Cyro Xero Posted October 10, 2002 Posted October 10, 2002 Hell I know a few. If you guys have ever played Amored Core 2 then you that Mathiaas is a fucking BITCH! Though he's not a boss. He'll shoot your mech down in LITERALLY a matter of seconds! Other hard-ass enemies would be from FFX. At the monster arena on the plains. Anyone who's played that knows what I'm talking about. I'm sorry , but Omega Weapon, although incredibly strong as it is, doesn't come close to what Ive fought in this arena. I'm almost certain that the producers of FFX designed these monsters to test the Break HP/Damage limits abilities. These things, most of them, have hit points well over 10 million, some even 15! I literally spent half and hour trying to beat one particular monster when only one of my characters had Break Damage Limit on. He was doing 99,999 dmg and it still took that long. Can you imagine trying to kill something that has that amount of life with 3 characters and your hitting it for only 9,999 at max all the time if your lucky? Do the math. One monster called the Earth Eater......Damn! Not only does he have a shit load of life, but it also does a double attack for at least 8000 on ALL 3 characters at once...twice! 16000 x 3 x 2 = death within 15 seconds of the battle, even with Break HP Limit ability. To this day I still haven't beaten it. And then there are the 3 or 4 monsters that cast Ultima after EVERY attack you make on them. That was bitch, but i managed to beat them...except one. Stupid imp monster. Anyway I've put my 2 cents a quarter more. Quote
Cyro Xero Posted October 10, 2002 Posted October 10, 2002 And there is one more that I forgot to mention. in Chrono Cross towards the end of the game you can choose to go up against this Chimera thing in the sand cave in Other World i think. You're SUPPOSED to answer his riddles and get a prize from it if you answer everyone correctly. BUT, you can attack him and try to kill him with your weapons to get an even better prize, the sunglasses. After every attack you make he always casts the long-ass spell Earthquake. Through a little planning and hightly built characters I managed to beat it in about a hour. If it werent for the Earthquake spell he could be beaten in about 20 minutes. Quote
Zarla Posted October 10, 2002 Posted October 10, 2002 There's always Orion.78 Civilization Mix on Maniac. But that's not technically a boss. Um...Gradius in general was really freakin hard for me...I also found Mother Brain from da original Metroid really irritatin as well. Master Gizamaluke in FFIX is drivin me nuts. ^_^o Jabberwock from Alice. Emotionally terrifying. ^_^o And that one frickin level in Black and White where Lethys steals yer creature and ARGARHAHGRAHR Ghouls and Ghosts in general...::shudder:: Dragon Warrior Monsters in the second time you go back into the monster world and you're invited to the big tournament. Friggin hard. Da endguy in Wizards and Warriors was irritatin, but there were no penalties fer dyin there. Queen Metroid in Metroid II...::shakes fist:: King Boo in Luigi's Mansion gave me trouble fer some reason. ^_^o It was cause I couldn't figger out what I was supposed ta do fer a long time. Ah well. Giga Bowser and da last event battle is pretty easy if ya break it with Jigglypuff or Kirby. Crazy Hand and Master Hand at once though...argh. The Giant Bulborb (Emperor Blublax? Is that it's name?) in Pikmin! ARGH! I friggin HATED THAT THING! Especially when it made me think I had it and then it sat on all my Pikmin and CRUSHED THEM or jumped in da air outta NOWHERE and ARHGHAHR. Took ferever. And there's always the Legend Cup in Monster Rancher II. Curse you you friggin skelly-dragon. That FRIGGIN QUEEN BEE in EVO! Took me friggin FEREVER. Lunar Star Story Complete and that driggin Green Dragon in da sewer. ARGH. Majora was irritatin if ya don't have da Oni Link mask. ^_^o Da boss in da second level of that Ghost in the Shell game was friggin irritatin as well. And Fred the ogre in Quest for Glory I was annoyin too unless ya were really compulsive about levelin. Bubble Bobble end guy ARGH! ARGH! Earthworm Jim too and that friggin race with Psycrow... Getting Balloon Pikachu in Pokémon Snap was really hard as well. Odell Lake. Anyone remember that? Da last boss in Spyro. Anyone else have this problem? Warrior Monks from Shogun Total War. Quote
