feel heavy. I found out that the best thing you can do in the single player campaign is to keep firing at the enemies cover while running up to it and walking beside them and melee-ing (the only thing that you can actually hit with) them to death. I haven't tried any of the online play yet because I'm having way too much fun with resistance 2 online. So here's my thoughts on resistance. The first game was awesome, but nowadays lacks any online fan base. You might want to play it for the storyline and to experience the awesome world that insomniac created. Speaking of which, when I beat Resistance 2, I saw in the credits a special thanks to Naughty Dog. I saw another special thanks to Naughty Dog in the credits for Killzone 2 as well. (I think) Does anyone know why? But anyway, when I bought resistance 2, I was thrown for a loop. The sequel wasn't resistance at all. The controls worked differently, it was much more creepy, Nathan Hale isn't the same person from the first game and you face completely different enemies than in the first game. I honestly didn't care much for the single player game. But the online co-op makes it completely worthwhile. It played kind of like an MMO. In co-op mode, there are 3 classes. One can take damage, one can dish it out, and one can heal. All 3 classes are extremely well balanced, and you need all three types to do well. I currently have 2 level 14 characters in that mode. What's even better is that the levels mutate. I swear that they take different levels and paste them together for different missions. And you run around the map in several different paths trying to complete certain objectives. And it evolves in game. For instance, there is a section of the co-op mode where you need to guard the tunnel entrance. If you do poorly (a bunch of people die) the objective will be short. But if you do really well, they will send bigger and bigger waves of enemies at you. It works so well. And competitive mode? I barely touched it yet. The co-op is too much fun to get away from. One last thing. Is there a way to play music in the background? I can't figure out a way to do that. Quote
prophetik music Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 ok, so both resistance games sound good. is the first worth playing more than once? like, i play halo 2 and 3 a lot in single-player because it's so damn fun. i rarely play anything online anymore. so, would it be worth it for just single/coop? also, do either allow for online coop modes? Quote
Thin Crust Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 ok, so both resistance games sound the first worth playing more than once? like, i play halo 2 and 3 a lot in single-player because it's so damn fun. i rarely play anything online anymore. so, would it be worth it for just single/coop? also, do either allow for online coop modes? Absolutely. I've beaten it at least 5ive times. Also, you can probably get it pretty cheap used since it's a launch title. I think it's also on the greatest hit's list too. If you're not completely sure, you can download the resistance 1 demo. Quote
Vivi22 Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 I bought Killzone 2 and absolutely hated it. That is until about 6 hours into the game. It forces you to use a completely different style of play that I've never used before. This is due to the terrible controls that is supposed to make the guns feel heavy. I found out that the best thing you can do in the single player campaign is to keep firing at the enemies cover while running up to it and walking beside them and melee-ing (the only thing that you can actually hit with) them to death. I haven't tried any of the online play yet because I'm having way too much fun with resistance 2 online. I had no trouble playing through Killzone 2 firing from cover the way they intended. The guns aren't half as innacurate as you make them sound, and the multiplayer relies pretty heavily on more traditional run and gun tactics which work surprisingly well given how the single player plays. Also, I will agree that Resistance 2 online is great for the co-op mode. Competitive is pretty standard fare just with more people than you'll find on your typical console FPS. The single player was a huge let down for me though. The story was pretty boring and so poorly told that I often had little idea where I was or why. The pacing was also pretty bad if you ask me. Maybe I'm just being picky there, but the game rarely built up any excitement for me, and by the time I was getting pumped fights would be over. Or I'd run into parts so unfairly difficult that I was dying frequently for reasons largely beyond my control and just get frustrated. Case in point; the invisible enemies that one hit kill you if you don't kill them in that whole second and a half warning you get. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 I was dying frequently for reasons largely beyond my control and just get frustrated. Case in point; the invisible enemies that one hit kill you if you don't kill them in that whole second and a half warning you get. Was it something like ?I ask because when I looked at some official gameplay of the actual creature it looked way too easy and slow to be killed by it... Quote
