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Hahah, no really.

I wanted to do a hilarious 80's 'One Hit Wonder' remix of something - and what could be more cliche than Ice Cap Zone?

So here's a wip:


I'd love to go way overboard on this - I'll add some orchestra hits, even MORE cheesy tom fills, maybe even a live guitar solo at some point (provided I can get my gear hooked up and recording properly). As soon as I understand how to get reason's vocoder working, I'm hoping to throw in some robot talking in certain spots - depending on how it sounds.

I've still got a bit of tweaking to do on the synths, and right now it's too midirip even my tastes - but I'd like feedback so far. What are some 80's music cliches I can force into this? I'm thinking along the lines on A-Ha, Dead or Alive, Duran Duran, Corey Hart, etc....


you got some good stuff, bass is more disco than 80's tho try to do something a lot more simpiler, synths are perfect. For some real 80's fun, find a singer like the one from europe and have him sing about "the battle" and "fighting hard to be the best" with the sythn melody. During the ending, add one of those chessey bass and drum things like from cum on feel the noize, and yes, i still do listen to cheesey hairmetal. need more guitar parts than synth parts too. uh


This was rather groovy and I just loved the drums, they sound so 80ish.

I did not think the bass was over the top.

The only thing is are you going to dream up a different ending?


Sounds 80-ish enough, but I thing you need to do a little more yet to make it stand apart from the rest. Still seems kind of generic, but you DID know you were going cliche from the get go...

Style is pretty right on, though. Keep going!



Sorry, had to get that out before I forgot.

Alright, the arp at the beginning is alright, but after the drums hit, add another synth with the same arp, just a BIGGER sound, more mids, more release time and more....uh...synth-ness and volume.

Ok, everyone keeps talking about the bass...I don't find it bad at all. Maybe if you make it a bit less synth-y? Like...with a little less of that "werp werp-werp" at the attack.

Add some mellotron string and cheesy synth fills at the 4th measure of some chord cycles, do the things with the vocoder and guitar like you said you would, and you have a golden mix my friend. :D

you got some good stuff, bass is more disco than 80's tho try to do something a lot more simpiler, synths are perfect.

I think you're right, I toned it back just a touch so there wasn't so much 'slap' on it - it was starting to interfere with the drums, I think...

For some real 80's fun, find a singer like the one from europe and have him sing about "the battle" and "fighting hard to be the best" with the sythn melody.

I dunno about actual vocals, I certainly wouldn't do them myself. Still trying to figure out this vocoder business...

The only thing is are you going to dream up a different ending?

Yeah, absolutely - it'll go back into the rising bassline part, then maybe a guitar solo. What could be more cliche than a FADE OUT!?

Still seems kind of generic, but you DID know you were going cliche from the get go...

Yeah, I don't know if there's any overboard 80's remixes on the site right now - I know there's a few that could pass for 80's music, but none that really intentionally do it... Am I wrong?

I think the whole 80's thing is awesome, I want to incorporate as much as I can.


Yeah, perfect! That was one of the songs I had in my playlist while I was working on this - looking to emulate music like that...


Like everyone's been saying, this song screams "I love the 80s!" Personally, it reminds me of Company B.

Anyways, I do like what I'm hearing, and I thoroughly enjoy all the [appropriate] rests you give you the lead synth. However, it's still a little overwhelming at times. Maybe a change in chords towards the end (something a little higher on the scale) would bring it to a nice grandiose finish. :wink:

  • 1 month later...

Yeah, I'm likin' this remix. I've tried making a remix or two sounding like something from the 80's, but I haven't gotten it yet.

Do you use soundfonts? Or do you actually have deecnt equipment to use (unlike me)? >.>


Yay, 80s goodness! 'Tis fun! First off, I feel there is too much reverb on the snare and toms. (I know it's normal to 80s music, but I feel it's too much.) Also, you don't seem to be utilizing the high frequencies enough. I think with some more EQing and drum compression you could make this really shine. Every part needs to have its own place and right now it sounds a little cluttered. Good luck!

Haha, maybe you should take it to the next level...Like that of Tears for Fears ...

Like uh..."Shout"...

*creams pants at the mention of Tears for Fears*

but yes, I am in love with 80s shit, and this is rawk. Please send to ReMix: Tha Sauce when you finish it and I will give it the YES over 9000


Freakin awesome! I love 80's and I love ice cap music, so this is a perfect combo for me.

Other than tweaking and one small suggestion, I'd say this bad boy is ready. Most 80's songs end with a fade to silence...and that's all you're really missing.

I have been working on a very similar type of remix of some Gauntlet Legends music (have not posted on WIP boards, I'm not near as far along as you are) So please don't be offended, because, well...80's is 80's...and it all sounds the same....


Hahaha I love 80s and I think you did a great job of capturing the essence of this decade.

I think your lead snare has a tad too much reverb or maybe it is just too loud.

Intro is awesome, but your reverse cymbal seems low quality also.

--- Drumming is great, perfect 80s drum fillage

What I think this song is desperately begging for is some nice Baritone 80s Vocals on top of the melody.

Maybe sing about how everyone remixes this song!

I love the second bar of the melody when the background starts arpeggiating everywhere.

You've got like a whole mix already! Definately a rockin' solo would do you some good.

Vocals, think about it man!

  • 10 years later...

Has anyone kept a copy of this wip? I downloaded it ages ago but unfortunately I lost my copy. Now Eon_blue is no longer active here and his website no longer exists so there is no way for me to download it again... Help to find this file again would be greatly appreciated... 

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