Dragonking Posted October 10, 2002 Posted October 10, 2002 oyyyyyyyy try fighting those green and red Weapons from ff7 without being prepared. you guys know what im talking about. i had to meticulously place my materia and plan out a strategy for each one. but oh how sweet it was when i killed all of them and reaped the rewards of those one slot materia that have all the spells in teh game in, all the sumons and all the skills. if theres is someone out there who hasnt beaten those Weapons, brush off the dust from your ff7 and get at it. its worth it Quote
Elex Synn Posted October 10, 2002 Posted October 10, 2002 I just remembered. That damn black shadow car from the original ridge racer. How on EARTH were you suppose to beat it? The only thing I could come up with, is to constantly get in front of it. Quote
Meiguoren Posted October 10, 2002 Posted October 10, 2002 THE last boss in Spyro is a cakewalk. You just have to learn to dash the entire thing and find the shortcuts. Then you jump on all THE platforms until you reach him and you win THE game. Quote
Neb Posted October 10, 2002 Posted October 10, 2002 Exdeath from FF5 was one hell of a mean bitch. Toughest endgame boss from FF4-7. In the end I only beat the bastard by making all of my characters Mimics and cheesing through it by constantly Miming Bahamut summons, Flares and Holy spells. He really fooled me at first, too. I started out thinking that he'd be as easy as Zeromus or Kefka after bitchslapping his first form. Then out comes this second form and I think, "Ah, another easy battle....." About six losses later I'd changed my opinion. Emerald Weapon from FF7 wasn't too bad. He did 1111 multiplied by the amount of Materia that a character carried. So you just had to go down to one Phoenix linked to a Final Attack for each. A high-powered Knights Of The Round for one. And then Mime/Master Command materias for the other two. Just keep miming the KOTR summon and whenever you die you'll be resurrected with full HP AND do some damage as well. Ruby Weapon, though..... Even worse than Exdeath. After being beaten in about one minute by him once I just plain gave up. He slaughtered me so easily.... Omega-thingy in FF6(or was it FF5? Or both?) was also pretty damn lethal. Approach it expecting just another easy battle..... Die within five seconds. Chrono Trigger had one tough boss that I remember. Second boss that you fight in the game, I believe, or the third. The Dragon Engine, the one that you battle while in the Present Time prison. You more or less HAVE to find the hidden Lode Sword to defeat it, and even then it's a challenge! Usually takes me about 3-5 fights to defeat it if I haven't done any purposeful levelling earlier on and just engage it in a fair battle. Can't really think of any other tough bosses that I've had problems with.... Btw, I've heard a rumour that Ruby Weapon will die if you smack him with 55 Phoenix Downs or something akin to it, is this true? Might give me a chance next time I fight the bastard Quote
The Coop Posted October 20, 2002 Author Posted October 20, 2002 New boss... The Eternal Champion in the Genesis version of Eternal Champions. The Sega CD version kinda toned this guy down, but the Genesis version of him shows no mercy whatsoever. He's fast, does a lot of damage with just a weak hit and not only do you have to beat him, you have to beat him 5 TIMES!!!!! That's once for each form If he beats you, game's over. No continues, no nothing. GAME OVER!!!! That's just damn cold... Quote
Pogo Posted October 20, 2002 Posted October 20, 2002 i'm gonna have to go with Omega Weapon in ff8, but only on the condition that you don't use Hero or Holy War... Of course, Omega in ff5 kicked my ass too... i guess i'll go back and fix him... Quote
Kyosuke Posted October 20, 2002 Posted October 20, 2002 Toughest boss.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Hey what lvls were you guys when you faught Jenova on the ship ? My friends were like lvl 25-30 and said it was cake....i had to beat her at like lvl 7......thats tough ! Quote