prophetik music Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 i picked up new copies of MGS4 and Resistance: Fall of Man today for seven dollars. i love my job. just need the system to get here - probably thursday, i'd think. tracking info hasn't updated yet. Quote
Vivi22 Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 Was it something like ?I ask because when I looked at some official gameplay of the actual creature it looked way too easy and slow to be killed by it... At work right now so I can't watch youtube videos, but the creatures I'm talking about tended to be within maybe ten feet by the time you noticed them, and using anything other than the shotgun to kill them usually meant they'd pounce at you and kill you before you put enough bullets in them to stop them. It didn't happen all the time, but if you happened to be looking in the wrong direction when they showed up you'd usually find yourself hitting continue and trying again. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 What the hell? Any one here with a PSP know anything about this article..? I've already preordered the title before this article came out but this added info intrigues me... Quote
Vyse of Arcadia Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 i picked up new copies of MGS4 and Resistance: Fall of Man today for seven dollars. i love my job. I love your job too. Where do you work with such fantastic deals? Also, I'm buying a PS3 within a month or so. I plan on picking up Valkyria Chronicles and Little Big Planet (which should give you a good idea of my gaming preferences.) Any recommendations for other games? Quote
prophetik music Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 i turned in my phatty ps2 and a memory card, which normally would get around 20$. i get an extra 20% per trade in, plus an additional extra 20% off of any used merch that i buy. except we just traded the used box and disc out for the 'store copy' of the disc - that is, the one we open so people can look at it. so i basically got them new, except i opened them three days ago to show someone's mom the specifics on the rating on the box i work at gamecrazy. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 I love your job too. Where do you work with such fantastic deals?Also, I'm buying a PS3 within a month or so. I plan on picking up Valkyria Chronicles and Little Big Planet (which should give you a good idea of my gaming preferences.) Any recommendations for other games? If you've never played the previous titles and don't mind some grindaen, there's Disgaea 3, though I do recommend Deadspace if you've never played it. Not sure where exactly your interests lay as I'd personally try a variety of titles. I even got Wolf 3D off PSN along with Savage Moon for some "Tower Defense" gaming. few other titles in my set... Valkyrie Chronicles Cross Edge BlazBlue:[Calamity Trigger] (Getting the special edition through preorder with amazon for the same price as the regular version.) Silent Hill: Homecoming StreetFighter IV Siren:Blood Curse (always hated going through scenarios involving helpless little girls) Sega Ultimate Collection Resident Evil 5 (got it cheap from a friend for $10) Forgetting a couple more though this should be enough... Quote
sgx Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 What the hell?Any one here with a PSP know anything about this article..? I've already preordered the title before this article came out but this added info intrigues me... There are a few games that can do this...all the Pixeljunk games, and Lair for some reason. There's delay between input and seeing the reaction on screen since basically the psp is sending control input to the ps3 which is then encoding a live video stream and sending it back to the PSP via your wifi, LAN connection, or internet connection. It's not good for action, but I played a bunch of Pixeljunk Monsters like that. I Quote
Gollgagh Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 Yeah, I can't stand that kind of delay (Hell, I have problems playing PS2 games on an HDTV) so I pretty much hate remote play for that reason. But seriously, BlazBlue? How the hell would you even be able to play that at all? Having a fighting game being remote-play enabled is a terrible, terrible idea. Quote
PlastikBag Posted June 30, 2009 Posted June 30, 2009 So here's my thoughts on resistance. The first game was awesome, but nowadays lacks any online fan base. You might want to play it for the storyline and to experience the awesome world that insomniac created. Speaking of which, when I beat Resistance 2, I saw in the credits a special thanks to Naughty Dog. I saw another special thanks to Naughty Dog in the credits for Killzone 2 as well. (I think) Does anyone know why? I think that Naughty Dog shares a lot of their techniques and technology with other first party developers. Naughty Dog is the shit. Have you seen Uncharted? I think it's easily one of the prettiest games out there, and one of my favorite games this gen. The game also had no load times besides the initial load. Quote
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