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You guys mentioned that rumored new slim PS3. Just when I got enough money to buy my PS3, I noticed the rumors on the net but I didn't want to wait because there was no way to tell how long I'd be waiting. However, this talk about backwards compatibility has me kind of kicking myself for that one. Then again, if I bought a Japanese PS3 that had backwards compatibility, it might not work with all my American PS2 games. Maybe I made the right choice afterall.

Schwaltz, I definitely want to play some BlazBlue with you when I get it. Right now, I don't own any games for it. I downloaded PixelJunk Monsters, Rockman 9, Metal Gear Solid and FF9 though. Those are supposed to keep me busy until the two games I bought from Amazon arrive. They are Metal Gear 4 and Oblivion.

That reminds me. There's GOT to be a better way for me to get cheap American games in Japan besides Amazon. Any suggestions? Right now, I'm ordering from Amazon, having it shipped to a friend in America, and then having him ship them to me. It takes too freaking long!!!! Hahaha.


Honestly, Bluray is like half the reason I'm buying a PS3. And I don't want to keep wittling down my harddrive spaces. That's really no fun. I'd rather keep them in a DISC, where I can store INFORMATION, like it's supposed to.

I'd totally shun the PS3 Slim if they go down the data-only route. There'd be almost no point getting it and stressing over the harddrive space. As if PS3 gamers don't do that already by installing games.

Honestly, Bluray is like half the reason I'm buying a PS3. And I don't want to keep wittling down my harddrive spaces. That's really no fun. I'd rather keep them in a DISC, where I can store INFORMATION, like it's supposed to.

I'd totally shun the PS3 Slim if they go down the data-only route. There'd be almost no point getting it and stressing over the harddrive space. As if PS3 gamers don't do that already by installing games.

Data only would be retarded on Sony's part - blu-ray games take up a lot of space as it is, I highly doubt that Sony would do that in having people download for immensely long times when broadband is still not even ubitquitous across the nation.

Honestly, Bluray is like half the reason I'm buying a PS3. And I don't want to keep wittling down my harddrive spaces. That's really no fun. I'd rather keep them in a DISC, where I can store INFORMATION, like it's supposed to.

I'd totally shun the PS3 Slim if they go down the data-only route. There'd be almost no point getting it and stressing over the harddrive space. As if PS3 gamers don't do that already by installing games.

Pretty much. Bluray and MGS4 were my reasons. Without a BD, the PS3 Slim would just be a stationary PSP.

Like Schwaltzvald said, if they make the PS3 Slim backwards compatible I'm most likely gonna buy it and give my original PS3 to a friend (he's been wanting a bluray player for a long time, and can't get enough pixeljunk monsters whenever he comes by to play it).


$30 for a crappy-condition PS2, maybe. And I'm pretty sure the component cables are only compatible with the slim PS2. More importantly, I already have a PS2. I don't want to buy another PS2 AND a PS3 to play both games. Not only is that a waste of space, it's a waste of money. Taking away PS2 compatibility was a really big mistake on Sony's part.

I don't get you guys. Everybody has a ps2. Just use that. And if you don't, buy a used one for $30

Don't stress too much over it, it's just personal choice as to how we'd prefer to play. No reason you need to understand or agree.

It's a move on their plan to put most PS2 games on PSN and forcing you to pay another 20 bucks for a game you already own.

If they actually did that, I'd be ok with it, since I'd prefer to have the games downloadable instead personally. I'm still suprised they don't have PS2 games on PSN.

If you have an HDTV, a PS2 is not the best option for PS2 games.

Yes it is.

PS3 has 2-3 frames of input lag upscaling the signal when playing PS2 (and PS1) games. This goes for both hardware and software backwards compatible PS3s.

I'd rather have a responsive game than a pretty one. The real solution is a TV/Monitor with lagless upscaling + PS2 component cable.

Yes it is.

PS3 has 2-3 frames of input lag upscaling the signal. (Both hardware and software backwards compatible PS3s)

I'd rather have a responsive game than a pretty one. The real solution is a TV/Monitor with lagless upscaling + PS2 component cable.

Honestly I don't think either the prettiness of the upscaling or the lack of frame lag is "the better situation." It's all a matter of preference.

I really do personally appreciate the convenience of having a 60GB PS3 though. It bugs me to have to go back to a wired controller any time I want to play vintage games, and anything I can do to curb that is fine by me. Keeps my room uncluttered with wires and cables and saves the time of wrapping and unwrapping cords which I hate doing all the time just to play a PS2 game for 20 minutes. All I have to do is keep a single controller by my bedside and suddenly I have access to whatever PS2 game I'm playing at the time or to my media server if I want to watch a movie. No need to switch power cables or video connectors (my TV is an old bubble that was given to me for free but it only has one set of inputs). No need to get up and grab a seperate controller. No need to pull my PS2 out of the cabinet to put it on the floor so I can have my controller long enough to reach me at my bed.

Plus it helps that I never have to worry about memory cards ever again.

They're small differences, but I appreciate them nonetheless.


For me it's mainly an issue of how many consoles do I have to have hooked up to the TV. The 60 GB PS3 wins for me automatically there. The wireless controller is definitely a huge plus though.

You also get lag with the other options anyway, so it's not like the PS3 is at a huge disadvantage there anyway :?


Ok guys. I'm seriously considering grabbing a slim. Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Final Fantasy XIV, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid 4, Valkyria Chronicles, PSN and Blu Ray have convinced me. Thing is, I'm also a big fan of fighters. The PlayStation controller is still the best for this and there are plenty of decent USB sticks for the system, but how is the lag for online play? I've been hearing everywhere that it's pretty bad all around, although I haven't had any personal experience with it.

Anyone know about this?


Unless you've had hiccups (recently discovered my old modem on performance bit the dust and I'll have to replace it while it's still hobbling along with shit speed) and at least on DSL (at most using Cable connection) you should be fine.

And I'm pretty sure the component cables are only compatible with the slim PS2.

Nope. I have the component cables and an old PlayStation 2 and they worked together fine until the PlayStation 2 decided to stop playing PS2 games, and I had to get a slim PS2.

I pondered selling my 40GB PS3 and getting a slim (lower power consumption for the win), but I figure I'll get a slim PS3 when my PS3 inevitably fucks up.


Yea, I was having trouble with the vid too. Here's the specs.





actual buttons

Ps2 compatible

36% less power consumption

fingerprint proof (like ps2)

Other than that, it's exactly the same. It's getting released next month.

Yes it is.

PS3 has 2-3 frames of input lag upscaling the signal when playing PS2 (and PS1) games. This goes for both hardware and software backwards compatible PS3s.

I'd rather have a responsive game than a pretty one. The real solution is a TV/Monitor with lagless upscaling + PS2 component cable.

Something tells me that's a pretty insignificant thing, because as far as I can tell, my PS3 makes my PS2 games run faster, smoother and look better than they ever did on my old tv and PS2 system.

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