Dj Shade Posted October 20, 2002 Posted October 20, 2002 The EGG GOLEM in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. There is an annoying bloody glitch that makes sonic do a jump dash when you only want him to jump, which most of the time sends you off the edge into the quicksand. I'm not sure if it's on the DC version, but on the GCN it's the most frustrating boss i've ever versed. Quote
Khrystoph Posted October 20, 2002 Posted October 20, 2002 oyyyyyyyy try fighting those green and red Weapons from ff7 without being prepared. you guys know what im talking about. i had to meticulously place my materia and plan out a strategy for each one. but oh how sweet it was when i killed all of them and reaped the rewards of those one slot materia that have all the spells in teh game in, all the sumons and all the skills. if theres is someone out there who hasnt beaten those Weapons, brush off the dust from your ff7 and get at it. its worth it Since these two pussies--I mean, PUSSIES--keep getting mentioned, I will once again reiterate the strategy that llowed me to conquer them with a minimal amount of effort: do whatever preparations you usually do; Final Attack=Phoenix, Mime, KOR, etc. Make sure someone has Hades. Hades STOPS the weapons. As in the Stop spell, meaning that they shouldn't be counterattaking. The best team to use is Cloud, Cid and Barret, since their limits all do over 10,000 HP apiece (if you're feeling lucky you can sub Tifa for one of them, but those 3 do THE most damage IMO). Don't remeber too clearly, but I think Ruby was still able to counter KOR with Ultima despite being Stopped, but you can just use Bahamut ZERO instead until your limits fill again. I usually have my active party in Fury at all times (Limit fills faster), but I finally realized what made it a negative status: apparently, you take more damage from attacks. Butagain, if you feel lucky, it's something to consider doing. Quote
Cid Highwind Posted October 20, 2002 Posted October 20, 2002 Shinryu from Final Fantasy 5. That son of a bitch, he's the only obstacle in the way for me to say I've beaten every optional boss in every Final Fantasy game. I'll beat hi someday, for now I'm lazy. Also Val Kena in Legend of legaia 2. Probably not the hardest boss ever, I only say that now cause I'm stuck on him and it's pissing me off. Quote
Trinity_Zequal Posted October 20, 2002 Posted October 20, 2002 I'm too lazy to read through this crap but anybody ever had trouble with Ozma Weapon from FF9? He's still a pain in the butt for me I wanna kick his butt Quote
Psychonaut Posted October 20, 2002 Posted October 20, 2002 Shinryu from Final Fantasy 5. That son of a bitch, he's the only obstacle in the way for me to say I've beaten every optional boss in every Final Fantasy game. I'll beat hi someday, for now I'm lazy.Also Val Kena in Legend of legaia 2. Probably not the hardest boss ever, I only say that now cause I'm stuck on him and it's pissing me off. Waiiiiit a minute, isn't shinryu that WICKEDLY hard guy does like a billion damage no matter what, and... yeah, the dragon thingy... jeebus that guy's tough... I beat him ONCE. just once. and it was insane, and I don't know why I tried so hard, becuase I spent like 3 days on it and he's totally optional... *shrugs* Chaos in the first Final Fantasy was tough. You spend SO much time whittling off like maybe 2000 of his hit points, and then *swoosh* he instantly regenerates them... very frustrating. Xan at the end of UT was damn hard, the guy was SO cheap the way he played. And the SD Lucifer and SD Sathanas destroyers from Descent: Freespace 1 and 2 respectively were RIDICULOUSLY hard to take down. Quote
Sureshot Posted October 21, 2002 Posted October 21, 2002 Got to page 12 :/ M. Bison, SF2, Full Stars, Nails. That phantom bloke off Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story was impossible as well. Quote
The Coop Posted October 31, 2002 Author Posted October 31, 2002 The Lich at the end of Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom. I have died, SO many times fighting that little shit. It's almost impossible to hit him with your weapon, and the fact that he has magic coming out of his ass doesn't make things any easier. He casts spells left and right and knocks you down with ANY attack he uses. Even when you do hit him, he takes a little damage, and most magic spells are useless against him. Someone with a sick sense of humor made that boss. Quote
