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Pokémon: Forget Ultra Sun and Moon, Core Game for Switch Announced

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I don't really know what to make of this new stuff from today.

Type:Null is... weird. It is a pokémon, even though it's by far the oddest one of the series so far. It has a name that isn't like anything else, it has some really strange rusted metal bit (helmet, ax blade on top, those gauntlets on its front legs) and is a mix of different parts (fish fins for a tail, hind legs like a canine, front paws like a bird or dragon, the collar seems similar to some of the Fighting types and Ghost types) but is a Normal type. Pretty out there for a design.

I'm not hating it, but it's just kind of... yeah.

Jangmo-o is kind of cute.

Alolan Raticate is a chubby fucker. But those new abilities should be fun.

The Day/Night difference... No idea, need to know more about it. If the game handled certain events differently depending upon it being day or night, regardless of which version is was, that makes sense. But I don't quite get how that will work with two versions. Like I said, I would need to know more about it.

Aether Foundation is clearly the actual bad guys. Am I the only getting that vibe from them? The old scientist guy, Faba, is just evil looking. And the whole "we just want to protect the pokémon" thing just reeks of the bad guys. I suspect that Team Skull is little more than some punk kids that are waging a secret war against Aether Foundation.

Lusamine is obviosuly juiced up on crazy. She's just waiting for things to go south a bit and then SNAP! She's eating people's skin.

Gladion is your "bad guy" rival. Nice to have one again after all the nie rivals of the last few generations.

The Zygarde Cube is obviously a truncated octahedron. FAIL, GAME FREAK. FAIL.

The two people that give you the Zygarde Cube look like Sycamor's assistants from XY.: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Dexio and http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Sina

It's not a full new game of Pokémon Snap, but it's better than nothing!

UB-01 has a pokémon screen animation, but no typing. It also says "beasts", plural. So there may be more of the same, or some completely different ones.

Yeah, this video just raises questions and I'm not sure what's happening with this gen now. It might be awesome, but I don't know enough yet to really form an opinion.

EDIT: Japanese video has more info, mostly everything that's been released so far, but it does have a scene where the player character and some NPCs encounter UB-01. It's kind of creepy and spooky.


Seems like Sun and Moon are simply offset from each other by 12 hours.  So when it's daytime in one, it's nighttime in the other.  I don't totally see why that mechanic is interesting unless you're literally playing side-by-side with someone and comparing.

Yeah, Lusamine totally reeks of "bad guy."  Faba, probably but I'm not sure.  I don't think the whole thing is evil, though; The rest of the organization might be duped by the leadership, or Lusamine might just go rogue.

UB-01 looks like it's just the code name for the first Ultra Beast, whatever that is.  Maybe this is a way to put huge bosses in the game and not make them catchable pokemon?  I'd enjoy that.  Every battle in the other games (that I'm aware of) is either against a trainer with a random assortment of unremarkable pokemon, or is some sort of story battle you don't actually engage in, or is more an issue of whittling them down carefully so you can catch them without killing them, which doesn't make for a cool boss battle.  Some huge, unique critter that you need to just wail on with your whole party sounds like fun.


Hmm.. It would be nice to be able to just go full on against a legendary pokemon without having to worrying about catching it. (So long as you can catch it later.) They are definitely showing some of the weirder pokemon of this generation. I hope Type:Null has something interesting to make it good. Otherwise it will just be a weird normal Chimera.

I guess the 12 hours apart means it runs off your DS system and sun or moon will be 12 hours off. No idea if there are actually different events or if they will just cycle differently. (If it is just different cycles you won't have to worry about missing one game because you are playing the other.)

3 hours ago, MindWanderer said:

UB-01 looks like it's just the code name for the first Ultra Beast, whatever that is.  Maybe this is a way to put huge bosses in the game and not make them catchable pokemon?  I'd enjoy that.  Every battle in the other games (that I'm aware of) is either against a trainer with a random assortment of unremarkable pokemon, or is some sort of story battle you don't actually engage in, or is more an issue of whittling them down carefully so you can catch them without killing them, which doesn't make for a cool boss battle.  Some huge, unique critter that you need to just wail on with your whole party sounds like fun.

