Toasty! Posted May 23, 2003 Posted May 23, 2003 I make a special point of NOT using KotR, as it is the cheapest spell ever created for any game (except maybe Barrier in Secret of Evermore), as it just sucks all the challenge out of the game. Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to use it! we can't forget the magus sisters from ffx. can you loose once you get that summon? Quote
FhearTehSp00n Posted May 23, 2003 Posted May 23, 2003 we can't forget the magus sisters from ffx. can you loose once you get that summon? You DEFINITELY can still lose. Go fight Nemesis with em in the Monster Arena. Talk about Pwnd. Quote
Logan X Posted May 23, 2003 Posted May 23, 2003 now, i didn't go through all 59 pages of this thing....but here's the hardest boss i've ever faced: Ninja Gaiden 2. Jaquio. he has 3 parts to him. You have one life bar. The entire game is easy until you get to Jaquio. After that forget it. When i was a kid, I beat Jaquio once, threw down my controller and vowed i'd never beat him again. I haven't to this day. also...turtles for the NES was disgustingly hard. I only got to the level after the airplane level (which i think was the technodrome). hmm..what else... Mega Man 7 was pretty tough. MM 1-6 i can beat easily. I heard some complaints on MM4's boss...the final wily boss? didn't you have t use the rush jet or something? I dunno. I'll have to replay that one. Quote
Angel of Eternal Flames Posted May 23, 2003 Posted May 23, 2003 I'd say the hardest boss to beat and still I can't beat the cheap MoFo is Rugal from King of Fighters 2002. God he is such a pain to beat. I hate him with such passion. UGH I praise ANYONE who can beat him...and if they can, tell me HOW!!! Quote
Liberi Fatali Posted May 23, 2003 Posted May 23, 2003 Hmm This Is Tough.... But I'm Gonna have to go with the Earth Devourer from Final Fantasy X. That thing was impossible.... but some would say it's not a REAL boss.... Then I'd go with Omega Weapon from Final Fantasy VIII. Quote
A10WaveRacer Posted May 23, 2003 Posted May 23, 2003 I think the hardest boss in recent memory is probably the Fusion Dragon from Golden Sun. I spent more time on that then any other boss i have faced in any game... even Chrono Trigger Quote
ChickenFavoredCheesewizzy Posted May 24, 2003 Posted May 24, 2003 Never got to the final boss on Mario 3 the because his world....... Quote
The Coop Posted May 29, 2003 Author Posted May 29, 2003 ... now that was a battle. I finally reached the end of Unreal II. Besides being a rather tough game on "normal" (I'm scard to try "hard" ), it has a boss that I'm still working on trying to beat. Have been off and on for a week now. You arrive in a big room, will a weird looking pod on the other side. Then, out comes a seemingly harmless flying robot... that shoots one mother a homing barrage. Having a place to hide behind when it fires is a REALLY good idea. After a while of hitting it with various weapons, it splits in two. One half chases you around firing a painfully damaging steady laser once every five seconds or so.... the other half just avoids you like you're a leper. I've shot the piss out of both halves. I've pulled some marathon seasons of dodging, shooting, dosging, etc. I know there's probably a weak point, and hitting it will give me the win. Where it is? Don't have a clue. Heh... it'll probably be something really simple that'll give me a quick victory like the way to kill the final boss in Quake On a side note, happy 1st birthday to this thread Quote
Tyndolionel Posted May 29, 2003 Posted May 29, 2003 I'd say the hardest boss to beat and still I can't beat the cheap MoFo is Rugal from King of Fighters 2002. God he is such a pain to beat. I hate him with such passion. UGH I praise ANYONE who can beat him...and if they can, tell me HOW!!! Man, he is annoying! Do anything..."GENOCIDE CUTTER!!", repeat until you're dead. The only way that I know is to die, continue with the 1/3 enemy life option, then put K' up first. Rugal seems to have trouble with his eins trigger->second strike. And his chain drive has a better success rate than most other supers. But it's not like I can consistently beat him or anything. The first time I fought him, I was thinking "Seriously, is this some kind of joke?" Quote
ChickenFavoredCheesewizzy Posted May 29, 2003 Posted May 29, 2003 DAMN! Do u realize how long ago I posted that? How did this thread survive with that few posts? Quote
progressive Posted May 29, 2003 Posted May 29, 2003 There is one word that strikes terror into the hearts of E.V.O. players everywhere... That word... is BOLBOX!!! Fear him!!! And for those who didn't ever play E.V.O.... Fear him!!! If for some reason you'd like to relive the horrible music of death that accompanied Bolbox, right-click here. --->progressive19 Thanks to RPGC Shrines for the music and picture of the terrible BOLBOX!!! Oooooh! ...don't blame me, I didn't revive this topic. Blame it on......BOLBOX!!! Quote
strfiter Posted May 29, 2003 Posted May 29, 2003 the great and mighty poo off conkers bad fur day......right...... Quote
omegaslade Posted May 29, 2003 Posted May 29, 2003 My God this thing is still going lol. any how nomination. Omega Pirate on hard mode ridly on hard mode adn yes metriod prime on hard mode all from well metriod prime lol...... Fear these people for they are the end of your world lol. Quote
Ferret Posted May 29, 2003 Posted May 29, 2003 Oh, yes, I agree, especially seeing as how every time I face that damned omega pirate I GET THE SNOT BEAT OUT OF ME!!! Quote