Baron Harkkonen Posted October 31, 2002 Posted October 31, 2002 The only two bosses in the videogame world that EVER gave me problems were Eyedol from Killer Instinct, but only on normal or hard, and Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2. I swear, if he gets ONE MORE critical with that 'god gun' of his, i'm going somewhere and punching something. Quote
Moonster45 Posted October 31, 2002 Posted October 31, 2002 I'm too lazy to read through this crap but anybody ever had trouble with Ozma Weapon from FF9? He's still a pain in the butt for me I wanna kick his butt Yeh, it took me a while to beat this guy. Actually, i had to re-play before i could beat him. My party contained Zidane (obviously), Quina, Steiner and Garnet/Eiko. The key is to equip each character with armour that absorbs shadow. There are two Pumice pieces available b4 fight him (one available from fighting ark at Oielvert, and the other from a chocobo treasure), so thats two of your characters sorted. There's an armour that Zidane and Amarant can equip that absorbs shadow (Dark Vest or sumthin like that), and i didnt find anything for Steiner (although im sure there's some out there) so I gave him armour that halves Shadow damage. I had Quina in my party from the start everytime s/he was available, and constantly took her to Qu's Marsh. I got so many frogs, that when I got to Ozma frog drop (10mp) did 9999 damage! Zidanes Thievery does damage based on how many treasures you have uncovered (I don't know exactly how this is measured), anyway mine did about 3000-4000 damage but i'm sure it could do more. Steiner's Climhazard is helpful for a mean 4000 ish damage, and i had Garnet/Eiko healing people after each of his attacks. Well, I hope that gets you started on your way to beating him. Geez, do ya think I shud of just put a link to a guide or sumthin? Quote
Azirphaeli the Oracle Posted October 31, 2002 Posted October 31, 2002 I dunno if it's been mentioned before, but ANY BOSS OR NORMAL ENEMY FIGHT in Vey on Sega CD... Quote
Pineconeboy Posted October 31, 2002 Posted October 31, 2002 What happened to the other thead? Did it get deleted altogether? Or am I just blind? edit: definitely blind Quote
engelus Posted October 31, 2002 Posted October 31, 2002 in xenogears the last time you fight krelian right before you get xenogears. then you fight miang....those two are mean. especially if you dont know how to beat miang. i couldnt kill ozma. when i finally killed ruby weapon i kept that damn rose cause i didnt care about the chocobo. Quote
The Coop Posted November 10, 2002 Author Posted November 10, 2002 Got another one. Anyone ever played G-Darius on the Playstation? Even go up against the boss that's at the end of the level who's Greek letter looks like a lowercase "N"? You know the one... it looks like a giant sea horse. This boss, is hard. I don't know how many times I died fighting it, but I ran out of continues after fifteen minutes. It has somewhere in the realm of about 5 or 6 different modes of attack... including one where it circles the edges of the screen (its circling gets faster and faster with each time it does it). I must have hit that thing was a dozen super blasts, and it was still going strong. I think part of it's head came off at one point, but that just seemed to piss it off more and it began attacking with a new attack method on top of the older ones. I don't think it liked me much Quote
FOTEK Posted November 11, 2002 Posted November 11, 2002 The "last boss" from Actraiser (what a game!) on the SNES. Actually it was a collection of ALL the Main bosses from the whole game PLUS if you survived that... you had to face the Mean Mofo himself!! what a biatch! I don't think I ever completed that game... Quote
Alceste Posted November 11, 2002 Posted November 11, 2002 Uh. The last boss in Snake Rattle N' Roll. It's a foot that jumps around the summit of a mountain.. Yes, a foot. No matter how much you lick it, it will not die. I never finished the game. Crap! I could never beat that thing, either! Quote
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