In Black/White 2, they had an area called Pokéstar Studios. In it, you could "film" a movie by fighting a scene against things like a mechanical Tyranitar, or an alien, stuff like that. These non-pokémon opponents could have types and attacks just like pokémon, but were simply unique objects.

Also... I think that UB-01 has a rather noticeable similarity to Lillie, the girl introduced waaaay back in the first videos. While not identical, the color scheme, the positioning of the legs, the large hat/head...


14 hours ago, The Damned said:


A new Pokemon, named Rugarugan, and it has a daytime form and a nighttime form.

Also, that Ultra Beast jellyfish thing is now joined by a muscle man mosquito and a ... silverfish? alien woman? Ghost child? No idea.

This gen is getting wweeeeeeiiiiiirrrrrrd.

Probably an evolution of the dog one.  Rockruff, I think.

15 hours ago, The Damned said:

Also, that Ultra Beast jellyfish thing is now joined by a muscle man mosquito and a ... silverfish? alien woman? Ghost child? No idea.

UB02 Beauty lends a lot of credence to your theory that Ultra Beasts are related to humans.  It's unmistakably similar to Lusamine in both look and pose.  Dunno what the deal is with UB02 Expansion.  Some folks have suggested it's based on Gladion, but I don't see it.


I am pretty sure that the Ultra Beasts are in fact alt forms of the Aether Foundation admins. That's the only explanation I can really think of.

It'd be super strange to have, say, these Ultra Beasts actually turn out to be Pokemon when Pokemon like Mewtwo and Porygon don't have any distinction like "Ultra Beasts" from normal "natural" ones.

  • Liontamer changed the title to Pokémon: Sun and Moon! Victini event starts on Sept 1st! Possible news on Nintendo Direct!

So now we know a little more about exclusives, which one do people think they will get?

I'm thinking sun, my wife likes moon, so that will work for getting exclusives.

Also, in relation to the set 12 hours apart, it looks like it is permanent time, as rockruffs evolution depends whether it is day or night.


So, nothing related to the new stuff, but I've finally gotten around to playing more of Y since I bought it like...  three years ago.

My team currently consists of: a ninja frog, a plantosaur, a kung-fu firebird, a psychic rock, a luchadore parrot, and a beaver.

Pokemon is silly.


I've been getting back into it myself, but even older--I never finished Ruby back in the day, so I put it on my phone and finally did.  Not gonna "catch 'em all" this time, though--that was a sane thing to do when there were only 150 of them, and I even did the 250 in Silver, but Gen III and up is nuts, especially since it requires trading across 4 games or more instead of just 2.

What I'm working on now is LeafGreen, randomized.  It's an interesting experience--not only getting Gen II and III pokemon in the Gen I setting, but how getting certain 'mon early is broken one way or another.  Some just stomp everything, but some, like the quasi-legendaries, are terrible at low levels.  It encourages you to use pokemon you wouldn't ordinarily make a part of your main team.  I'm having a lot of fun with it.

2 hours ago, MindWanderer said:

I've been getting back into it myself, but even older--I never finished Ruby back in the day, so I put it on my phone and finally did.  Not gonna "catch 'em all" this time, though--that was a sane thing to do when there were only 150 of them, and I even did the 250 in Silver, but Gen III and up is nuts, especially since it requires trading across 4 games or more instead of just 2.

What I'm working on now is LeafGreen, randomized.  It's an interesting experience--not only getting Gen II and III pokemon in the Gen I setting, but how getting certain 'mon early is broken one way or another.  Some just stomp everything, but some, like the quasi-legendaries, are terrible at low levels.  It encourages you to use pokemon you wouldn't ordinarily make a part of your main team.  I'm having a lot of fun with it.

At least the newer Gens make it more manageable through online trading.


I thought you were joking about the mines... but after that video... nope. It's literally having them work in mines for you.

Confirmed, Mega Evolving is back. Didn't really doubt it, but at least we can put that one to rest.

Demo version! Yay!

Ash-Greninja... boooo. Ugly design, terrible anime sub-plot forced into the game. No thanks.

More info on the 14th.


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