The Coop Posted June 11, 2003 Author Posted June 11, 2003 How many ever played a game called Shadow of the Beast II? It's been on the old Amiga computers, the Genesis and the Japan only FMTowns Marty (a Sega CD port of that version did come to The States... I got it ). So, at the end of this game, there's a boss. I wish to God I could remember his name, but I can't. He has no real animation, he just shoots a rather good sized fireball as he rises and lowers in the air... following you. He also hurts you by coing into contact. God help you if he does that latter, cuz you health bar zooms down like Ted Kennedy on a Twinkey. It ain't a good thing. There is only one thing that can harm this twit, and the whole game is based on a VERY specific pattern to take. You go through the game in any other pattern, you're fucked, as something will no longer be in your possession that must be. It ain't fair, but neither is the boss. Even if you have the ring to use against him, you still get hit... almost in a manditory fashion. If he gets close, you have to run THROUGH him to get to the other side so you can try and get off a few more shots... this action of course is yet more manditory damage. Basically, if you wanna beat him, you have to play a perfect game and have several health vials to heal yourself with... and even then it's not a given that you'll win. Manditory hits... a Psygnosis staple... Quote
Jogilius Posted June 11, 2003 Posted June 11, 2003 Um, anyone remember the final boss in Shadow Warrior? Wasn't that a total bitch? Quote
Goldforce Posted June 11, 2003 Posted June 11, 2003 Final Piastol from Skies of Arcadia Kill's Aika so i can't use Delta Shield then ETERNUM TEMPEST DANCE ETERNUM TEMPEST DANCE over and over again AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Quote
Omnitrix Posted June 11, 2003 Posted June 11, 2003 I think the hardest boss in recent memory is probably the Fusion Dragon from Golden Sun. I spent more time on that then any other boss i have faced in any game... even Chrono Trigger Dead beard is way stronger. For time the last boss of breath of fire 4 takes forever, more tedious then hard. Omega weapon is the hardest boss ever in a video game acrording to alot of people, I didn't use one hero drink or holly war trial, and I had no time taking him down. But compaired to all the other bosses, he was the most antimidating. I blaim poor physics and controll, on all those nintendo bosses, one time my game glitched out on NARC, and my friend and I spent over an hour fighting him, before we realized he was invincable. Quote
Super-Duper Sombrero Posted June 12, 2003 Posted June 12, 2003 hmm...let me think about this question for THE DAMNED SPIDER SCIENTIST ON LEVEL 53 ON ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS!!!! OMG does anyone actually have and play that game anymore? that boss was horrible...i mean hed be nice Mr. Scientist one second, then he pulls out a potion like hes gonna give it to you for an upcoming battle, so you wwalk up to him to get it, the he drinks it and suddenly turns into a gigantic spider that i shot the crap out of with my bazooka and refused to die. holy crap i hate that suka so much. Quote
Shadowe Posted June 12, 2003 Posted June 12, 2003 hmmmmmm..... nihilanth. that fucker teleports you into pain mazes, he shoots energy balls at you, and he is fucking INVINCIBLE until you kill these 3 crystals in his...tomb thingy. [edit] on a sidenote, whats the biggest monster youv ever seen in a game (pc only, i mean like in those mmorpg's) Quote
ResidentPS2 Posted June 12, 2003 Posted June 12, 2003 I remember one of the Seymour boss battles in FFX being pretty hard. I believe it's the one on Kimahri's Mountain. Quote
Meiguoren Posted June 12, 2003 Posted June 12, 2003 hmm...let me think about this question for THE DAMNED SPIDER SCIENTIST ON LEVEL 53 ON ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS!!!!OMG does anyone actually have and play that game anymore? that boss was horrible...i mean hed be nice Mr. Scientist one second, then he pulls out a potion like hes gonna give it to you for an upcoming battle, so you wwalk up to him to get it, the he drinks it and suddenly turns into a gigantic spider that i shot the crap out of with my bazooka and refused to die. holy crap i hate that suka so much. All you have to do is dive into him with the weed whacker. That also kills the spores that grow into the ground. Cakewalk. Quote
HorrorgasM Posted June 12, 2003 Posted June 12, 2003 oh yeah...that mountain seymour was a bastard Quote
Meiguoren Posted June 12, 2003 Posted June 12, 2003 Unless you used the FFX general strategy. Fill up all your meters then go crazy with summons and special attacks in the first round. Everything dies, you win and you get to see the next segment of overdone story that is undeserving of the title "Final Fantasy" let alone the title "video game". Quote
Fallen Angel Posted June 12, 2003 Posted June 12, 2003 Yeah, the 3rd Seymour kept me from playing the game for a long time. I just couldn't stand that mountain period. I could do fine but right before I reach the damn save point before Seymour I would get into a battle where they ambush me, THEN THEY WOULDN'T STOP ATTACKING ME!! They got like 3 attacks in row each and there would be 3 or 4 of them. Then I would have to do the whole damn mountain again, plus the fact that I knew there was a chest with level 4 spheres in it and I just had to get it so I could unlock Ultima later on. Then after I finally reached the save point I go to fight Seymour and BLAM, I'm dead again. It pissed me off so I stopped playing for a long time. I still haven't beaten that game but I got past that. I'm up to when you shoot down Sin. I plan on going back too all the temples first so I can get Anima, then the Magus Sisters. Screw Yojimbo he sucks lol. Quote
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